A new study finds that older children are smarter than their younger brothers and sisters

You know what they say to be in first ...

Being the firstborn can be a lot of hard work. Your parents were probably more difficult on you than what they wereOn your brothers and sisters, you ended up doing a lot of co-parents along the way and the youngest werealwaysTry to copy you and / or steal your things. But be the oldest child has advantages too. You know that the stereotype that the older brother is theSMARTEST ONE? Apparently, there is a scientific truth to that.

According to a study published in theHuman Resources JournalOlder children tend to be smarter than their younger brothers and sisters. For their study, researchers analyzed data from theU.s. Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which followed nearly 5,000 children before being born at the age of 14. What they discovered was that from the age, one,Children who were not the oldest In their families marked lower on cognitive assessments than their seniors' brothers and sisters. This gap has increased only once they have become old enough to go to school.

Researchers concluded that this could be because parents tend to invest more efforts inmentally stimulating their children from the first born that with the following children. Another previous study published in the newspaperBorders in psychology has shown that parents spend more time reading their firstborn children than with their other children. Researchers believe that this can be one of the reasons thatthe oldest brothers and sisters seem to have better linguistic skills than their younger brothers and sisters.

These results also corroborate a 2017 study of theNational Office for Economic Research This found that the oldest children tend to have slightly higher IQs than their brothers and sisters (although it should be noted that this study only included boys). The study also found that men first born are 30% more likely to become CEOs or politicians than their younger brothers and sisters.

It makes sense to get more attention from your parents and have to act as an early "adult" in life would help you mentally at a faster rate during your years of formulation. But studies like these indicate an association between intelligence andbirth order can not definitively define that there is a cause-effect relationship. After all,intelligence is of character treating very difficult to measure and,Like with longevityThere are many factors that influence it.

So, if you are not the oldest, there is no need to go to all Jan Brady after reading this article. There are many average and younger children who have made history and there is no evidence to suggest that your birth order defines your probability of success in life.

That said, if youare the child of the firstborn of your family, do not hesitate to send thisInformation to your brothers and sisters The next time they call you an acquaintance - everything. And for more birth order traits supported by science, here is20 stereotypes on the Order of Birth 100% True.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: family / News / Science
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