More than 60 years? This 5-minute corporal workout can change your life

This simple routine can improve your stability and reduce your risk of falls.

For those 60 years and over, staying active is everything - to maintain your muscle mass, so that the fitness of continuing to take advantage of your favorite activities and strengthen your bone health to improve your stability to reduce falls. After all, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the older 36 million adults fall each year, which can result in serious injury such as hip fractures and even brain injuries, all affecting the quality of life. Moreover, more than30,000 seniors die each year because of a fall.

Having a bad scale and bad stability while you get older, it's worse for you that you do not realize it. Believe it or not, equilibrium is too cognitive and demanding-bodily - difficult, not only your leg muscles and ankle, but also your inner ear, your eyes, your joints and your brain, which must all coordinate to treat a vast amount of information to understand where you are in space and to make sure you do not fall.

"People who have a bad balance do not live so long," Dawn Skelton, Ph.D., Professor at the University of Glasgow Caledonia in the United Kingdom, explained on the popular BBC Health PodcastJust one thing. "It has more to do with the brain and brain that can do the right thing. If it does not do it well for balance, it probably does not do it well for your hormones and cardiovascular system. C ' is a decline marker. "

That's why it's crucial that you integrate stability exercises into your force drive routine when you get older. If you want to improve your stability and your balance, I set up a quick and easy routine (5 minutes!) You can do at home without weight or equipment. Make this routine of at least 2 to 3 times a week to see and feel results. This will help you stay active, maintain balance and live a higher quality of life. So, set your timer for 300 seconds and make as many turns from the following exercises at the back. And for more harvesting the benefits of exercise in your older years, checkExercise that best suits Alzheimer's beating.


Pushup board (3-6 representatives each arm)

plank to pushup

Bring a board position from the forearm with your back and your heart tight and your squeezed slips. Start exercise by pushing you with one hand, then finish with each other. Return to the position of the board, then start the movement with the other arm. For big exercises, you can do, see these5-minute exercises for a fast flattened stomach.


Steps UPS (8 representatives each leg)

Step ups

Start by placing your foot on a low walking, a box or a bench. Keep your tight high and soft chest, press the front leg heel and push it down to increase. Fleep your quad and glue up the motion, and then reduce control before performing another representative. Make all the representatives on one leg before moving on to the other.


Lift of the lateral hip (6-8 representatives on each side)

side plank hip lift

Start by preparing for the wall with your heels, your buttocks and your shoulders touch the wall. Get your shoulder online with your wrist and your feet stacked on each other. Keeping your tight core and squeezed slips, tilt and flex your right hips from top to bottom, hold down the voltage in your oblique.


Reach the unique leg (6 representatives each leg)

single leg deadlift reach

High stand with your arms vertically above your head and a high knee at the front of you, as if you walk a staircase. Then, slowly lean your body like touching the floor with your fingers. As you do, prolong your leg elevated behind you. Keep your back straight throughout the move. Then come slowly to the starting position. And for more new exercises that you can use, see here forOne of the walking exercises that can predict your death risk, said a study.

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