7 Powerful food to stop hirsutism!

This time we will distribute a powerful list of foods to stop excessive hair growth (hirsutism) in women. What foods are there?

Does as Eve, you like it irritated with hair growth in certain parts such as up and down the mouth, or chest? Yes, the phenomenon is called hirsutism, which is caused by several factors such as syndromepolycystic ovariesBy,Menopause, Unbalanced hormones, and insulin resistance. Even though hair that grows is not thick, it certainly can interfere with appearance and reduce confidence.

But don't worry, this time we will share a powerful list of foods to stop exaggerated hair growth (hirsutism) in women. We summarize it from various trusted sources and of course valid.What foods are there? Come see the first list below!

1. Green tea

In the first list there are green tea, which you can find in the nearest supermarket or supermarket. One type of tea that is popular in this world has a variety of amazing efficacy, such as preventing the risk of serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and a heart attack. But do you know that green tea is also effective in reducing hormone causing hirsutism?

Yes, green tea is effective to minimize the levels of testosterone hormone which is the main cause of hirsutism, so that hair growth in unnatural areas can be reduced. But to get these benefits, you must consume genuine green tea. If you are forced to buy a packaging, then choose a famous brand that has the right processing method. Happy green tea!

2. Tuna

Who likes to eat tuna? It seems like many use this one fish as delicious cooking like tuna fried rice,Sushi, and others. You can buy fresh tuna in traditional markets or canned versions in supermarkets. Indeed, how can it be a powerful food to stop exaggerated hair growth?

Tuna contains many B vitamins that play an important role in reducing excessive hair growth, so hirsutism can be resolved. In addition, tuna also contains very low fat, carbohydrates and protein. So besides being useful to reduce hirsutism, tuna is also good as a daily diet menu.

But be careful, don't get too often tuna, because of the risk of mercury poisoning. So tips from us, choose fresh tuna type saffks because they have a fairly low mercury content, and consume maximum tuna 300 grams in a week for adults.

3. Apricot.

Furthermore, there was apricot that seemed foreign in Indonesia, but it turned out to have amazing benefits. Among others, such as maintaining sugar, cholesterol, heart, intestinal, and eye health. In addition, apricot is also a solution to overcome hirsutism, or hair growth patterns such as adult men.

Why can apricot be as hard as that? Because it contains vitamin B3, B5, and a powerful B6 to suppress hirsutism, lose weight, and maintain the balance of hormones in a woman's body. Interesting huh? Even though it sounds rather foreign, but you can buy apricot in modern stores like Superindo and Hypermart. Interested in buying it?

4. Cinnamon

If on the previous list there are apricots that we rarely encounter, but the material on this fourth list must have often encountered! Yes, he is cinnamon. Spices named otherCinnamonThis is often found in traditional or modern markets, in the form of bars or have become fine powders in packaging. Sometimes, coffee lovers mix cinnamon as a substitute for sugar.

Then is it true that cinnamon is effective in overcoming hirsutism? Precisely. Cinnamon can increase the sensitivity of the body against insulin, control blood sugar levels, and reduce excessive lust to sugar. So it is effective in overcoming hirsutism due to insulin resistance factors.

5. Spinach

In addition to cinnamon, it turns out spinach is also effective to overcome hirsutism due to insulin resistance factors. Because this green vegetable contains a fairly high magnesium level, which is very good for increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. Really cool right?

You can buy spinach in traditional and modern markets at a price that is quite affordable. Spinach processing also varies, but in general, the Indonesian population likes to process it into spinach soup. But you should not heat spinach soup many times, because it can remove all nutrients in spinach.

6. Merang Mushrooms

Have you ever heard mushroomsCriminiLater? Definitely quite foreign to the ears huh? But what about Mushroom Merang? Yes, mushroomsCrimini another named Merang and has many similarities with button mushrooms because they are included in the familyPluteaceae. The difference, mushrooms are smaller sized and have dark brown dishes and light brown colors.

Merang mushroom is very good for pressing hirsutism because it contains vitamins B2, B3, and B5. Vitamin B2 can control thyroid hormones and maximize metabolic functions in the body. While B3 can control blood sugar and effective B5 to control body weight. Really a lot of benefits?

7. Sunflower seeds

On the last list there are sunflower seeds that have flourished in mountainous areas. So you definitely often meet in the highlands such as Batu City, Bandung, or Malang. Sunflower seeds contain nutrients that can be very important to control hair growth in the human body. What is the nutritional?

Sunflower seeds contain vitamins B2 and B5. So that consuming solar flower seeds regularly can reduce the risk of hirsutism. But sometimes we are lazy to peel the skin of sunflower seeds huh? Calm, in many markets that sell that has been peeled, so live itCemil only. Practical and healthy right?

Categories: Beauty
Tags: / / / / cinnamon / / Green tea / Beauty Tips /
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