11 superb photos of Rome covered with snow
Very rarely done in the eternal city.

Monday, the sunny city of Rome woke up at its first snowfall in six years. While the unusually cold and windy weather has caused serious problems for civilians, including seven victims of Europe so far, the Italians celebrate the rare beauty introduced by what the British media has named "the East Beast" (A monikeer derived from the fact that the cold burst comes from Siberia). You will find below some of the best instant social media of this natural wonder. And for more examples of our recent crazy winter, check these16 Insensated Photos of Cyclone Bomb.
1 Sunny snow day
Andrea stroppa Enjoy the snow of the day at the Coliseum.
2 Buried inhumation vaults in the snow
Stephen Kay I have this mausoleum shot of Hadrian covered with snow. And if you find yourself in a similar snowy situation, make sure you are prepared by reading the12 ways of Genius stay warm in winter.
3 The snow of silence
Another beautiful photo of Stephen Kay, this time the Roman forum. "No people, just incredibly peaceful,"he wrote.
4 Palm trees in the snow
"When Virginia Raggi has preferred all the schools on Monday (Mexico), I thought it was ridiculous. And then I woke up. I never saw that in 3.5 years,"Guardian Corresponding to Rome
5 Love in the middle of snowflakes
Instagram userstefangram83Shared this beautiful picture of a couple walking together under the snow.
6 Neve Roma
"And so it starts," wrote a twitter user underneathThis beautiful photo.
7 Red snow
The clay on Trajan's markets has made the snowall the more pronounced.
8 Snowflowers
"Nobody told plums in my street, he went Neiger," AFP journalistAngus Mackinnon wrote.
9 Largo Argentina
Another instant Stephen Kay,This time the famous place in Rome, Italy, with four Roman Republican temples and vestiges of the Pompey Theater.
10 Kindness warms cold
Two people help each otheron snow Morning streets.
11 Winter fairs
Castello Orsini, In the countryside near Rome, belongs to a tales book today. And for wild meteorological shots,Discover these crazy photos of the flood of Paris.
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