If this happens when you drink alcohol, it may be time to stop

This could put you at higher risk of addiction and alcohol abuse, say experts.

Meeting in a bar with friends is the highlight of many weekends of the population - especially now, when we tried to cooperate at home for a few years. And even if we take a night in, sharing a bottle of wine over dinner or mix a fun cocktail can do a special evening. Sip a drink is a relaxing ritual for many, but when you are soaked, there is one thing that the experts advise you to be wary. Read to find out what reaction to alcohol could be a sign that you must slow down or even stop drinking entirely.

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If the consumption of drinking makes you feel more energetic, it could be a red flag.

two glasses of red wine clinking together

Many of us will pour a glass of wine or open a beer to help us relax when we come back at the end of the day. And while taking advantage of a drink - or even two - does not necessarily mean that you have a problem, if you feel ever energized once you start cutting yourself, you may want to look more closely your Consumption habits.

"Research shows that people who have increased energy after a few drinks are likely to drink problematic," saidJoseph Volpicelli, MD, specialist in dependence and head of theVolpicelli Center. In other words, if alcohol live you rather than lowering you, it could point out problems.

Although the increase in Booze's energy is not a problem, this can play a role in a greater behavior that concerns the cause. For example, if this boosted buzz leads you to the finish of the bottle or polish a six pack, you could be directed on a dangerous path. "If you notice that when you start drinking, your desire to drink increases, you are at risk of alcohol dependence," says Volpicelli.

People drink more than the pandemic has started.

young girl sitting on couch using laptop and headphones while parents drink wine.

"The pandemic caused 60% of people drink more"Daniel Hochman, MD, saysBetter life. A certified council psychiatrist and the creator of a lineAddiction Recovery ProgramHochman calls "stress and boredom" as the most common culprits for an increase in alcohol consumption - and during the height of the pandemic, there was a lot to do. "Many of us remained stuck inside the family and even in a functional house, it can remove outlets and a healthy space," he says.

According to Hochman, things like the finish of your drink quickly or always order a second drink, which could be the result of an increase in energy fueled - does not necessarily mean that you risk consuming problems. But he urges people to think about what motivates them to drain this glass or the bartender flag for another round. "It's useful to honestly ask if it indicates a bigger problem."

Ask a loved one for comments can illuminate a certain light - but could also make half fire.

two young women sitting on a couch talking seriously with a bottle of wine in the foreground

How do you know if you get a kick of energy when returning a drink or twice to worry? "If you are not sure whether your alcohol consumption is problematic, start making comments from people you trust," Bochman advises. "Your nearest people can help you learn all kinds of things, such as the consequences they notice, trigger models, such as work or relationships, or if you want to worry." He warns that it is better to ask when things are peaceful between you, not when you discuss and say "make a rule that you will not attack them to answer honestly."

Know however, if you decide that you decide to reduce to drink or stop you quite, some people may not be as favorable as you hope.

"It's actually the biggest trip from people that people experience [when stopping drinking consumption] because of the collective belief system we have that alcohol is the best way to have fun , "saysVeronica Valli,Psychotherapist and founder From the sober program to sobriety. "When we stop drinking, other people take that personally. If we drink together and you stop because you say it's a problem, what does that say of my consumption? It makes the very uncomfortable people. "

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There are many different approaches to reduce alcohol.

people in a recovery group, sitting in a circle and holding hands

If you decide that you would like you to want to reduce to drink, or to stop fully, what is the best approach? Programs of twelve steps such as alcohols anonymous are an option, says Hochman, but might not be necessary for everyone. "Contrary to the common notion that alcoholism is a progressive disease that aggravates and never self-solving, good data on the population show that alcohol abuse will generally disappear." He points out that the key is for the reasons underlying your alcohol consumption. "If you are still looking for alcohol to tolerate the challenges of life, it may be necessary to ask you to remain controlled ... If you treat underlying problems, [alcohol problem] can completely solve. "

Also consider that if some studies have discovered that moderate consumptioncan be beneficial For health, others indicate that the healthiest consumption of alcohol isnot at all.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Sarah, Doctorate, Addiction Psychologist andFounder and Executive Director The well-being of WholeView points out that "about 45% of the visits of the emergency room are partially or exclusively due to alcohol consumption" and that in addition to "acute security risks" to drink ", it exists Also long-term security issues, including increased risk of cancer and cognitive effects such as dementia. "

The church says different approaches to stop drinking work for different people. "Some people find useful cognitive techniques, for example, remember what motivates them not to drink or make a negative consequence in their minds when you want. Others do better with behavioral techniques like avoiding trigger people or places, walking, or take a walk, or a walk run. The others find useful medications. You try an approach, and if it did not succeed, you pivot and try a different plan or add Another intervention. Finally, you find strategies or combinations of techniques of techniques that work. "

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