Eating too much red meat could lead to heart disease

Cut on hamburgers and steaks - your heart begs you.

You may want to remember to eat this juicy burger until you read about thisStudy linking red meat to heart disease. There is a lot of research out there defending both sides of theRed meat argumentbut the last one can persuade you to reduce yourRed meat consumption.

A team of researchers from the national heart, lung and blood institute has found an alarming link between red meat and heart disease. Their research published in theEuropean heart newspaper, part of the European Cardiology Society - showed that those whoeat red meat regularly had a higher prevalence of a chemical generated by intestinian linked toheart disease.

Who participated in the study and how did it work?

The study Included 113 men and women (all considered healthy). All participants entered a clinical trial that allowed scientists to examine the effects of red meat, white meat and protein from non-meat sources presented on the production of TMAO.Tamo, which represents the n-oxide trimethylamine, is the chemical of interest here - it is a food by-product formed by bacteria in the intestine during digestion. It is partly derived from abundant nutrients in red meat. Each study participant has eaten each type of protein for a month. Those who have been charged with eating red meat consumed about eight ounces of steak daily. By way of comparison, this equates to nearly two quarter-quarter cakes.

So, what did the researchers found?

After only one month, the levels of TMAO in those who consumed red meat had tripled with their levels while eating white meat or a source of non-meat protein. Once the participants have stopped eating red meat and move to one of the other two regimes, their levels of TMAO dropped drastically. It's a big deal: this indicates that TMAO damage can cause reversible and what to know howFood affects heart disease And your health is important.

But how are exactly the levels of TMAO related to heart disease?

Old research revealed thatTMAO increases the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, an indication ofcardiopathy and a potential catalyst for heart attack or cerebral vascular accident. In this particular study, researchers unveiled key information. TMao seemed to interact with the pads, which are the blood cells that form clots for bleeding. By disturbing normal coagulation responses, TMAO could increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Now, doctors could perform a simple blood test to identify the height of the TMAO levels of a patient. From there, a personalized diet could be put into effect inReduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Considering that cardiovascular disease continues to classify as theMain cause of death Among the men and women in the United States, it's a huge discovery.

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