17 Expert Sex moves the best lovers always

Tips for truly judo from the bedroom.

Done: Your life will be better if you are a better performer in bed. Do not buy it? Consider the series of studies that correlated a thriving sex life and a more satisfied partner of all kinds of positive results, including moreSatisfactory relations,Best salaries,better health,and a lower probability ofmental health problemsas anxiety and depression. Although it is difficult to generalize on what makes someone good in bed, it turns out that there are a number of things that make very great lovers regularly. We distilled what we learned to talk to experts in a practical cheating sheet, which, if it is closely followed, anything but turning your game between sheets and beyond. So, without any other teenage, we present the 17 movements of great lovers to the task and when you have these, start to taste.The 60 sexual positions that each couple needs to try In your routine too.

They know how much the kiss is.

kissing couple lovers

A study conducted at the University of Albany expressed the hypothesis why Kissing is so important for good sex. First: kissing plays a vital role in the mate selection - we get to "know" a chemically potential mate by the taste of their mouths and their lips. Second: Kissing promotes the link, partly because we know we are endancing by embracing someone and also because the kiss is thought of oxytocin lifetime levels (the so-called "hormone hugs") while Reducing cortisol (a stress hormone). Their third and most relevant hypothesis was that embrace is the human way to increase excitement and therefore increase the chances of getting it. Theto studyFound strong support for these assumptions and also found that, although more than half of men reported sex without kissing, less than 15% of women would be cool with that. Large lovers do not sing on passionate smoching.

They do not block clit.

kissing foreplay lovers

DataOMG yes sexualPleasureReport: Women and the toute demonstrate for the first time, in a national representative sample of American women - how important clit is to female orgasm. Nearly three-quarters of women stated that clio stimulation during sexual intercourse was needed for their orgasm or made their orgasms better. But before you take away, you should know that while clitary stimulation is important for many women, timekeeping issues and too much clio stimulation may be more intense than she loves her. Large lovers know that clitoris is extremely sensitive and slowly constructed to stimulate it by kissing, affecting, licking other areas of the vulva.

They front loading sex with a lot of Foreplay.

kissing foreplay lovers bed

Most of the women we talked to attested to love a Quickie from time to time, but almost all said they were more likely to have an orgasm if the accumulation had been and without precipitation a sufficient length. This notion is reflected in studies that have shown that most women need about 20 minutes of sexual activity at Climax. It is almost four times longer than the average duration of what is called "the latency of intravaginal ejaculation" -aStudy 2005Horcien only in about 5.4 minutes. Fortunately, sexual activity does not just mean sex. Great lovers know that embrace, manual stimulation, oral sex is an essential part of sexual law. The more they pay attention to the preliminaries, the more their partners are subject to orgasms.

They listen to their partners.


As children, we plugged into our ears when our parents tried to lecture or discipline. Although we probably do not literally put our fingers in our ears as adults, we can often do it metaphorically when our partner expresses a non-satisfied need or takes us to a task for something, even when something is linked to their sexual satisfaction. Your move? Take out the invisible earplugs and really pay attention to what your partner says.

"When you become an active listener, you can have a window in what the person thinks, loves and does not like, and it can also be outside the bedroom," says clinical sexologistDr. Dawn Michael. "Practice active listening, and the learning of it will promote intimacy as well, since the other person will feel like they have been heard and therefore closer to you. »

Active listening is a structured form of listening and response that focuses attention to the President: The auditor must take care to participate fully on the president, then repeat, in the own words of the auditor, what They think the president said. For example, if you are a man and your partner brings one ofThe 15 most annoying things do guys in bed, do not ignore it and suppose it was a chance, actuallyto listen What she says and discuss how to improve.

They learn from their partners.

Dream girl, sex, in bed, lovers

In his practice, his coach of sex and relationshipsEffer RECOMMENDS Customers integrate a tool called "Lower" in their sex life as a way to learn from and from their partner. Cuidoir means borders, intentions and desires. Blue explains that a border is something you do not want to do; This could be the chest, for example. An intention is a mentality that defines the tone to experience based on its values. For example: "I would like to experience tonight with an opening to try the new toy we bought." A desire in this context is something you want to experiment, but do not expect. "It's not a goal, it's a bonus," says blue.

"Try new things, admit errors and compromise in a relationship are all ways to grow, to learn together and strengthen your link", agree on the sexual therapist based in Omaha and the certified sexual educator,Kristen Lilla LSCW.

They always keep things different.

kissing couple lovers

Large lovers know that mixing things in the room is a great strategy for taking their partners "where they want to go. "It is strong easier for women to experience orgasms when they engage in various sexual acts, as opposed to a single act," saidDr. Debby Herbenick, co-author ofBed. "For example, vaginal sex and oral sex would be linked to a higher probability of orgasm than one of them alone. This can be because more sexual acts means that people spend more time. have sex. "

Respond to non-verbal indices.

Sex, in bed, lovers

"Non-verbal signals such as Touch may transcend verbal signals," says Michael, who adds that being aware of body language, energy and sounds of a partner will transform them because it shows that you You care to know them well.

Help your partner help you by talking about what kind of sounds you do when you have a good time. "For some people, it's obvious and for others no," says blue. "Some people are absolutely silent when they are excited, which can be confusing. Make sure you treat all that before." If you find out that the silence means that your partner is not good, try to change it with one of these6 upgrades to the game change to your favorite sexual positions.

Communicate their own needs.

Hypnotherapy, sex, communication, lovers

Being able to give pleasure reliably and systematically is a brand of a large lover. Equally important is an ability to receive pleasure and doing it well, great lovers learn to communicate their needs.

"People can not read everyone's mind," says Michael. "Something I'm talking about in my book and with customers is that everyone is responsible for their own pleasure."

Rather than say angrily to your partner what you do not like - neither worse, suffer it without saying a keyword on what you do and gently urge them to change it. For example: "I like you getting my hair as I am about to enjoy. It would feel even better if you did not treat so hard." That said, if youreally You do not like what they do, it is absolutely your responsibility to tell them.

They think where they were, uh, summer.

after sex

In porn, fingers, toys and penis are shown in a hole, then in another then back. Great lovers know that doing something in one and then in a vagina will greatly increase the likelihood of an infection like bacterial vaginosis that, as its name suggests, will not be fun for anyone. Whenever you put something in an anus, wash it even before thinking about putting in a vagina. Another tactic used by large amateurs is to use nitrile gloves for an anal room to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

They make their partners feel sexy.


Ato study Starting in 2010, the sexual satisfaction of the participants was "predicted by the high body esteem and the low frequency of distracting thoughts based on appearance during sexual activity". Simply put, the more sexier and confident feeling, the more likely the probability of them has a great experience with you. You can make your sexy sexy partner by telling them what you like on their perfume, their voice, what they wear - or indeed, what they are not.

"Women are bombarded many times a day through the media with which seductive woman should look like, and little of mind they measure," saysDeborah Fox MSW, Certified Sexual Therapist, Imago Advanced Relationship Therapist. "Tell your partner that you find it attractive and sexy - often, is so important." Just make sure youNever tell these 5 things to a naked woman.

They represent.

Couple, sex, in bed, lovers

Have you ever heard the sentence, "All we have is now"? Well, that's right. The good lovers know and strive to stay in the moment with their partners. Intimacy and sexual coachIrene FehrRecommend focusing your attention on the sensations of your body.

"Scan your head of the head to the feet and notice what sensations you feel," she says. How does your partner contact feel about your skin? How does your back feel against the bed? What is your heart do? What sounds do you hear? "When we pay our focus on our body, our spirit makes it possible to become more present with the pleasure of being done," says Fehr. "With the practice, redirecting your attention from your thoughts to the sensations of your body, you will learn to stay more present with that."

They are playful.

Hypnotherapy, sex, lovers

Sex can be a lot of things and having fun is one of the most important sensations to experiment. Great lovers know and incorporate a feeling of loft in the sex they appreciate with their partners. Not afraid of being a little silly can be really disarming (in good way) and cause partners to relax and have fun anymore.

"Being playful is so important," says Michael. "To be sexual is fun. When sex becomes too serious, it becomes less fun, and who does not want to have a good time to make love?" Good lovers do not fear laughing with an act that sometimes can end up being quite funny. You can even buy things like dice from sex and other games that will give the sex you have with a more playful atmosphere.

They are respectful of their partners.

sex, lovers

The golden rule is rarely the most important as when your body is closely linked to that of another. The great lovers know how to treat their partners as they themselves want to be treated. Be respectful of the needs, requests, pepfes and limitations of your partner. Large lovers treat little things like great things. "Decide what you need to feel respected in a relationship, set borders and be affirmed," says Lilla. "Expect your partner to do the same."

They are always favorable, never judgment.


Few things are also unique to us as our turn and what we like to do in bed. Your partner may like to be spanking during sex, hire a dirty discussion or take extreme interests in part of the particular body. To look like someone to be ashamed of something that transforms them will not help one on your part.

"When you judge your partner, it does not just defensive and do not feel respected, but it deteriorates trust," says Lilla. "Nobody wants to open up to someone they think that could judge them." Take them seriously and get on what they tell you with compassion and support, even though these kinks are not quite yours - and then an honest discussion about what you like both.

They like to give pleasure as much as receiving it.

Exercise oral best sex cunnilingus, lovers

For Fox money, he focuses too much on orgasm sex. Focusing, she says, should be on sex with pleasure. "Too often, men are on mission for a woman to have an orgasm and leave her behind her," she says. "The largest erogenous zone for a woman is his brain, so make sure you fully focus on being fully present with her and what she wants." And while you are there, read onthe biggest oral mistakes you could do.

They initiate the adventure.


While we are conditioned to love what works for us sexually, we are also creatures looking for novelty - if large lovers are ready, arranged and able to add something new to the mix if the weather is correct. This could mean introducing a new sex toy, experimenting role images, take sexy photos or have sex in an area of ​​the house in which you have never had sex before. Some great lovers will know that, by being adventurous, they enjoy the theory of the Etet, or the theory of excitement transfers. The theory claims that the residual excitement of a stimulus amplifies the exciting answer to another stimulus - like any guy who has already given a woman a walk at the back of her bike knows only too well. Put another way, do exciting things in the room and chances that your partner thinks you are much more fun to be around. If you are looking for suggestions, an exciting movement to try is theProstate massage: Here's how it's done and what it looks like.

They care about the satisfaction of their partner.

couple laughing in bed lovers

Has your partner had an orgasm during your session? Would she like another? If you really want to be a sexual superstar, make sure she knows that simply because sex is finished for you for a little while, you're ready, excited and able to get you tilted with your that you can go out.

"Show him that you are eager to engage more, if necessary," said the therapist sex Constance Delgiudice , ED.D, LMHC. "Some women feel that they had to rush, or take a long time. Let you know that you are ready to stay the course. It will relax and reduce anticipated anxiety."

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Tags: Sex
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