This is what if you want less policy on your Facebook feed

Facebook has just announced a feature that will allow users to decide on all political ads.

Given the no stopover of news that dominated 2020, it is difficult to forget that we have a future presidential election later this year, even when you may want. Associal media has become an extremely important space for campaigns, your feeding is a large building for candidates. But Facebook has just announced a feature that will limit the amount of policy you see each time you connect. While the company can not prevent your friends and family publish (especially) all they like,You will soon be able to block political ads on facebook.

CEO of FacebookMark Zuckerbergannounced the functionality Tuesday in an OP-ED he wrote forUnited States today. "For those of you who have already decided on your mind and that I just want the election to be finished, we hear you, so we also introduce the ability to turn off the political ads," he writes in the room , which is largely on the registration and information campaign of the electors of the Social Media Society.

"We are creating a new voting information center with authoritative information, including how and when voting, as well as details on the registration of voters, mail voting and information on early voting", writes Zuckerberg . "We will also include positions of state elections and verified electoral authorities. We will show this center at the top of the news flow of Facebook and on Instagram to make sure everyone has a chance to see it. "

Mark Zuckerberg
Frederic Legrand - Comeo / Shutterstock

So, how and when can you turn off the political ads on Facebook? According to CNBC,Facebook confirmed that some users have the opportunity for this week. It will be deployed to all users over a period of time not defined after that.

To "deactivate" these ads, you will interact with them in the same way as you do other ads that you prefer not to see. When you see a promoted position or an ad on your feed, click on the three points in the upper right corner. Then you will see an options menu, including "Hide AD" and "Report an ad". When it's a political announcement, "there will be an option within the announcement to disable all future political announcements," reports CNBC. "Users can also go to Facebook and Instagram feature settings to turn them off. In addition, users who have decided to disable these ads can report all the ads they encounter they should not have been presented. "

To change your advertising preferences on Facebook usually at any time, you can report your browser However, keep in mind that you may not be one of the users who has the functionality of political advertising right now.

And, as referenced above,Facebook has InstagramThe functionality will also be deployed on this application. The company has not yet announced that the chronology is however.

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As for what Facebook estimates a political announcement, the CNBC confirmed that the umbrella also covers the "electoral and social advertising of political candidates, Super PACS" and any other group that uses the language "paid by ..." that you hear on political ads on TV.

This announcement arrives in the middle of the continued criticism of the Facebook decision ofdo not remove political ads which contain factually incorrect information. In its OP-ED, Zuckerberg apparently defends this position, saying, "We have rules against the word that will cause imminent physical harm or delete the vote, and no one is exempted. But the responsibility only works if we can see what we can see what these are looking for our votes say, even if we do not like visciously what they say. "He says, however, that Facebook is more willing to fight against" electoral interference "foreign accounts.

In any case, Facebook now gives users the ability to keep their flow of political advertisements on all sides. Whether or not the functionality becomes a permanent device on the platform remains to be seen or not. And for more peace of mind, here is here 30 social media lies everyone tells on Facebook and Instagram .

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