These hilarious viral photos of terry crews like yogurt crack twitter up

Like any new Brooklyn fan knows, Terry loves yoghurt.

We only have for about a month of the 14th NBC seasonAmerica has talentand the coming season will be hosted by any other thanTerry Crews. The actor was put on another NBC series,Brooklyn new nine, for years. If you are a fan, you already know that his character, who is also called Terry,love yogurt. And now, thanks to a hilariousTwitter Thread By comparing the muscular actor to different containers of the dairy product, the rest of the internet knows it too.

April 16, the official Twitter account forAmerica has talentstarted to assimilate photos of crews to yogurt dishes of different colors, shapes and sizes. In just 24 hours, the images were retweeted about 2,500 times.

For example, here are the crews of this infused yogurt of charcoal.

Whether it's classic yogurt or strawberry, the teams itself seem to be a fan of comparisons. Shortly afterAgital Posted photos, the actor took his own twitter forRepublish pictures side by side With the legend, "me like yogurt".

Brooklyn Nine Fans have been quick to comment on the delicious wire with comedy gifs.

And many have even added their own yogurt comparisons!

So, you have it, people: Terry crews only make the love of yogurt; It seems like that too. And read other Twitter events, check thatcomforting story of a heroic dog that the internet can not have enough.

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Tags: Celebrities / News
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