That's why you yawned

There is much more to this daily phenomenon than you think.

About 20 times a day, your jaw develops, your lungs bring a deep breath of oxygen, and your eardrums stretch like guitar strings attentive. In other words, you yawn a lot. And if you are something like me, you probably do it without giving it a second thought. Let's admit it: "Why do we yaw?"Is it not a question that crosses a lot of mind. But it's a sentence, because the answers (yes, there are several) are fascinating in its own right. Here, organized from" I think I knew that one "to" really? It's a bit troubling, "are the most common reasons for you.

You are bored.

Yeah, yes, the oldest excuse in the book is actually the real excuse in the book. According to Bill Fish, a certified sleep coach and co-founder ofTo spill, the sleep information site, there are many reasons why your body forces you to yawn - and most of them reallynot To refer toHow much sleep you have The night before. For one, yawning could simply send the signal to others you are bored. In fact, according to ato study Realized by the University of the Temple, we tend to yaw more when stimulation is missing. So, basically, when you are bored of your mind, your brain tries to keep your body alert and attentive despite the trouble or tired.

You are tired.

DUH. But a deep dive reveals that it's more interesting than just that. Although many think that yawning is a symptom of bad sleep habits, it's not quite the case - even if it can contribute to reason,according to A group of researchers at the University of Vienna. In their study, they have deduced that the real reason that people yawned consisted of reducing the temperature of the brain - and that the sleepy bodies tend to set the basic body temperatures more time, temperatures tend to rise more quickly, Apply the need to put some yawn to mitigate our body in a colder kingdom.

You have seen someone other yawn.

Made:yawning is contagious. Even among other dogs, wolves and primates similar to animals, a yawn can be almost impossible to escape when you look at someone else engaging in the act. This COPYCAT effect has been arranged in ato study inPsychological file, where participants were treated more frequently when asked to read the literature on the ear, compared to those who have just read scratches or reverie.

You are stressed.

Even when you feel stressed and on a high alert, your body can always instigate a few gagges likely to feel without a doubt outside the place. And, although there was little formal research on the correlation between yawlings and anxiety,many researchers Note that even the dogs yawn when you feel worried. The gagements are often introduced as a way to keep the cerebral alert and awakened traits necessary for the possession ofbarrel through stressful circumstances. (By the way, the yawning excessively is even considered a "suspicious behavior of passengers" by the TSA - so keep your nerves at your check the next time you pass the airport security.)

You are hungry.

Since hungry, as exhaustion, can also effectively increase brain temperatures, we are more likely to yawn when the meal time rides around. An easy trick for the fight against these gagges: snack every few hours throughout the day. And to make sure that you do not give up negative health effects in the effort of Tamper your gagges,Keep snacks and healthy: Apples, carrots, hummus - that kind of thing.

You have just supported a difficult workout.

Since the comedy-foot of a difficult workout can affect your body and your brain, yawn can be a useful mechanism for the brain, because it can help relieve your body in a state of facility, according to Robert Projuring, a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland, County Baltimore and author ofCurious behavior: yawn, laugh, hoquecuping and beyond. "Just after waking up and before bedtime, which is consistent with the role of yawning in the facilitation of state changes: sleep on the day before, to sleep, excitement to the deexpose or vice versa", A-T- he declaresCable.

You get a migraine.

If you meet gags at a more increased interval, you could be the first symptom of a migraine at your way. That's all according to Angie Glaser, Migraine content publisher, a digital community for people with migraines and the author of the blogChronic migraine life. "The yawning is a current sign that the first step of a migraine, called the proDrome, already occurs in the brain. Before the pain phase starts, about 75% of people with migraine will suffer symptoms. like fatigue, mood and desires of food. This fatigue leads to a lot of yawning - and is a clear index that it is time to take drugs or find a place to go to bed before the attack on the Migraine is worse, "she says.

Your brain has to cool.

In another scientific company, your gagements are really capable of increasing the blood flow in your neck and your face, as well as the large inhale giving a boost to the blood and liquid of the spine of your body. These changes concern another key element of our gags, presented by the study of the above mentioned Vienna University. During this study, researchers really found that participants were more likely to yawned at about 20º Celsius (at 68 ° Fahrenheit), because, according to the researchers, this temperature was sufficiently hot for the brains of the brains. participants report brain cooling.

Your blood needs oxygen.

To become a scientist, the yellowing always plays a role in the respiratory functions of the body, giving an influx of oxygen to your blood and helping to refuse it of all toxins. So, if you do not breathe as much as your body would like it, the gagges are designed to help bring oxygen to your private oxygen blood.

You could have a sleep disorder or a brain condition.

If you find that your yawn is excessive, especially to the point of hurting the muscles of your neck, your face and jaw, then it can be a symptom of a sleep disorder or a brain condition. When the nerve vague - the part of your nervous system that connects the throat and abdomen to the brain - meets a reaction, it can indicate that your brain seems to have its crossed signals, or perhaps a sleep disorder is causing fatigue extreme throughout your body. In any case, you give yourself at a doctor to make sure.

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