50 amazing facts about "price is just"

Coooome on DOWN ... and soak in some television trivia!

The price is correctwas once called "the greatest of all time game show" bytelevision guideAnd we could not agree more. What you discovered as a child during a school's sick day, when it was the only show of the day TV, or if you're one of those hardcore fanatics who dream to hear your name followed by "Coooome on Down"The price is correctTobecome the game play We can all agree on.

It has none of the intellectual of snobéismeDangeror linguistic gymnasticsWheel of Fortune. Instead, it's a show where people have a chance to think about what a dozen cans of tomatoes cooked in cash or a dinette is probably expensive. There is no discernible skill required to be a winner on the show, just the ability to choose a series of random numbers corresponding to the retail prices of household items.

To celebrate the 47th season of the show of emblémicité (WOW, really has been on the air for so long?) We have compiled this list of some of the most surprising and amazing facts most amazing jaw on what is and probably always will be the greatest game ever created show.

This is the longest current game show of the television history

the price is right tv show still
IMDB / Productions price

The show is set in 1956 and ran for almost ten years, taking a brief hiatus before returning in 1972. All together, there were a total of over 11 000 episodes, making it the game of the show longest in history, beatingWheel of FortuneandDanger. And the series is still strong, with no sign of cancellation at any time soon. And for more incredible moments of television popcorn, here here30 moments of the funniest reality reality of all time.

In the original show, candidates enchèveraient by postcard

postcards valuable things

Believe it or not, during the original run of the show for viewers of the 50s and 60s, couldmail as their educated guessesOn the retail price of a featured showcase, and if they chose the right amount to the penny, they win everything. As a former producer Bob Stewart revealed in the bookThe box: an oral history of televisionThere was an overwhelming response they have hired "literally hundreds of women AUAN-wenens (to) cross the postcards."

It all networks "big three"

tv remote television

Before cable television has given us dozens of networks, there were only three ABC, CBS and NBC.Tthe price is rightThere was on each of them, from NBC in 1956, before moving to ABC in 1963 and arriving at CBS, where the show has called home since 1972.

Ratings improved when Bob Barker went gray


Barker had to get approval from the head of programming in 1987 when he wanted to stop dying hair. It was a risky move, because exactly the day guests of day had something of youth appearances. But as explained Barkerin an interviewHe was never satisfied with his dye job.

"I do not look good," he said. "Looks like I had no hair in my temples, so they suggested I're wrong." When stopped tinting tinting holiday, he received enough foreign compliments he decided to keep the gray locks. The audience went wild, with letters that flow of viewers who have loved the new look of silver fox Barker. And notes passed through the roof.

You can not get on the show without impress blits Stan

stanley bilts producer, the price is right
YouTube / Hollywood Today Live

No one makes it to the stageThe price is correctwithoutcatch the eye This longstanding production assistant. Since 1979, Blits evaluated everyone through the studio door and decide in seconds which will get a coveted spot at the front. "I look forenergy potential sincerity and humor," he saidin an interview. "And if they can match or surpass my energy and maintain, they are top of the list."

Some prices were crazy

Ferris Wheel Summer Fair

At what point? In 1958, a hairdresser name Carl Slater "Frappa Rich" (his lyrics) when he left the show with a dining room, a two-year-old palomino horse, a weapon costume and a trip to Scotland - at Visit the castle where the armor is from. And it's not even the strangest thing as theThe price is rightgave. Some lucky competitors have been rewarded with a submarine, a ferris wheel, a color television (with a live peacock, the NBC logo) and an island of the St. Lawrence Seaway.

Some prices have been ... clumsy

2019 science

Actress Daniele Perez was a bigThe price is rightWinner in 2015, when she won her own treadmill. But there was a problem. As it was very obvious for everyone in the audience, Perez was tied to the hot, after losing two legs in an accident in 2004. But it was not offended by the very inappropriate gift. As she said later in an interview, I just thought, "Oh it's perfect, you can not write that, you can not do that." It's not even that I'm in a wheelchair is that I literallydo not have a feet. "

Winners must pay taxes

Unhappy Couple doing taxes

According to a former winner, "You do not only drive the background with the car as if I thought all the time I was growing up." There is paperwork to sign and taxes. "If you earn California," aThe winning candidate revealed, "You must actually pay the state of the state of California in advance. And that can be much. When ABC News interviewed former candidates abouttheir tax burden, a winner who has moved away from $ 57,000 of prices had to pay nearly $ 20,000 in taxes.

This can take a lot of time for the candidates to receive their prices

sports trophies in trophy case over 40 home

Even after paying taxes, it's not as if the winners can expect to enjoy the booty of their game come from victories at any time soon. Producers are adamants that candidates do not see their earnings beforeafterTheir episodes have been broadcast, which can be numerous, many months after a recording.

"We want it to be a surprise even in their community," says Mike Richards executive producer. "We do not want them to give up what happened, because it removes part of the pleasure of watching a play show. So we do not want a new car with aThe price is rightLicense plate frame sitting in the yard before one month before the air emission. "

Bob Barker was not the original host

bill cullen original host of the price is right
YouTube / Price Productions

Barker signed only to welcome theThe price is rightIn 1972, and although he had the longest-35 year old as the most recognized face in television of the day, he was not the first to stand on stage and ask candidates to guess the Price of a washer / dryer. This honor belongs toBill Cullen, the so-called "Dean of Game Shows" (he hosted a different play shows during his career) that wears theThe price is rightship between 1956 and 1965.

The "real retail price" comes from real retailers

woman looking at a price tag shopping

The problem of guessing what something costs are that prices can vary savagely depending on the part of the country in which you are. A dining area in Kansas isDo not cost as much as the same furniture At New York. "We do not do Shopping in Alabama for peas one day, then Florida, then Maine, then Nevada," says Richards producer. So, to ensure that there is price continuity, producers have always used prices in the same California-based retailers. And no, they are not about to identify any of the stores by name. They do not want to make them a target forThe price is rightFan pilgrimages.

"Jesse Pinkman" was once a competitor

Aaron Paul celebrity commercials

Well before playing the character Jesse Pinkman on the AMC series of the shotbreaking Bad, Aaron Paul was just anotherThe price is rightThe candidate waiting to be invited to "cooooome down!"

It happened in 1999 and Aaron seems to be barely teenager. The clip is goodthe trouble to watch, If only to see Aaron Gush on Barker, screaming with him: "You are the man, Bob! You are my idol!" He does not fit at home a big winner, alas, after overestimated at the showcase only $ 132.

He never had a deceptive scandal

woman watching tv

When a competitor on the Jack Barry-Hosted Quiz ShowTwenty oneI revealed that he had been driven by a producer to beat his opponent, he had a domino effect within the television gaming industry, with many shows entering surveillance for a rigging of their results.The price is correctIs one of the few shows that have not caught up in the scandal and keep this day a reputation for honesty and grinning integrity.

Only 10 plinko chips have already been made

the plinko game on price is right
IMDB / Price Productions

Plinko, one of the most popular games onThe price is correct-theAtlanticcalled it "basically a metaphor of life"-Involves tokens that are apparently super rare. As producer Richards explained in an interview because they are" enormously dear to do ", only 10 plinko chips were produced. They are so protected that they are protected as protected. They are locked in a special box after each record. And a Super-Special Plinko chip has been included in a time capsule at CBS Television City.

One competitor has already guessed the exact value for a showcase show

terry kniess on the price is right
YouTube / Price Productions

In 2010, a 60-year-old retiree named Terry Knieness, who worked as a meteorologist and casino surveillance, did the unthinkable ofprecisely predict The retail price of a Showcase Showcase prize until the last dollar. He guessed $ 23,743 - the last three figures were his marriage date (April 7) and the woman's birthday, March - and it was so beautiful that the show immediately stopped sticking for 45 minutes so that producers can investigate the cheating. He was not (as far as they could say) and he left with his earnings, although the Carey host was well bored, maybe always suspecting that Kniess had escaped with something.

The audience members have been there alongtime

audience for the price is right
IMDB / Price Productions

Aformer winner revealedWhether when it attended the show, the public waited, for their feet, for four hours and a half at the front door of the studio before having even been allowed inside. The actual recording took 90 additional minutes. All the experience takes about six hours, the average time for a New York flight to Los Angeles.

The cheers are stronger than the plane engines

Things You Should Never Do in a Fancy Restaurant

When a name from a member of the audience is called and are invited to "Cooom down", excitement may have a little frenetic. It becomes so strong in theThe price is rightStudio that some potential competitors do not even hear their own names on the roar of the crowd. Thescreaming is so tyrete This number of huge benchmark with the names of the selected candidates, the public has an idea that is invited.

The bizarre microphone of the host is a goal

Microphone, symbolizing public speaking

As the Carey host explained, the vast majority of people who present themselves to playThe price is rightare not pros. It's their first time on television and it's easy to feel intimidated. The microphone has been designed to look fantastic and non-threatening. Or as Carey says, "We are not like news of action!"

"Come" was not supposed to be so dramatic

come on down price is right saying
IMDB / Price Productions

The phrase "coooome down" has never been intended to be a rallying cry. It was just "three words in the script", Bob BarkerOnce said in an interview. But it was a delivery on the top of Johnny Olson who gave it so much gravitase and enthusiasm and makes each member of the audience to aThe price is rightThe registration begins to shout when they hear their name called.

A competitor once explained more than it negotiated for

the price is right
YouTube / Price Productions

Several years before "dysfunction of the wardrobe" became a pop cultureThe price is rightThe candidate has proved why the skidders and the excitement of the giddy do not really mix. In 1977, Yolanda heard his name called, with the familiar invitation to "coooome on down", and she ran to the scene with so much enthusiasm that his top slips momentarily, exhibiting his chest in the world. (His nudity was naked before the antenna time.) Barker looked at, well, more than a little shocked, but he managed toGet in some interruptions. "I never had a welcome like that," he said with an ironic smile.

Most games are always mechanical

freeze frame game, the price is right
IMDB / Price Productions

Although many games have been updated with digital graphics and more advanced screens, the majority of them are still old, carnival style games, cranks and pulleys and threads resembling carnies. One of the games, Free Frame, must even be exploited by a man with a crank that hides behind her. Carey sometimes likes to introduce the crank operator, if only because the rules of the union stipulate that if the face of a worker is displayed on the screen, they get a few hundred more in their paycheck.

When Drew Carey became host, the game has easier

drew carey the price is right
IMDB / Price Productions

The producers were naturally worried than after Bob Barker departure,The price is correctDo not attract as many viewers. So, at the height of the excitement, they changed the games as slightly. The old favorites were there, but they were now a little easier to win. "It was extremely important that the first months of the show have many winners", producer Roger Dobkowitzwritten in a blog post. The only disadvantage: the show has arrived at $ 700,000morebudget.

The price is correctThe board game is older thanRisk

Christmas Eve traditions

There have been many board-based games and videos based on the show over the years, but the first one, a game of cards where players try to overcome each other, wasShipped to the stores in 1958. This means that theThe price is rightThe game is older thanRisk,The game of the Strategy Commission It was not released by Parker Brothers until 1959.

Bob Barker had aparcelkisses

bob barker the price is right

Although no one knows exactly how much Barker Smooches received women candidates over the years, CBS dida ball riddlethat the number is probably about 22,000 kisses.

The public of the studio flows even during advertisements

Clap back

You must have an almost great enthusiasm level to be in theThe price is rightpublic, and this includes applause. Again and again and again ... and again ... and again. Even when the show takes a commercial break. As a writer who attended a recordrevealed, "During commercial breaks, the show maintains energy with music - accompanied by music, of course, by more audience." At the moment the show finally ended, she reports: "Your palms are like two cakes of hamburger."

Not much about the show has changed in 46 years

kids watch tv

One of the things that doThe price is correctSo attractive, it seems that it seems timeless. It has been shot in the same place 33 in the emblematic city of the CSB in Los Angeles since 1972, and it does not seem that the main pieces have been replaced since the 1970s. There have been minor changes in recent years, like The addition of digital screens. And as a producer of supervision, Eric Mills joked: "The 1980s (prize) on the clocks and sewing machines of the Foots", which will not impress modern candidates. But almost everything about the show, including game equipment, has not changedSince Bell Bast and Disco were popular.

There was only one million winning dollars

Adam Rose was only a California teacher doing less than $ 11 an hour when he decided to try his luck at theThe price is right. He stood in the tail for 18 hours to be in the first week more and more millions of show in 2008, and when it was picked for the competition, he won $ 1,53,908. Adam used the money to buy a house, cars for himself and his family, and open his own day care center. He also donated $ 1,000 to each of the two audience members who complied with him and helped him practice prices.

Drew Carey gave nearly $ 200,000 from her own money to candidates

Drew Carey

When a competitor is a perfect initial offer, keyboard the "real retail price", likes rewarding them with $ 500 cash taken directly from its costume pocket. You may have thought that it was the money that was provided by the show, but it's actually hisownSilver hardened. CBS reveals that Carey, in 2017, gave at least $ 187,000 from his salary during the show.

Vanna White was once a competitor

Vanna White celebrity game shows

In 1980, three years before returning his first letter on the Wheel of Fortune,Vanna White was a competitoron theThe price is right. She was not particularly good, never makes it out of the rank of the candidate and, in his own words, did not win "A ... thing". She was even teased by Barker to look too long in the monitor.

The show now has male models

rob wilson the price is right

Models posing with spectacular prices to increase theThe price is righthave always been women - at least until 2012. It is at that moment that the show hired its very first male model, a guy from Boston named Rob Wilson. According to his officialThe price is rightBio, he loved so much the spectacle that a child, he "fake sick to stay at the school house to watch". The other men quickly followed, including their current male presenter, James O'Halloran.

Bob Barker was seriously devoted to animals

Dog sitting in the dirt

Barker decided during the 80s to sign each episode by saying viewers, "sterilized your pets or sterilized." HisThe plea for animals has not finished there. Over the years, he gave nearly $ 4 million to PETA and finance Columbia's university studies on animal rights. He even threatened to stop hosting the Pageant Miss USA in 1987 if one of the competitors came out of the real fur. Carey, as one end of the hat at the legacy of Baker, continues this tradition, ending each issue of theThe price is rightWith the same reminder on the sterilization of pets.

An announcing error has led to a winner


No one needs more cautious with words that an advertiser on theThe price is right. The rich fields learned that hard when it announced during an episode that a competitor played to win "a computer desk and a Dell computer!" The only problem, the computer was actually an HP, and the error was not noticed until the commercial break. Because he had received the bad information, the producers decided that the competitor shouldget all the priceDespite overhume of more than $ 5,000.

A plinko error has led to an even larger pay day

60s slang no one uses

While drawing on an advertisement for the show in 2008, the producers rigged the fleas on a game of Plinko so that they all touch the $ 10,000 slot - a little tour to demonstrate the excitement that could happen in n What episode is important. Well, they forgot to repair the chips before the next dinner and before we realize what was going on, a candidate played three chips during a challenge of Plinko andWon $ 30,000. It was not technically deceived because it had no idea that the chips were rigged, so they decided to leave the candidate to move away from the big thirties.

Science tried to crack the wheel code

price is right wheel on the tv game show
Price productions

It looks like a joke, but it's 100% true. The royal economic society has dedicated real research money to study the FREE wheel on theThe price is right. They published their conclusions in 2002 "Turn or do not turn?, "which took a deep dive in the types of decisions calculated by the candidates and their winning percentages." We find that competitors frequently deviate from the USPNE (single submame perfai nash equilibium) when decisions are difficult, "he concluded. I'm not sure what all this means, but try well, science!

Florence Henderson crushed a car during a recording

florence henderson the price is right

This can be exciting to be on the show. Just ask Florence Henderson, the former Ms. Brady ofBRADY BOUQUET, who made an invited appearance on an episode of the Mother's Day in 2012. She and a personal trainer Johannes Brugger had a simple mission: drive a SUV on the whole, to reveal it as a price and hit the brakes before He does not hit a wall. Well, thingsdid not go as planned. Everyone laughed on their crash - the car was just two miles an hour, so no one was injured - and the advertiser added to lightness by declaring cheerfully that the price was now "ausedSUV! "

Barker is not afraid to punch (at least in movies)

bob barker in happy gilmore, the price is right
IMDB / Universal Images

Barker did someOther appearances in movies and television shows Over the years, fromBoonTohow I Met Your MotherBut his most memorable was played in the 1996 Comedy Adam Sandler,Gilmore. The character of Sandler and Sandler will enter a violent grid in which BarkerPunches several times SandlerOpposite, the striking cold. They recreated the moment 20 years later, when Barker was 91 years old, for an autistic fundraiser in 2015, called "night of too stars". BarrierTaunts SandlerAbout his age and weight, and when another physical altercation occurs, Barker still strikes his younger enemy.

The theme song was written by a Game Show Themes veteran

kid watching tv outdated life lessons

If you have already humourdi on the theme ofThe price is correct-And we can not blame you, it's a worm if ever there was one - you can thank the same composer who also wrote the thematic songs for shows like NickelodeonDare doubly, AbcMonday night footballandPBS NewShour, amongmany others.

It's a lasting popularity is because it's so relatable

credit card

Why theThe price is rightremained so popular when dozens of other play shows came and gone? It's because it's so relatible, Barkersaid in an interview. While the trivia tests your intellect, theThe price is rightGives audiences the chance to earn a lot of money by flexing a muscle they use every day, buying things. "Everyone identifies with prices," Barker said.

Drew Carey is a more casual host than Bob Barker

drew carey host of the price is right
IMDB / Price Productions

"Bob Barker was a technician," Richards recalled producer during an interview with the game legend over 94 years old. "He struck every mark in half an inch." When Drew Carey took over host, Richards said it was a huge difference for everyone involved in show management. Because Carey is more interested in improving, he hosted the show of improvitiesWhich line is she anyway?For ten years, his style is more casual and everything that happens. "It's more of a whole now," said Richards, adding that they should no longer be as accurate with camera fire, because Carey moves around the scene without structured choreography.

Advertiser Roddy Roddy bought all her colorful and colorful costumes from Thailand

rod roddey the price is right

LateThe price is rightAdvertiser Roddy was known for his colorful and foreign outfits. As he explained inan interview of 1997He first decided to expand his wardrobe because of Barker. "Bob was one of the most dressed in television", recalled Roddy. "And be on stage with him, you have to do something equal or different." He started with pastel jackets from Hong Kong and Barker was impressed, telling the advertiser, "Gee, that's good. Why do not you do more?" He ended up investing in Bangkok silk costumes, which became his style of signature.

Three candidates won $ 80,000 on the big wheel


This happened in 2017, when the showcase still popular showcase-otherly known as Wheel Wheel fix a new record when three candidates won a combination of $ 80,000 in one round. How did that happen? All three span the mark of $ 1, which wins them with a great and an extra spin. And then two of them landed on the same mark a second time, which earned them a reduction of $ 25,000 each.

A woman almost failed her chance to play because she was in the bathroom.

an empty roll of toilet paper against a blue background

At all times to take a break from the bathroom, the poor Patricia Bernard had to do it, just as the advertiser was about to invite another round of competitors. When his name has been calledDuring an episode of 1976, the cameras scanned the room, looking for a sign of it. They finally noticed a man running for the exit and Barker quickly assessed what was happening. "It had to happen, is not it?" he said. "Patricia is in the room" Little Girls "! A man I assume is that his husband is ready to look for it, and everyone in America asks:" How long can they wait for Patricia? "

Some candidates definitelyneedA pre-show bathroom break

Woman really needs to use the bathroom

Bladders can be unpredictable things, especially when you are in a high pressure environment. Drew Carey reminded Giddily a candidate who may have visited a bathroom before entering theThe price is rightstudio. "We had a peeing woman herself when she played with Plinko," Carey said. "And she did not earn $ 21,000!"

Drew Carey is unbeatable in the monopoly


As he shared with fans in aReddit AmaCarey is passionate about board games, especially the monopoly. His strategy? "Never let anyone get the orange except for youHe said. "NotHave never abandoned the orange, because once someone gets the orange, the game is over. "

Barker could hardly turn the big wheel

You think that a man who spent most of his career looking at candidates to turn a gigantic wheel would have taught a few things on the technique. Apparently not. In 2003, BarkerOffered to helpA competitor linked to the wheelchair turns the big wheel, but he did not put enough muscle on it and that the wheel barely passed through a single rotation. The public drinks and Barker admitted to the world that they had seen "the most humiliating moment of my life".

All prices are stored in three large warehouses.

warehouse, the price is right

Producers do not exhaust to find different prices for each episode. They have a stock that could last years and perhaps decades. According to producer Richards, he is kept in three massive warehouses on the CBS television city. "This whirlpool you see, and the six others you do not do it, sit in a warehouse," he explained. "And then we bring it and put the trees around that."

They also have private land with dozens of new cars

Car news, white car

Everyone wants to win a car on theThe price is rightFor producers always ready with a selection between 37 and 45 luxury cars. "We make six shows a week and each episode, mostly, has three cars," said Richards producer in an interview. Because he supposes that the candidates (and the public of the house) do not want to see the same week after week after week, they need options to mix. "(We) Rotate the ones you have seen before, so they do not come back to them," says Richards.

A competitor has almost won a Ferrari

ferrari car, the price is right

Producer Richards had a dream, thatThe price is correctWould one day offer a favorite car brand price, a Ferrari."There is no reason that this show should not have the best car in the world," he says.In 2013, his dream became reality when aFerrari 458 SpiderThe value is estimated at $ 285,000, was presented to a lucky competitor. Unfortunately, she did not win it and the car was returned to the dealer. (Ferrari was rented only for the show, but Richards said that they would have bought it if one of the candidates had won.)

Rosie O'Donnell has almost become aThe price is righthost

rosie o'donnell the price is right
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Barker has left big shoes to complete when retiring in 2007 and the producers considered almost everyone in Los Angeles. John O 'Hurley (he played J. Peterman onBreastfield), George Hamilton (preferred surrogate of everyone), Mario Lopez (ASaved by the gongRegular) and no other than Rosie O'Donnell.

Bob Barker returned to theThe price is rightFor his 90th anniversary

bob barker the price is right
YouTube / Price Productions

Barker returned to the show three times since his retirement, the most memorable in 2013, atCelebrate his 90th anniversary. You would think after being on the show for so many years, he would have done everything. But no, Barker had another article to mark hisThe price is rightBucket list. For the first time, he announced the name of a competitor and invited them to "Cookoom down!" And for more Hollywood icons, do not miss these50 amazing jokes of comedy legends.

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Tags: Facts / Fun Facts / Trivia / TV
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