The woman spent almost CZK 100 000 to look like Kate Middleton

That the British royal family, admired by many people around the world is certainly old known fact. Anyone can, with my admiration and a desire to get closer to its design as much as possible, to go really far.

That the British royal family, admired by many people around the world is certainly old known fact. Anyone can, with my admiration and a desire to get closer to its design as much as possible, to go really far. For true champions in this respect, we can include a certain Anna Reichel, who is the mother several times and she is 33 years old. He lives at an unusual place, namely in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Africa. And her biggest hobby is to buy the same clothes worn by the wife of the British Crown Prince Kate Middleton.

Because Anna live in Africa, so it is quite difficult to maintain a wardrobe modeled after the Duchess. The vast majority of clothes you must order online from Europe or America. As she confessed on the internet, so the same clothes he buys the last three years. There is also the fact that in their wardrobe has spent relatively high amounts.

Over the last three years he spent large sums on clothes

Anna Reichel is literally obsessed with her wardrobe that most resembled the Duchess Kate Middleton. Over the last three years he has spent almost CZK 100 000 and with shopping definitely has a plan to end. In her wardrobe now has about 100 different models which are identical to those worn by the Duchess. With so many it is surprising that in the clothing spent it even more money.

Anna herself in an interview with reporters admits that since his childhood fascination with the British royal family and most logically Duchess Kate Middleton, who is her role model and I would like her. For the same wardrobe, Anna decided after the birth of their first child. Could especially for admiration, as elegantly postpartum looked just Kate. Anna then began to search the Internet all the pictures of the Duchess and started on the internet searching for the same models.

Dress like Kate Middleton is not so complicated

Anna Reichel likes her fresh and casual style. Valued her as a representative of the royal family are not afraid to dress in a more normal clothes that are available in current trade and do not have to spend a fortune for it. Kate Middleton is primarily worn comfortably and nepotrpí remember any fads or luxury brands. Because not too difficult to copy her wardrobe because it can allow each person earning average.

Anna also stated that a large part of her wardrobe comes from second hand stores and from online bazaars. Most models are very simple pieces, so there is no problem to combine them again and again with other clothing. Dress like British Duchess Kate Middleton is not quite so difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is not a limited and no expensive fashion pieces.

Woman is a great admirer of the British royal family

Anna would like to resemble the duchess liked her wardrobe, but she admits that it is more than just a fashion inspiration. She literally considered a pattern and made no secret of his great affection for the entire British royal family. Anne Reichel family had come from the UK and love for the monarchy was inherited by Anna after her grandmother, who loved above all tragically deceased Princess Diana. Together with her grandmother as a child often watched television broadcasts, where the British royal family appeared, and her affection is thus formed in early childhood.

Anna, in her models delighted shown publicly on social networks and thus gained also many admirers and many a woman inspired the same hobby. Of course, that there will be also those individuals who criticize this hobby, because according to them it is a useless waste of money. But it vigorously denies Anna and recalls that the vast majority of clothing comes from the bazaar or they are ordinary clothing from fashion houses such as Mango, H & M and Marks & Spencer needed.

Categories: Fashion
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