Drinking a glass of this a day is your risk of heart disease, the study says

New research has found that this drink benefits your cardiovascular health.

Cardiac disease is theMain cause of death In the United States, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC). But it's not always easy to say ifYour heart is in danger. That's why it's so important to do what you canPrevent heart disease Through small lifestyle changes, you can implement start today. And we are not talking about habits that revise your daily life, either. If you are not quite ready to go to the gym every day or to cut your favorite french fries, a new study found that doing something simple as a single glass of a certain drink each Day can reduce your risk of cardiac disease. Read on to find out what drink you want to add to your daily routine.

RELATED:If you drink it every day, your heart could be in danger, study.

Drink a glass of milk every day can reduce your cardiac risk.

woman drinking milk at home

A new study published on May 24 in theInternational Journal of Obesity founddrink milk On a daily basis, it's very good for your heart. Researchers behind the new report - consisting of a team from the University of Reading, from the University of South Australia, the Institute of Australian Health and South Medical Research, from the University College London and the University of Auckland - observed nearly two million participants from the United Kingdom and the United States. Through other major studies on the population and distinguished people who have consumed higher levels of milk. They discovered that regular milk drinkers that escaped at least one glass of milk per day had a risk of less than 14% coronary disease.

Regular milk consumption will not also increase your cholesterol.

Jugs of raw milk at the local farm.

Milk has often been criticized for itsHigh levels of dietary cholesterol-And, according to the Mayo Clinic,High levels of cholesterol In your blood can increase your risk of cardiac disease. But the new study also found that people who have regularly drunk milk had lower levels of good and bad cholesterol.

"This suggests that reducing milk consumption may not be necessary forPrevent cardiovascular disease"Study authorVimal Karani, PhD, a teacher of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics at the University of Reading, said in a statement. "The study certainly shows that milk consumption is not an important issue for the risk of cardiovascular disease, although there was a small increase in BMI and body fat in milk drinkers."

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Other dairy products can also be good for your cardiac health.

Shot of an attractive young woman eating yogurt at home

A historical study of 2018 published in the journalTheLancet reviewed data of 136,000 adults from 21 countries for more than nine years and have found thatGlobal dairy consumption was good for your cardiac health. According to the study, more than two portions of dairy products per day were associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease by 22% of 22% compared to any dairy consumption. For example, eat more thanA portion of yoghurt each day was linked to a risk of cardiac diseases of 10% by 10% compared to any consumption of yogurt.

You should have three portions of dairy products every day.

Young man at home drinking milk

Currently, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends adultshave three servings dairy per day. This equates to about three cups of milk, and ideally, you must consume varieties without fat or low fat, which provide key nutrients without added grease.

However, if you are with the intolerant lactose or you choose not to consume slag, the USDA says to fill your diet with "foods that provide the range of nutrients generally obtained from dairy, including protein, including protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin. A."

RELATED:Eat this only thing can reduce your risk of cancer in two, a new study says.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / Heart Health / News
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