17 surprising foods containing chemicals and food dyes

Even if you think you eat a clean diet, you can still consume dyes and chemicals that carry potential health risks.

Been to the beautiful pink hue that makes a mesh of salmon so delicious? And the brunette color grid that makes your flavored cinnamongroats Watch fresh your own kitchen? Well, it's probably false - and riddled with harmful chemicals to start. And while it's notalways The case, it is not secret that food manufacturers are based on color additives so that their products appear more appetizing. They also rely on these colors to communicate to consumers how their food will have taste. (People know that a purple keel, for example, will probably have a taste for grapes.)

But these synthetic colors are not used in candy and psychedelic sodas. Apparently innocent foods like pickles, oats and sauce actually rest on false colors and flavors to reach their appearance and taste. In fact, cheese and butter were the first foods for which the US government authorized the use of artificial dyes in the 1800s, according to theFDA.

Since then, we have learned a lot about the harmful effects of these practices. For example, we now know that yellow # 5 and yellow # 6 (found in butterflies and M & MS) promote attention deficit disorder (add) in children. We have discovered that the color of the caramel (abundant in coffee drinks, soda, salad dressings and soup) is apotential carcinogen. We also know that perfluoroctanoic acid (found in microwave blown corn) - the same toxic tips found in Teflon pots and pans are another potential cancer-causal. But this does not stop the manufacturers of American food products to put these miserable liquids into our food - despite the fact that other countries have prohibited the use of many chemicals most commonly used.

There is a little good news, though. In response to consumer demand, a number of major food manufacturers eliminate unnecessary chemicals from their products. About a year ago, General Mills has announced that they eliminated artificial colors and flavors of all their range of cereals, exchanging chemicals such as red dyes for natural sources such as vegetables, a joining Kraft, Nestlé and other large companies in a cleaning race. their actions.

Although we are definitely in the right direction, there is still an entire category of chemical contaminated foods that go unnoticed: "health"! Read it to discover which of your favorite shortbread meals are screened with chemicals and non-prefabricated dyes, clean them suitably for each naughty food. And for more insight in some of the most indulgent foods riddled with chemicals, check theseUnhealthy foods on the planet!


Canned fruit

The fruits are among the most vibrant colorful foods of the supermarket, so it is a little strange that so many manufacturers add things like red # 3 to their cans to make the candies of nature even brighter. It seems just silly! In addition, red No. 3 causes thyroid tumors in rats. Our suggestion? Take a fresh pear or an apple instead. They are both easily eating on the move. If you prefer a fruit mix, make a great fruit salad at the beginning of the week and pack it in a Tupperware container to enjoy the work or run.

Eating Fresh fruit, 365 fisheries and biological pears of 365

Not that!: Cherry Cherry Fruit Cups Dole



WhileGreek yogurt Manufacturers are based on new things like real fruit juices and vegetables to color their flavored yogurts, other brands take shortcuts and save money using chemicals such as caramel coloring, blue # 1 and Red # 40, a coloric agent that has been shown to trigger hyperactivity in children and immune tumors in mice.

Eat this: Stonyfield Bio, Bio Wallaby, Siggi's

Not that! FAGE, Dannon Light & Fit




In its purest form, oatmeal is one of our favorite superfoods. But once food manufacturers begin to tinker with added flavors, things can go immediately. The Quaker High Fiber Fiber Instant Oat Line contains a caramel color (a possible carcinogen) in a number of their flavored packets. If you want to amplify the profile of the flavor of your cereals, we suggest to reach natural add-ins such as cinnamon and honey. You will get the flavor that you want with almost no extra work. For more oat inspiration, see theseBest night oat recipes. Even if you are not all in the recipes, they can always give you a good idea of ​​what fruits, spices and natural flavors will assemble in your bowl of cereals.

Eat this: Single oats with fresh fillings, the great value of Walmart Brown sugar of instant oatmeal, organic nature path Oatmeal Hotmeal Apple Cinnamon

Not that!Quaker High Fiber Fiber Instant Maple and Brown Sugar, Tourbillon with High Fiber Quaker High Fiber Cinnamon




You know you should add vinaigrette to your greens to help your body absorb vital nutrients of vegetables, but all salad trim are not made from actual ingredients. A number of brands use caramel colors to give balsamic, Italian and Asian style dressings their signature shade, while Bairy and Catalina are often bright colors of a mix of red # 40 and blue # 1. . A number of animal studies have been done to examine the safety of Blue No. 1 with variable results. TheCenter for Science in the Public Interest Says that additional research should be conducted before it is considered safe for human consumption. In the meantime, we recommend that you stay away from business.

Eat this: Homemade dressings, Annie's Homegrown, Organicgirl

Not that! Kraft Asian Sesame Dressame, Wishbone Italian Dressing




Finally, we checked that cucumbers are naturally green, so we do not know too much why so many brands feel the need to add yellow dyes to their pickles pots. A number of them are also filled with sodium benzoate, which has been demonstrated to damage mitochondria, an important area of ​​the DNA in the "power plant" cells. Eek, it's certainly not what you want to hang in your mouth.

Eat this: Grillo pickles, Farms Woodstock Baby Baby Kosher Dill Pickles

Not that! Wickles Original Cornichons, Walmart Walmart Pickles Value of Walmart Whole, Vlases Dills Cornichons Cosher




Almost all supermarkets in America are packed with cartoon splash boxes, while being "natural" ingredients and "essential and mineral vitamins". In reality, however, the alley of cereals is more like a dark alley in a horror movie, where all kinds of diabolic vampires, caves, bears of blood with blood with blood. Inside their boxes, you will find grains that have been stripped of their natural fiber and nutrients and their coating of sugar and chemicals. While almost all the boxes we examined contained the BHT conservation, a very controversial potentially carcinogenic ingredient, it was apparently healthy elements (such as Kellogg Special K Special Koogourt Cereal) that contained dyes like the red # 40 And blue # 1, probably because the principal cereal manufacturer of children, General Mills, fell to stop using a false color.

Eat this: Van's Cinnamon Heaven, Erewhon Grape Bran, Kashi Bio Promise Bio Promised Sweet Potato Sunshine Cereals,

Not that! Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Grapes Bran Crunch Kellogg, Kellogg's Special K Fruit & Yogurt Cereals

RELATED:The 28 worst breakfast cereals are classified!


Pop corn


As oatmeal, popcorn is a fully total grain that goes from healthy to dangerous once it falls into the hands of food manufacturers. Some of the most common frightening ingredients found in commercial popcorn include Caramel coloring, TBHQ, a butane shape (liquid liquid) FDA allows transformers to use sparingly in our food and perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA), the same toxic tips found in Pots and Teflon stoves.

Eat this: Air nuclei air (see these20 delicious ways to dress up your popcorn For healthy flavoring ideas), Quinn Popcorn

Not that! Popcorn Caramel of Redenbacher d'Orville, Orville Redenbacher, kettle, kettle, gourmet of Gourmande de Korn.


Maple syrup


Unlike true things that come directly from trees, famous syrup brands, such as Aunt Jemima and Ms. Butterworth are mainly composed of fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors and caramel-all the ingredients that have been connected a series of health problems, cancer foie gras disease. Some brands are even adding sodium hexamaphosphate to their bottles. In animal studies, it has been shown that the chemical inhibits growth and causes swelling of the kidneys and a decalcification of bones. Although we can not be sure that humans would resent the same side effects, you really want to interfere with something that could harm a living creature? We would not do it. Another reason to stay with real tips: grade a syrups have a concentrated sweet scrap flavor, so a little bit in terms of flavor. The less you need to pour, fewer calories and teaspoons of sugar that you will take it - a victory iffast weight loss is part of your health goals.

Eat this: Maple Grove Dark Orange Maple Syrup or Maple Grade Syrup

Not that! Aunt Jemima Butter Rich Syrup, Mrs Butterworth's Original Original Sirop


Protein bars


You dorce in aprotein barTo obtain the nutrition of hunger-which hatred on the race. Of course, there may be protein and fiber in your choice bar, but chances are good, you also get a portion of heavyweight caramel and zinc oxide, the chemical that lends solar cream SA Milky white tint. Yum? Not really…

Eat this: Aloha Black Chocolate Coconut Protein Bars, Simpperprotein Bar Cinnamon Pecan

Not that! Metx Chocolate Fudge Deluxe, Pure Chocolate Deluxe Protein


Peanut Butter

Unless your peanut butter is only made from nuts and salt, put it back on the shelf. Conventional Trafal Like Jif and Skippy charge their products with partially hydrogenated oils and arterial oils) of oils and zinc oxide (that is, white white). To find out how your nut butter is accumulating against competition, consult our exclusive report,The top 36 peanut butters are classified!.

Eat this: Natural Butter of Smucker Natural Peanut, Maranatha Organic Peanut Butter

Not that!Creamy Cacahuet Butter Jif, Creamy Jif Reduced Grease, Creamy Peanut Butter Skippy




Caramel color glutamate and monosodium (an additive that has been shown that appetite) is extensively present in the jerky driveway. Stick to the top articles classified in our report,The best and the worst jerky beef To make sure your high protein snack is a clean consumption.

Eat this: The new spicy Beef Primal Sackcy

Not that! Sweet Baby Ray's Original Beef Jerky, Coupé de Chef's Cut Real Steak Serky


Nutritional Shakes and Smoothies


For the active people on the move, a bottle protein may seem sent by the sky. Of course, they are marketed as simple means of reconstructing lost glycogen stores and losing weight, but the reality is that the majority of these smokes and smoothies are really only liquids of things like zinc oxide, Red # 3, caramel color and artificial. flavors and sweeteners. Our advice? Count these bad boy badges at the edge of the sidewalk and do a shake with one of these rankedprotein powders. If you really need something pre-mixed. We are fans of nutrition protein protein protein nourished with Orgain grass.

Eat this: DIY Shakes, Nutritional Protein Nutrition Protein Move to Organic Grass Protein

Not that!SlimFast Advanced Nutrition Smoothies, Assimile Chocolate Nutritional Shake, Kellogg Protein Smokes, Fruit Fruit Yogurt Smoothies


Flavored apples

Sometimes it is better to spread creativity and glue with the original - and when it comes to flavored apples, it could not be more true. (And what is the point of eating aAppleSauce that has the taste of another fruit, anyway?) Instead of relying on whole fruits and extracts, food manufacturers pull red # 40, blue # 1 and yellow n ° 6 In their containers to give them a vibrant hue. And talking about bad apples, make sure you knowThe worst way to eat an apple!

Eat this: Santa Cruz Apple Fishing Sauce Cups, Santa Cruz Apple Apricot Cups, Santa Cruz Apple Apple, Natural Complete Mottle With Mashed Fresh Fruit Mashed,

Not that!: Compossuce flavored with walmart strawberry strawberry strawberry, strawberry potatoes, with mott strawberry, with strawberry strawberry, mott with mottom mango fish



If the sauce is brown when you do it on your hob, why should food manufacturers dye this hue with caramel dye? The world might never know it! If you do not have time to make your Turkey from scratch, stick with a biological variety to make sure your sandy meal does not bitch you chemicals.

Eat this: British of Pacific Biological Turkey, Pacific Organic Vegan Mushroom Sauce

Not that!: McCormick Country Grady Mix

RELATED:25 dinner ideas that do not require recipe

15 And16

Cubic soup & broth


And if I told you that every time you have extended a soup soup session in the mouth, you ingest yellow # 5, yellow # 6, monosodium glutamate, caramel color and maltodextrin (a Caloric sweetener and a rice caloric sweetener, potatoes or cornstarch that has the potential to increase blood glucose and insulin levels. Would you always eat it? Although any store boughtsoups are spidy of these uncomfortable ingredients, a number of them are. Stay on our consumption of these choices to keep these singular additives out of your bowl.

Eating Low sodium pacific biological beef broth, tomato bisque and biological basiliques

Not that!:
Manischewitz Beef Broth, Progreso Traditional Beef & Vegetal, Cubes of Conventional Bouillon

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