The 30 most funny red carpet moments of all time

Final proof that pre-spectacle events are not scripted cases.

Celebrities walking in the red carpet may seem to be the most formulated and common part of any starry event, but the intense blend of paparazzi, many famous people and screaming fans can also do the ideal opportunity to get a little crazy.

What happens in front of the cameras is a ridiculous intentional joke or an involuntary interviewer, the results are often equal of unexpected and hilarious parts, with celebrities with a funny and refreshing side, we rarely come to see. If you are looking forward to seeing how odd and wonderful Hollywoodian A-listers can get, you will love these 30 moments of the funniest red carpets of all time. And for more lateral rewards show moments, check the30 Funny reward speech of punchlines.

Tiffany Haddish jumping the velvet rope to meet Meryl Streep

tiffany haddish jumping curtain

With respect to the 2018 Oscars, Tiffany Haddish told whoever and to everyone she had planned to meet Meryl Streep at the prizes show. And she made good promises,jump on the red carpet Linking friendship with the actor legend - and know a role inTrip 2 girls. For other unexpected celebrity games, see these20 friendships of unlikely celebrities.

Jennifer Lawrence asks Josh Hutcherson about her rash

jlaw and josh

Prankster Known Jennifer Lawrence was impatient to hit herHunger games The co-star, Josh Hutcherson, out of his mid-interview game, and she almost succeeded. As Lawrence goes through, sheFort Hutcherson request If its rash becomes better, its embarrassd reaction and rapid recovery are invaluable. And for more moments at the classmate, do not miss the30 most clumsy rewards show moments.

Amy Schumer Dishing on his designer dress and Ob buffer


Amy Schumer is known for gross jokes and the light of so-called serious celebrity events, but his answer when Giuliana Rancic asked her what she was boring at the 2016 Emmy Awards was still a drop drop of the jaw. In addition to mentioning his dress Vivienne Westwood, Schumer toolet know that she wore a buffer by the well-known designer, OB. For more Amy jokes and other hilarious comedians, check these50 amazing jokes of comedy legends.

Jared Leto Photoboming Anne Hathaway

jlaw and joshAnne Hathaway and jared leto

Jared Leto was clearly in high spirits after winning an Oscar in 2014 for his performanceDallas Buyers Club. In addition to going around his Oscar at theVanity fair After the party, he also created this emblematic and hilarious moment whenphotobombing An Anne Hathaway without a mistrust. Of course, Leto is not known for its winning performances at the Oscar, but also to be eternally young. To discover the age of the incredibly young actor, take a look at these20 celebrities old that you do not think.

Rashida Jones answering to be called "tan"

Rashida Jones

You could not blame Rashida Jones to be a little surprised and taken aback when an interviewertold him that she looked "tan" And "tropical", pretending assuming that the actress came from the beach. In reality, Jones is the biracial girl of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton and simply rocks her natural skin on the red carpet. Jones' Snappy and Spot-come back to the unseemly question of his tone of the skin, it's not that surprising when you learn, she attended Harvard. For more familiar faces with big brains, check these20 celebrities who attended the schools of Ivy League.

The Denim of Britney and Justin

Britney and Justin Denim

Britney and Justin may have created the most emblematic statement of fashion on the red carpet when they are dressed in denim corresponding to the American Music Awards of 2001. He is always easy to laugh today, and he is Clear that Justin is not above a recent interview with Australian Talk ShowThe projectThe singer admitted: "If you wear denim-on-denim, it will be documented." Of course, we should all go easily on them because they were only 19 at the time, and we all do things we could later in this age.

Jennifer Lawrence and Taylor Swift sharing a delicate moment

J Law and Taylor Swift

Despite the fact that they were already friends who sent each other "six-inch studs" before the Golden Globe 2014 prices, things still felt a little off when Jennifer Lawrence crushed the red carpet interview Taylor Swift. When SWIFT tells Lawrence, she wanted to write it a long message of praise about her performance inHustleLawrencereact, "Well, you did not do." For more surprising details on Taylor Swift, check20 celebrities who are born rich.

George Clooney speaks of hair from Ryan Gosling

The often ironic superstar, George Clooney, showed his stupid side once again when we asked on the red carpet, which made hisMars' ides Co-Star Ryan Gosling so successful. With a right side,Clooney insists on Everything is in the hair and the wardrobe. And for more celebrity nonsense, check these20 celebrities that look like their pets.

Jerry Seinfeld tells Kesha she can not kiss her

Jerry Seinfeld Tells Kesha no

It is not clear at first if the comedy big jerry sewellapping whenHe told Pop Star Kesha "No" When she asks to confuse him on the red carpet. However, when it is far from it, it becomes clear that it really does not give in to the embrace and produces a dignified and funny moment. Then, Breastfeld explains that he had no idea who was the singer pop. Seems to be a pretty reasonable directive to decide who can and can not kiss us. And for more advice from the great comedic, check these24 Significant Life LessonsFeld taught you.

Kelly Clarksse Meet Meryl Streep

kelly clarkson meets Meryl

When Kelly Clarkson seemed to have aquandary Panic at Golden Globe Awards, Ryan Seacrest was afraid to fall on the stairs. It turned out that the singer had simply spotted one of his idols, Meryl Streep and was now on mission to meet her, to make an adorable and hilarious greeting.

The leg of Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

At first glance, it looks like a rather harmless picture:Angelina Jolie Pose On the red carpet, with a long leg exposed by the slot in its dress. But this moment of the 84th Awards Academy has quickly turned into the myth heard around the world, with imitators and photoshoppers that are part of the funntest post-Oscar content ever created.

Sacha Baron Cohen spilled ashes on Ryan Seacrest

Ryan Seacrest and Sasha Baron Cohen

TheBorat The star and the consumption Prankster is known for never breaking character and it was as true as ever when he appeared as his character, "the dictator", to the Oscars of 2012. Speaking with Ryan Seacrest, Cohenwidespread a urn From "ashes" everywhere at the tux of the interviewer, and while we have been able to laugh at home, Seacrest did not fear the smile all the time.

James Corden Photobombing Samantha Bee

James Corden funniest red carpet moments

Even if James Corden had his own writing price in the Creative Emmys 2017 arts, it seems that the discussion host did not want to go to the red carpet picture alone. Instead, theMy late show The host decided to show a winning moment of Samantha Bee, mixing effortlessly with her and her writing team in a sweet and smiley photobomb.

Susan Sarandon, without flap on the red carpet

shoeless on the red carpet

Even before it is known for his political opinions, Susan Sarandon was known to walk to the rhythm of his own drum. Atthe Lord of the Rings Premiere shemarket the red carpet fir, saying he was in honor of Peter Jackson and hobbits.

Justin Timberlake Crashing Emma Stone's Interview

Justin Timberlake and Emma Stone

The art of photobout is a delicate and most Photobomers keep a security distance from their goal so as not to spoil the surprise. It was not the method chosen by Justin Timberlake, however, when hestood up and person With Emma Stone while it was interviewed during the 2017 Oscars.

Hannibal Buss sending a lookalidike to theSpider Man First in his place

Hannibal Buress

Hannibal Buress managed to do some hilarious social comment when hepaid an unknown actor prone to the first ofSpider-Man: Homecoming. The false version of Buress was interviewed several times on the red carpet and no one seemed to note that it was not the comedian andSpider Man actor at all.

Sandra Bullock calls an interviewer not to seeThe heat

Sandra Bullock

You can not blame red carpet investigators to have failed to see each movie they work the first of, but you can always make fun of them a bit. That was what the superstar of the Sandra Bullock comedy made a journalist at the world's first film,The heat, effortlesslythe appellant and keep the light all at once.

Robert Downey Jr. Reply to the adorable question of this journalist

Robert Downy Junior

It's easy to imagine how nervous it should be to use the names of the world's largest stars and trying to get them to answer your questions like a new journalist of nervous red carpet. This explains why this interviewer used his only question to ask Robert Downey Jr. about his umbrella and despite the scheme of a question, the actor alwaysCreated a moment of charm with his answer.

Tommy Lee Jones asking for an interviewer if he chewing gum

Tommy lee Jones

All red interviews are not funny because of the sense of humor and the charm of the celebrity interviewed. Some are funny for more climen reasons, as is the case when Tommy Lee Jones took a long pause on the red carpet beforeRequest a red carpet journalist If it chewed chewing gums.

Joan Rivers speaks of his TV crew

Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers had a gift to be sentimental and cutting in a single breath. This skill is on the full display in this TV guide clip of red carpet where riversdecide to honorAnd simultaneously Lambast, his television team, which can be heard to laugh at the camera.

Leonardo DiCaprio get an awkward hug

Leonardo DiCaprio Getting an Awkward Hug

Having a stranger short of a crowd, get on his knees and kissing your size certainly seems like if it could be a terrifying experience. However, Leonardo Dicapriotook it in the wake When a Prankster managed to get his hands on the movie star while walking the red carpet at the Santa Barbara Film Festival 2014.

Smith will recognize a cameraman of his past

Will Smith

In a sweet moment, off the armband, will be FormithInterrupted a red carpet interview When he realized that he recognized man filming him. Even if it was many years later, after continuing to become a good faith movie star, Smith realized that the cameraman was the one he had worked withThe prince of Bel-Air.

Facial expressions of Cardi B in this interview

Cardi B

Cardi B is known to always say what is happening in his mind, and she did not miss us in this regard while interviewed by Giuliana Rancic at the Grammy Awards 2018. In just minutes, Cardi B has succeeded inMake a hilarious comment About his grammed night nerves and a series of even more hilarious faces about a child and hopes for his honeymoon with a betting offset.

Amy Schumer bows in Kimye

Amy Schumer Bowing Down to KimYe

Kanye West has never been known for her sense of humor and the monkey of Amy Schumer at the time 2015, 100 gala failed to make an exception. Fortunately, Schumerjump From West and Kim Kardashian have done it at the camera. And although it does not make Kim or Kanye laugh, he has provided shocks and amusements for the rest of the world.

Benedict CumberBatch Photobombing U2

Benedict Cumberbatch Photobombs U2

Benoît Cumberbatch was clearly on hunting an opportunity of primary photobouches when hedo a beeline For U2 on the red carpet during the Oscars of 2014, successfully creating one of the most funny and acrobatic photobomy moments. He then explained to Jimmy Fallon that he did it like a favor for a friend who is a group's fan.

Elisabeth Moss Give Attitude to Mani Cam

Elisabeth Moss funniest red carpet moments

Watching actresses of actresses to promote the fingers of Giuliana Rancic's manifest, it is clear that it's a little troublesome experience. Elisabeth Moss brought this clumsiness to a full inclination in 2014 when she, not once but twice,returned the bird At Cam Mania on live TV, everyone, including Giuliana, shock and delight.

Courtney loves to throw his compact in Madonna

madonna and Courtney love

Kurt Loder was undeniably one of the best interviewers of MTV and lucky who managed to capture this bizarre red carpet moment when Courtney loves tried to draw the attention of Madonna byThrow one's personal businessto the material girl. Madonna did not seem to appear by the mon cleries of love, but more than twenty years later, the video is always one of the most emblematic red carpets of all time.

This mother-daughter moment of Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson

Melanie Griffith and Dakota Johnson

You can not blame Melanie Griffith so as not to want to look at his daughter, Dakota Johnson, in the sex scenes of herFifty-shades movies. Unless you may be, you are Dakota Johnson. The mother and the girl had atense and comic moment On the red carpet when they seemed to share divergent opinions about whether Griffith should be comfortable looking at his daughter on the screen.

Jennifer Lawrence falls on the red carpet

jlaw falling

No list of red carpet moments would be complete without another mention of the ease and hilarity of Jennifer Lawrence in front of the cameras. Even when it does not intentionally create the comic moments, it always succeeds in having a lot of laughs, like when itfallen on the red carpet Oscars of 2014.

Jim Carrey calling New York fashion week without meaning

Jim Carrey

Depending on your vision of fashion and culture of celebrity, this interview with Jim Carrey in 2017, the 2017 Fashion Week may have struck deep or stolen. Anyway, it's for an awkward laugh athear the actor explain That he appeared at the event because he wanted to find "the most individual thing he could come to. And for more recent examples of wild celebrity behavior, check these20 crazy things celebrities have already done in 2018 .

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Tags: Celebrities / Funny
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