30 things you do who annoy your wife

Come on, guy, put the toilet seat!

You might think that your wedding is perfect - andby most accounts, it could beBut that does not mean you do not bother your wife from time to time. In fact, you may be irritating much more than ever. It does not mean that you are a bad husband. Far from there. It just means that you are human. If two human beings live together in a romantic relationship for all the time and claim theynotTake the nerves from each other, they are either mutants or lying down.

Can you change?Should You change? It's really up to you. It depends if your boring behavior was causing real damage to the relationship or if it's just ... boring. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common misdeeds between husbands and how you can make small changes to correct it. Here are 30 things you could do right now that annoy your wife.

Only pretend to listen.

couple arguing on couch

You nod your head, as if you carefully consider what it has just said. But honestly, all you hear is white noise. When you tuner, it sends the message "You do not matter". Among all errors, husbands can do, this one is probably the most indisputable. When she speaks, be honest and admit that you are not interested in the subject, nor take a deep breath and try to be careful.

Leave your wet towel and your dirty clothes scattered everywhere.

messy husband

Unless you live in a hotel and you are paid, cleaning women are paid after you, it's not a bad idea to become familiar with things like the bathroom towel rack and the bathroom. hindered. We do not care how busy or worried you are, do not let a laundry devastation track in your way as if you are a tornado of a man's clothes.

Ask where something is without worrying about looking first.

couple fighting

The problem does not lose things. This uses the search party before you even watched in the most obvious places (or even some non-obvious). If you do not find your favorite shirt and you have not bothered to look in the closet, you just want someone else to have the effort for you.

Do not wipe the sink after shaving.

man shaving in a mirror

You think she's delighted when she brushes her teeth and looks at the sink to see the remains ofyour recent shave, As a kind of Pollock Jackson painting made of tiny hair? No, it's disgusting and you should be mortified that you let this mess for her. Take a fabric and wipe your post-shaped carnage.

Refuse to ask for directions.

looking at map

Men can be stubborn creatures and nowhere they are more stubborn than when it comes to directions. They could be desperately lost without a card or GPS or even an idea of ​​an idea where they are, and they will always be determined to understand themselves. Do not make your wife be that of finally requesting a stranger for the instructions while you rang on the front seat. To be a man and admit defeat.


woman who wants to go back to bed

Some husbands prefer to admit to infidelity that snoring. But the most passionate about their insistence that they do not blush, the more the luck as their snoring looks like a Harley-Davidson grew his engines in your bedroom. It is not only harassing when it complains, it is possible that your snoring can be a symptom of something more serious like sleep apnea. Have it check for you to sleep better.

Acting like a complete baby when you even have a slight sniff.

man clutching his chest and coughing

When a woman falls ill, she does not expect the world to stop until it improves. But when a husband catches a cold, even a cold, he substantially declares a state of national emergency. He moans and moans and become incapable. If the husband and the woman get sick simultaneously, well, we will give you a hypothesis that headed for juvenile and chicken soup.

Forget your birthday, his birthday, or ...


The brain of a husband is able to keep an incredible range of Minutiae, baseball statistics like the way to do the perfect old. But when it comes to what should be the most important dates of his calendar, he can not remember the day when he married, or when the woman he promised his eternal love is not. You would think that these things would be at the top of his list of priorities.

Sitting on the bathroom a quantity of ridiculous time.

bathroom man

It is a mystery that has perplexed wives (and women in general) for centuries. Why will a man go to the bathroom and stays much longer than necessary? What does he do in the world there? It is possible that it is just looking for a little peace and calm, a brief respite of the family who, while he liked to unconditionally - can get upset from his nerves from time to time. It's a boring quirk that she should learn to live with. A guy needs his loneliness and if a bathroom is the most accessible safe place, let him have it.

Stay in touch with exes.

man texting on smartphone

Are you absolutely positive that you have to be friends of Facebook with your girlfriend high school? Because even if it's not weird, it always looks strange. In a pre-internet era, if you told your wife, "light up to the place of my ex-girlfriend to share a holiday and baby photos with her," she would have reasons to lift an eyebrow . Maybe it's time for you to leave the past stay in the past.

Showing more affection to your children than she.

dad and kids

Nobody says you should not love your children. It's good and even beautiful if you want to kiss them and kiss their fronts and remind them how adored they are. It just means that you are a great dad. But if you do all this for them and you can not be disturbed to give your wife as a peck on the cheek, you must know that it does not go unnoticed by her.

Do not go to the doctor.

Doctor in lab coat

Guys can erase their schedules for last-minute tickets to a sporting event, but when it comes to making an appointment for an annual report, it seems that they are still too busy. "I'm going to fend for me," they promise, but we all know they will not do it. Do not make your wife be the wicked who must drag you physically to the doctor as if you are a dog taken to the veterinarian. Take responsibilities for your own health.

Love the wrong movies.

watching movie

Your refuse to excite yourself of films offering a bare Ryan Ryan Ryan Gushes can mystify and irritate. But, we say the truth,We are on your side for this one. The heart wants what he wants, and for many husbands, it's not a romantic comedy with Colin Firth being all charming and British.

Contradict her around friends.

don't tell a woman she reminds you of your mom

One of the most fundamental rules of a successful marriage is always to act as if you are on the same team. She has your back and she needs to know you have his own. If she says something that is wildly inaccurate around friends or family, do not call it on it. Do not be the guy who says "good in fact honey, it's not true." You do not have to agree with it about everything, but you have to support it or at least keep your mouth closed when it says something in a social framework that you do not agree with .

Invite a pet to sleep in the bed.

man sleeping in bed with dog

It's great that you like your dog as much, but when it comes to knowing who you should be a spoon with the night, opt for the one who did not pour out and has opposable thumbs.

Think "Movember" is mandatory.

a well-groomed man stroking his beard in the bathroom

Of course, it is commendable that you want to participate in charity and you certainly have a good cause. (The month of annual non-shaving raises money and awareness of male health problems such as prostate cancer.) But just so that you know, it's not thealone Charity opportunity out there and there are ways to restore a mustache that gives your wife the Heebie-Jeebies.

Need praise to do even the smallest rope around the house.

man throwing garbage in trash can

Take trash or change the batteries in the smoke detector might feel hard work, but you are assured that you are not the only one in this relationship making an effort. The difference is that when it makes a chore that helps you cook both a meal, say or does a load of the laundry - it did not wait to be showage of praise, exalted as a disinterested hero who has Finally made the house freedom and secure democracy restored to its inhabitants.

Make other projects for the date night.

couple fighting Bad Dating Marriage Tips

If marriages have their own commandments, one of them is almost certainly "remember still the date of the night, to keep him holy." Date Night is not vague "We will see if we have nothing else to do" type of arrangement. It is written stone, and if you do other plans, "I know it's when we usually have at night, but I really want to go to the automotive salon" -You can expect to be fully expected to be crucified for that.

Using more capillary products than it does.

50s slang no one uses

Take an interest in your personal grooming is a good instinct, but you can take it too far. If you spend more time in front of the bathroom mirror that it does not do it, add enough products to your hair to eliminate the ozone layer alone, you should consider composing it a bit. Unless you are in a metal hair band of the 80s, you take too far.

Flirt with his friends.

how to tell if a girl likes you

You may think that it's harmless, but flirtation when you are married is a new delicate Tightrope step, and it's too easy to lose your foot and fall into a hungry alligators pit. (If you missed the analogy here, alligators are your angry wife, furious that you think flirting with his best friend right in front of her did not cross all lines.)

Reply to "Do I look big in that?" With anything but "you are beautiful!"

upset woman Bad Dating Marriage Tips

If you did not know it already, we are very frankly surprised that you managed to get married in the first place. Seriously, how did you do it?

Leaving the toilet seat upstairs.

Toilet with lid up

It's a gender battle as old as time, and it's the one that husbands will always lose. There is no good reason for not being attentive enough to return a toilet seat to its original frame before leaving the bathroom. What is the hard, really? You may add two seconds of effort at your day. And it will long to show it that you do not have the bathroom label of a teenager.

Tell the worst jokes and to insist their funny.

dads laughing

Call them "Jokes Dad" does not make it better. They are always black and sometimes painfully painful jokes that are fun to anyone, but you. To make you feel wife forced to make a smile every time you tell a lame joke, just because she does not want to hurt your feelings, is unobstructed emotional. If it's obvious, she pretends to pretend her laughter, cut her and give him a bad comedy.

Do not worry about your appearance.


The opposite of the husband who uses too much grooming products is the guy who can not even be disturbed to pick his hair hair. Because you are married does not mean that all bets are off and you can now officially start letting you go. Your wife still needs to get up every morning, to look at you and think: "Oh yes, it's the guy I got married." Not ", Sweet Lord, how did this hobo train entered my room!"

Take a little too often with the boys.

30 compliments, cool words

Several studies have shown that it is healthy for men to have an active social life. Going out for some drinks with the best Pals is a great way to relieve stress and forge strong masculine friendships. But if it starts to arrive at night after night after night after the night (etc.), you can not blame it to think that you could try to avoid it. Make an evening with boys a special opportunity, no business as usual.

No longer thinking that it is necessary to seduce it.

disappointed couple in bed

Sex, even married sex, should not feel like a foot race where the first person to cross the finish line wins. Even if you both slept in the same bed for decades, the moment you start taking it for granted or think: "We can skip preliminaries, I want to conclude in time to watch the game", you will have An unhappy woman (justifiable) on your hands.

Refuse to dance with her.

higher energy person

Be clear, it's not "refusing to dancegood with her. "No wife is under no illusion that her husband is secretly that Justin Timberlake and could illuminate serious movements at any time. All she wants is that you make an effort, take his hand and the Conducting floor dance from time to time. Even if you have two left feet, the fact that you are trying for a long way.

Be a little too attached to mom.

mom and son

Nobody calls you a "mom's boy", but if you feel the need to call your mother more than three times a day and to consult it on each major or minor life decision, often before (or even instead of ) In chatting with your wife, you can not be surprised if the woman you have married think that you could have some "moms problems" of the Otisy-Weensy who need to be resolved.

Be too amused by flatulence.

man's finger

The demand "Shoot my finger" was not funny when your father said, and it's just as far when you say to your wife, when you hold an index and hardly delete your laughs during the waiting for the fireworks of the Gut.

Always be on the phone when you are both in bed.

man texting in bed with a woman

It's not just bad for you brain - according torecent studies, Check your phone at night by seriously disabling your sleep cycle - it could also hurt your relationship. Do you really think about Facebook or Twitter is more important than having an end of the day with the woman you like? Put this phone, guy!

Categories: Relationships
Tags: Marriage
By: v-s-wells
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