30 names of major cities that you can pronounce all bad
Have you had a good time in Nice?
Stealing in Spokane, Washington, soon? Do yourself a favor when you arrive. Do not say, "Ahh. It's so good to be in spo-cane. "Trust us, your words will only be encountered by emoji-style eye rollers by locals. (But it's a common mistake!) In fact, you would be amazed how many travelers know the names of many famous premises - from Boise to Helena to, of course, Reykjavik.
In order to make sure you pronounce them perfectly, we listed here the 30 most mutilated city names in the world, ordered fromare you kidding me? ToOK-WE-WE-YE-How-You-Giled-El-Up. And get ready when you giddy-up and giddy-up and throw from these places, make sure you know the10 best tips for sleeping on a plane.
1 Worcester, Massachusetts
The good way to pronounce it: Wuss-ter
2 Bangkok, Thailand
The good way to pronounce it: Bahng-gawk
3 Montreal Canada
The good way to pronounce it: MUN-TREE-ALL
For more superb travel tips, here is here20 Secrets Your drain officer will not tell you.
4 Boise, Idaho
The good way to pronounce it: Boy
5 Spokane, Washington
The good way to pronounce it: Spo-can
6 Versailles, France
The good way to pronounce it: Toward
7 Nice, France
The good way to pronounce it:Niece
8 Louisville, Kentucky
The good way to pronounce it: Loo-uh-vul
9 Helena, Montana
The good way to pronounce it: Hell-en-Uh
10 Worcestershire, United Kingdom
The good way to pronounce it: Woost-a-pure
11 Monks, Iowa
The good way to pronounce it: Duh-Moyn
12 Budapest, Hungary
The good way to pronounce it: BOO-DUH-PESHT
13 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The good way to pronounce it: Bays
14 Hiroshima, Japan
The good way to pronounce it: HE-ROW-MA-MA
15 Oslo, Norway
The good way to pronounce it: AWS-LOW
16 Munich, Germany
The good way to pronounce it: Myoon-ick
17 Åre, Sweden
The good way to pronounce it: Ore-uh
18 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The good way to pronounce it: Ree-Oh of Ja-Proner-Oh
19 Majorca, Spain
The good way to pronounce it: Muh-york-uh
20 Lyon, France
The good way to pronounce it: Lee-one
21 Quebec City, Canada
The good way to pronounce it: Kuh-Beck City
22 Kiev, Ukraine
The good way to pronounce it: Key-iv
23 Milan, Italy
The good way to pronounce it: Mehorn
Oh, and talking about Italy? This beautiful cityYou will actually pay you to move there.
24 Johannesburg, South Africa
The good way to pronounce it: Joe-Han-Niss-Burg
25 Glasgow, Scottland
The good way to pronounce it: To taste
26 The Hague, Netherlands
The good way to pronounce it:HAYG
27 Phuket, Thailand
The good way to pronounce it: Poo-get
28 Melbourne, Australia
The good way to pronounce it: Melique
29 Reykjavik, Iceland
The good way to pronounce it: Ray-Keeya-Vick
30 Boston, Massachusetts
The good way to pronounce it (as the inhabitants, there is Heah?): Baw-stin
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