If you live here, get ready for more cockroaches, experts warn

As a result of extreme weather conditions, these cities will see an increase in unpleasant insects.

The dreaded cockroach is one ofThe most hated house pastry. The pure view of one of these frightening crawlers spit through your floor can be enough to make you forget and move. Unfortunately, some stains in the United States are planned to see an influx of these pesky bugs at the end of the summer and fall, but anticipate their arrival could help you take preventive measures. Read it to find out if you should prepare more cockroaches in the near future.

RELATED:If you live here, get ready for "raspers of cockroaches", say experts.

Extreme weather can bring out unwelcome insects.

black umbrella in the rain
Shutterstock / RangIZZZZ

Extreme weather is not only difficult to dress for - it can also bring out bugs that you prefer not to see.Jim Fredericks, PhD,Chief entomologist For the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), explains that "excessive heat and precipitation can lead to an increase in populations harmful to disease transmission, such as ticks and mosquitoes, or prosper the pest agents of Habitat. " With regard to cockroaches, Fredericks states that the rainy weather of this past spring and the light conditions expected for the rest of the summer in many places are likely to lead more about these attractive creatures.

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There is a handful of cities with weather conditions that will provoke a cockroach explosion.

birmingham, alabama, roads, city background, greenery
Von bj ray / shutterstock

NPMA recently released itsPredictions for bugging trends For the 10 cities of all the United States which are most at risk of an increase in mosquitoes, ticks or cockroaches. According to the organization, Birmingham, Alabama; Tampa, Florida; And New Orleans, Louisiana, are all likely to see a rise in cockroaches.

The NPMA notes that Birmingham just had its fourth June-June on the recording and soft temperatures are predicted for the rest of the summer. The combination of these two factors will probably result in ideal conditions for roach populations. These experts predict that New Orleans' potential influx potential will occur due to similar factors than those present in Birmingham. Meanwhile, the warm and exceptionally expected hot conditions for the rest of the summer to Tampa could lead cockroach populations that are generally outside the water.

If you live in these cities, take steps to prevent cockroaches.

caulking wall
Shutterstock / Sandra Matic

The cockroaches of the house are not only disgraceful, but also a serious health concern. NPMA emphasizes that "this harmful body is known for spreading nearly 33 types of bacteria". To prevent cockroaches from entering your home, Fredericks advises "keep the counters away from crumbs and dietary debris", often aspiring to store food in hermetic containers and avoiding out of pet food. In addition, it suggests using a "silicone-based calf. To seal gaps and cracks in which cabinets and countertops are attached to the walls, seal holes and eliminates the clutter where cockroaches can hide."

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And make sure that you are looking for signs that cockroaches went inside.

Girl smelling something bad

Even if you do your best to keep them out, some cockroaches can always find their way. According to Orkin, a pest control company, one of the biggest signs of apleasure infestation The feces of the bug, which will look like black coffee or black pepper. The company says you should also pay attention to eggs, which are usually behind furniture or other spots somewhat hidden. Cockroaches can also give a "strong oily smell or museum. "If you see one of these signs, call a professional exterminator to handle the problem.

RELATED:If you live here, get ready to see thousands of tarantulas, say experts.

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