13 things you have to tell your brother and your brother today

This is the perfect time to share these kind words and thoughtful questions with your front brother.

As long as you havePast with your brothers and sisters And as well as you know them, there are probably many important things that are not said. Especially duringharsh, when we have to stop and reassess what is really important in our lives, this is the perfect time to take into account the kind of kind words and interesting conversations that can helpStrengthen your relationshipBut can be easily neglected on a daily basis. Here are 13 things you should tell your brother's brother, according to experts.

"I really like it about you."

muslim siblings smiling and laughing together

Your brothers and sisters know that you care about them and you like them, but when did you say the last time you told them what you think in particular, do you think you're great about them? Many people may not take the time to considerWhat they want About their brothers or sisters, but now is a good time to remedy that.

"What are the things you have always admired on your brothers and sisters? His good style? Being able to keep a secret?" psychiatristVinay saranga, MD, founder ofSaranga Full Psychiatry. "Anyway, let them know about it. When we face difficult moments, scary events and scenarios of life or death, it reminds us how valuable life. Ensure -You you let people know about them before it's too late. "

"I like doing that with you."

Two senior friends relaxing at the park

Similar to talk about what you like about your brothers and sisters, tell them what you liketo do With them - and make plans to do these things - is also important. We all tend to become busy with our own lives, so it's easy to remedy those who are closest to you. Even if you can not be physically in the same place, discuss what you like to do with them can help strengthen the relationship.

"Tell your things from brothers and sisters that you like to do with him and, if possible, do them", declares the approved marriage and the family therapistSofia Robiosa, author ofThe wedding company. "This is an excellent information that can make your brother Sister Special and also comments on what to continue to do together."

"This thing you inspire me."

Two handsome young men standing on the beach on a cool morning

You should also tell your brothers and sisters how their behavior and character have aPositive impact on you. "Were there any moments where you may feel perhaps and something your brother said or helped you raise?" Application Saranga. "Did your brother brother accomplished something significant in his life in his life that you secretly admire? Give them how much it has inspired you and the actions that it has caused you to take."

More than probably, they have no idea something they had had a direct and positive impact on your life. Will master them not only give them a glow of happiness, but perhaps in turn inspire them to do more positive things in their lives - and that will also strengthen your relationship in the process.

"I really like you."

Brothers handing out laughing and talking

One of the difficult and disrupted time lining of money is that it brings the focus what really matters in life, giving you aGreater sense of gratitude For things and people, you could otherwise take for granted, including your brothers and sisters. These difficult moments are the perfect opportunity to tell your brothers and sisters how much you appreciate them.

"Now it's a moment when we have to get closer to our family and family," says Saranga. "Expressing our appreciation of our brothers and sisters puts us in a state of gratitude, which will help us cross these uncertain and chaotic times with more ease. Be specific and explain why you appreciate them and tells the past experiences that come to the spirit."

"I forgive you."

Two senior black men hugging outdoors

Sure,Little front brother relationships are without their tensions or disagreements, sometimes even deep conflicts. You may have passed the outdated, but left unbeited things, always feeling a feeling that you have been wrong. Now, maybe the moment to treat them and express forgiveness.

"There is no stronger sign of love than the ability to forgive," says Saranga. "Address a specific event that caused a tension with your brother brother, because you feel being wrong, and that you know that it is forgotten, and you want to move forward. This will strengthen your mind and well-being, as well as your brother . "

"You can trust me."

group of three male friends sitting on a bench in neighborhood

Even though we think we know everything about our brothers and sisters, there are probably things they did not tell you, of their life, their growing experiences or perspectives on the world. At best you can, you should give them the meaning they can share something with you evenPotentially hurtful secretsand that you will respect their trust.

"Do not forget that personal and revealing conversations leave people who feel vulnerable, and it could take a while to go to deep things," saysTerry Connell, an expert in well-being and acupuncturist who works with families. "If the idea of ​​getting closer seems to be a good, but goes up a feeling of light or light anxiety, keep your light to start."

"That's what I hope to make my life."

Asian senior adult women who look like twin sisters using mobile digital tablet

When we catch up with brothers and sisters, we could talk about what's going on in recent days with the work or a new film we have just seen, but objectives of big pictures in our lives are probably out of the table. Take the time to share your Long Term Life AIMS - with your work, your relationship and other aspects of your life - with your brothers and sisters and ask them to share their share.

"Share what you are working on your personal goals and ask them what are theirs," says Robirosa. "Doing this promotes support for each other and shows that you care."

"How can I help?"

three mature women enjoying their time together at home, drinking coffee.

You probably know that your brothers and sisters are there for you and they know you are there for them. But sometimes it helps to remind them, especially during difficult times, whether it is an emotional assistance of listening to their concerns or physically lend a hand with a project.

"If there is something about your brotherhood needs or your brother, talk about it and do it, if [it's] in reason," says Robirosa. "It can help create a feeling of being able to count on each other."

"How are youreally? "

Two friends sitting outside having a nice conversation

You may think: "Of course, this is the first question I'm asking anyone." But rather than just ask the question in the mechanical way you do with most people, reallyinterrogateThis is this question, looking for an authentic answer.

"It helps to promote an open dialogue on our feelings and creates a sense of support during these difficult times," says Robirosa. "When we share our stressors with someone, we care about promoting a sense of emotional security."

"Do not forget that the moment when ..."

Vintage photo of a cute blonde little girl in with her brother at the beach on a cold day.

Every family has their jokes inside and family mythology that appear in a conversation when everyone meets. But before talking to your sister brother, take the time to try to remind you of aPositive or funny memory That you have not spoken for a while or at all, but it left me an impression on you.

"These can be positive memories of you and your brother and family as a whole," saysReema Beri, Doctorate, psychologist atGreat Lakes Psychology Group. "This is an excellent opportunity to take time and reflect on all the pleasant memories you have created as brothers and sisters and enjoyed with family."

"Let's put a family vacation on the calendar."

Close up of two senior male friends having a hike through the forest

Everyone has busy lives, especially as you get older and your family grows up. But there are few things that reinforce your connection to your brothers and sisters more than going to the effort ofSpend time with them and their families. Of course, this can mean logistical challenges of dates coordination and finding an exit that everyone can agree, but simply make the effort to see them - for something fun, I will mean a lot and will allow you To create all happy new memories with people who knows you better.

"What should we do on mom and dad?"

Senior black man laughing with his two adult sons

Of all the things you have in common with your brothers and sisters, yourParents are probably the most important. And while you could share in the latest updates on parents - both good and bad, especially as they get older, it's important to discuss your parents and needs.

"In times of crisis, honesty and transparency can be a useful tool. At the moment, many people feel that life is short and that we should count our moments," saysRachel McCrickard, an authorized marriage and a family therapist and founder and Chief Executive Officer ofMotivo Virtual clinic. She says it includes frank conversations about your parents, saying things like: "I want to be sure to plan ahead for mom and dad's end-of-life care. Can we put aside a little time for a conversation about it? "

"Would it help if I spoke to mom and dad?"

woman apologizing profusely to her mother outside

This can be easier for a brother's brother than more than another one talking to your parents of difficult topics or ask them to do something. Those who have a time easier to apply for their parents should offer to do it when it would do a little life of their brother or sister a little easier.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: family
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