It's the most hatest holiday drink, indicates the survey

If you are looking for a treat that everyone will love this holiday season, look elsewhere.

The winter holidays are mere days more, but it's not just present the celebrants look forward to each year when the holiday season rides around. In many homes,Food and festive drinks are all as exciting to part of the celebration that the gifts themselves. However, this does not mean that all holiday treats are created to discover what people consider as the worst holiday drink. A new Yugov study, in which 1,000 American adults of more than 21 years have been invited toEvaluate their favorite seasonal drinks, reveals that there is a particular holiday drink that no one wants to find in their glass. Read it to find out what survey participants voted at least, and for more false holidays to avoid,This is the most hated vacation gift, investigative shows.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Hot chocolate

person wearing gray sweater holding mug of hot chocolate
Shutterstock / Olha Hutsuliuk

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 32%

And if you hope to enjoy some holiday at home,It's the most popular unique holiday movie of all time, says.


christmas eggnog

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 25%


hot apple cider with cinnamon stick in mug
Shutterstock / Pilipphoto

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 12%

And for more vacation news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Flavored coffee with peppermint

coffee and candy canes on wooden background
Shutterstock / Anikonann

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 7%


mulled cider with cinnamon stick in mug
Shutterstock / Oksana Mizina

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 4 percent

And for more vacation, checkThe best and worst actors who played Santa Claus.

Hot wine

mulled wine in mugs
Shutterstock / Goncharskmakes

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 4 percent


hot toddy in clear mug
Shutterstock / Miwa-in-Oz

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 3%

Hot butter rum

hot buttered rum in mug with cinnamon stick in clear mug
Shotterstock / Brent Hofacker

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 3%

And if you want to make sure your holidays disappear without hitch,If you do not send your gifts on that date, they will not come from Christmas.


coquito or coconut eggnog in clear glass with cinnamon stick
Shutterstock / rhjphtotoandlutration

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 2 percent


mead in clear glass on wooden board with pancakes
Shutterstock / Galina F

Respondents who said it was their favorite: 1 percent

And if you want to get everyone on your list a gift, they are sure to love,These are the most popular holiday gifts of 2020, according to Google.

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