What vegetables and fruit recommends Mihaela Bilice not to get them bio?

If you have not heard Mihaela Bilic so far, it's good to know she is a professional when it comes to nutrition.

If you have not heard Mihaela Bilic so far, it's good to know she is a professional when it comes to nutrition. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest.

For more than 20 years is the nutritionist who brings very useful advice and teaches the Romanians how to bring the joy and pleasure on their meals. In addition, Mihaela also wrote different books that were sold in thousands of copies. She showed that healthy can mean and tasty many times. Through numerous TV shows he has been invited, but also within different conferences she strengthened the recommendations he had and reached the homes to many Romanians.

Mihaela also has a psychonutrition masters in Paris and recommends us to make a friend from healthy diet because it will help us have a balanced lifestyle. What fruits and vegetables recommend Mihaela not to buy bio?

1. Avocado

Avocado is increasingly present in the homes of Romanians and we all know it's superior and tasty. This is the first fruit that Mihaela included in her top.

2. Pineas

The next on the list is the pineapple. It contains the Vitamins A, B and C. In addition, it also has a high potassium and magnesium content. It's highly recommended for better digestion.

3. Mango

Mango is very sweet and aromatic. He is baked when he has a slightly orange color. It is rich in antioxidants and has vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K. Besides, it's rich in zinc and omega 3.

4. Kiwi.

Kiwi is a fruit that has over a hundred small and black seeds. He is a very good source of vitamin C, but also by vitamin A and E. It's a good source of calcium and has also passed the Mihaela list.

5. Bananas

Bananas have a super high fiber content. They are rich in vitamin B6 and are a very good source of potassium, 358 mg / 100 gr. Nor is it necessary for bananas to always go on the BIO.

6. Asparagus

The asparagus is an ideal choice when we need vitamin K plus folic acid. It's very good and when we need a source of vitamin E, zinc plus selenium.

7. Onions

Seven place is onion. Although for Romanians is a super-known food, few know that it is a good source for Vitamins A, B, C plus mineral salts.

8. Cabbage

Cabbage is an ideal source of vitamin A and helps us prolong the quality of life in old age. Do this because it is delaying aging and helps by nourishing the tissues.

9. Eggplants

Eggplants contain iron, calcium and other minerals. It does not matter if we prepare them on the grill or if we make them roasted in a shred. Eggplants are as delicious and have the same positive effect.

10. Brochi

Broccoli is rich in Betacarotene and although it may seem difficult to cook, it's not like that. Besides this is a good source of vitamin C alongside zinc and selenium.

Categories: Food and travel
Tags: / fruits / / / / Health
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