This iconic store closed all places except 3

The beloved retailer approaches full extinction in the United States.

Store closures Have something epidemic in the United States have become in the last two years, largely as a result of COVID's financial difficulties. In 2021 alone,Several big name retailers Decreased significantly: Bed bath and beyond 40 sites in January and February, Disney has obtained 60 of its physical locations from September 15th and the secret of Victoria 50 stores last year after more than 240 locations. In 2020. But a company has downsized so drastically that they are now about to leave only three stores left across the country after plans to close another place this week. Read it to know which emblematic dealer has become almost completely off.

RELATED:Walmart closes these stores permanently, as of April 22.

Kmart closed another store this month.

KMart closing their store

KMART prepares untilClose another place This week, the associated press (AP) recently reported. According to the outlet, the company permanently gets the doors at Khmart at the future, New Jersey, April 16th.

KMART employees in Avel have discovered last month that the location would close. "You always think about it because the shops are closed everywhere, but it's always sad," CashierMichelle Yavorsky, who said she has worked at Avel Store for more than two years, told AP. "I will miss the place. Many people have shopled here."

The retailer will only have three American locations after this closure.

The exterior of a closed big box store

The most recent Kmart closures have just hit earlier this year. In February, the company closed a store in Montana and another in Key West, Florida,Oregonian reported. When the location of Avennel closes on April 16, Kmart will only be three locations in the United States, apart from the US territories. (At least there isA KMART is gone in Puerto Rico, according to the website.) The last three major standings stores arespread throughout the country, with one in Westwood, New Jersey, one in Bridgehampton, New York and the other in Miami, Florida, fox business.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The remaining KMART locations are probably where they are for a reason,Ben Schultz, a graduate student in the history of the public at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee who studied the history of the Old Superstore, saidOregonian. But the next closing of New Jersey does not bode well for future remaining places. "New York had a strong position against Walmart, so it helped [KMART]. But they still have to deal with the target and Amazon," he saidOregonian. "I have trouble imagining them stay a lot longer."

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KMART once had more than 2,000 locations in the country.

Kmart store entrance on September 13, 2013 in Sacramento, California. Kmart is the third largest discount store chain in the world

In its peak, KMART was a major success. At its peak in the early 1990s, the company hadMore than 2,400 locations In the United States, according to 24/7 Wall Street. "Kmart was part of America"Michael Lisicky, an author of Baltimore who has written several books on the history of American detail, told AP. "Everyone went to Kmart, whom you love or not. They had everything. You had toys. You had sports goods. You had candies. You had from stationery. It was something for everyone . It was almost as much as a social visit. It was almost as much as a social tour. It was a trading tour. You could spend hours here. And these have just pointed the American landscape over the years. "

At the end of last year, the retailer left only 27 locations on the US street, 24:24 and 7/7, reported. And according to the AP, some former Kmarts have remained empty while others have been replaced by other stores, fitness centers, self-gap facilities and even churches.

KMART has tabled for bankruptcy twice over the last 20 years.

The front of a store going out of business with closing and liquidation signs

The closures of the most recent shops follow a slow and steady decline for the brand. According to the AP, the department chain struggled to compete with other companies, such as the Big-Box Walmart retailer over the years. As a result, Kmart first deposited for bankruptcy in 2002 and announced that it would closure more than 250 stores.

There were signs of life a few years later, when the company merged with Sears after being bought by executive of hedge fundsEdward Lampert. But despite the promise of Lampert to bring back the two stores to their old glory, Kmart had to declare the bankruptcy in 2018, alongside Sears. The first has only a handful of locations in the United States. According to Fox Business.

RELATED:This popular clothing chain has just announced that it was the closing of 240 stores.

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