Kate Middleton will soon be the new Queen of Great Britain?
Kate Middleton, Prince William, Elizabeth II, United Kingdom,

The British Royal Family, headed by Elizabeth II, was extremely uncomfortable. The younger son of Queen Andrew is accused of planting a minor. Her beloved grandson Harry intends to sue the Government of Britain. What is it, how not to "the end of the monarchy"? However, Western media adhere to other opinions. Still, there are one reliable person among representatives of the British Crown. Of course, we are talking about exemplary duchess of Cambridge.

It is no secret that, according to the law, the main heir of Elizabeth II is Prince Charles. But behind the older son of the queen stretches a long and unpleasant loop of scandals. British rather ambiguously evaluate his candidacy. In addition, the solid age of Charles also causes doubts. This year he knocks 74. Whether the case is charming and energetic Duke and Duchess Cambridge. Spouses travels a lot, and the main goal of their trips is to maintain the image of the English crown abroad.

At the same time, inside the royal couple, certainly leads Kate. Her reputation is flawless and clean, like a serene sky at noon in the summer. For many years it does not appear in scandals. While her favorite spouse can not blame with his mother brother, Kate reacts to all Harry's tricks truly with royal calm.

Kate Middleton also proved to the British people and the queen that it can be rejected on it. When Prince Harry, together with his wife, Megan Marcle went to America, having completed all the royal powers, she took part of their responsibilities for himself.

For 8 years of marriage with Prince William, the Duchess showed herself as a faithful wife and a loving mother. Although before the wedding, the member of the monarch of the family was rather disregarded to Kate, calling it a mesh and a sharpening. Literally for the year, Middleton learned himself to behave like the most purebred princess, quickly won the respect of not only friends and family of her husband, but also the whole British nation.

Of course, the Duchess Kate Middleton is a real folk favorite in Britain. If you believe polls, it is with this woman that the British women dream to meet live. The following are the singer Adele and actor Benedict Cumberbatch. In the hearts of the inhabitants of Great Britain, Kate firmly conquered a place that the princess Diana had previously been reserved. For no accident, many believe in the fact that in a short time Prince William takes the throne and make his wife the queen-consort.

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