If you cultivate this in your court, it could make you sick, scientists warn
Make sure you are aware of this health risk the next time you jurive.

A warmer weather sets in, which means that many of us will venture into the garden to accommodate these spring flowers. Whether you like to grow thoughts, rods or tulips, there is great joy to keep yourHappy and healthy flowers. But a recently published study revealed that this year, your garden could present a serious health risk for you, you may want to think twice before diving into your outdoor tasks. Read the rest to discover what could push in your garden and make you sick.
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Plant experts have already issued other warnings this year.

Earlier this month, scientists and plant experts called for anyone with aBradford Pear Tree in their courtyard to cut it. These trees are delicate because they have beautiful white flowers, but in factendager surrounding the fauna and "suffocate other plants", as indicated byUSA today.
In addition to being dangerous for fauna, when these trees cross other pear varieties, offspring - called callar pears - produces thorns and throats that can puncture the tire of your car. The situation has become uncontrollable that certain American states have entirely prohibited the sale and culture of Bradford Pears. Now scientists express additional concerns about the various growths in the garden.
RELATED:If you see this flower in your courtyard, immediately call local managers.
Your flower beds could cultivate something harmful to your health.

Flower beds are one of the most attractive parts of all garden - and those of us with a green thumb are proud to cultivate them. However, a study published on April 25Nature microbiologyhave noted that flower beds - as well as floor beds, compost bins and decaying wood - can be reproductive forMedicines resistant mold.
Researchers from the Imperial College London (ICL) have analyzed more than 100 samples of patients infected withAspergillus fumigatus(a type of mold that can cause different diagnoses) through the United Kingdom between 2005 and 2017. When comparing pulmonary samples with mold samples of the surrounding patients of patients, including the neighboring soil, some were almost identical .
According to insider reports, this study is one of the first to confirm that these infections can be transmitted from "daily environments. ""
Resistance to drugs makes fungal infections more difficult to treat.

In general, our immune systems are capable of fighting spores of inhaled mold which cause a disease, in particularAspergillus fumigatus. According to Mayo Clinic, several of these strains are harmless, but some can cause diseases in therespiratory system. When people fall ill of this type of infection, called aspergillosis, antifungal drugs called Azols are essential treatment.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
But concerns arise when infections cannot be treated effectively due to drug resistance, leading to serious and fatal disease in some patients. Amplify these concerns, when the researchers testedAspergillus The samples taken from infected patients, almost half (49%) were resistant to at least one of the antifungal drugs tested, and 12% were resistant to two or more antifungal drugs from clinical and environmental sources.
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Patients with compromise immune systems are particularly at risk.

Due to an increasing number of patients with "severe viral respiratory respiratory tract infections", researchers seek to better understand how and why this resistance occurs - and agricultural fungicides seem to be the cause of the problem.Johanna Rhodes, the main author of the study and genomic epidemiology scholarship holder in ICL, said to inside that a "heavy dose of fungicide" was generally sufficient to killAspergillus, but resistance to drugs occurs due to "progressive exposure in the environment".
"It's like building a tan gradually," said Rhodes. "If he is a bit exposed at the same time, he will slowly develop resistance."
Mushrooms identified in the study had become resistant before infecting human lungs, noted researchers, not during hospital treatment. This creates a major problem for immunocompromised patients - and can even be fatal, said Insider.
To protect yourself from exposure to this mold, there are measures that you can take.

The researchers work to face this problem and have stressed the need to better understand the "environmental engines and the genetic basis of resistance to fungal drugs". As Rhodes said to inside, resistant to medication Aspergillus is present "practically everywhere", due to the fact that mold spores can travel in the air. In doing so, spores can also disseminate their genetic information to other mold colonies that have never had to face the Azols.
This information may seem discouraging, but you can be proactive to protect yourself, said Rhodes. Leaving open windows can help prevent home accumulation, she said to inside, and when gardening or handling compost, it is also useful to put one of these faithful N95 masks.
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