The 10 second stuff to choose the articles of the grocery health

Everyone is "crazy busy" these days, which leaves little time for quiet trips to the grocery store - and barely to scan a nutrition label of a food before throwing it into the basket.

In fact, a recentJournal of Client Behavior report indicates that, on average, people do not spend more than 10 seconds - yes, seconds - examining the information on the back of a product, which comes out of the problems for buyers trying to trylosing weight. Depending on the research, tapered buyers are more likely to buy products that are not aligned with their health objectives because they are disconcerted and submerged by nutrition labels and they do not have time to understand this. Everything means while standing the middle of the store.

Sound like a familiar struggle? Priority to some nutrition indicators can help. Here, Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., founder ofNY NUTRITION Group Identifies the most important label elements to analyze if you only have 10 seconds for

Frightening ingredients

Always look at the list of ingredients first. "Try to avoid buying everything that contains ingredients that a five-year-old child can not pronounce or have not come from the earth," says Moskovitz. If from time to time you take some time with a high fructose corn syrup or an artificial additive, so be so, but Moskovitz indicates hydrogenated oil (a man makestrans fat This raises the risk of cardiac attack) is a non-negotiable. Foods made with mainly whole food ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, whole wheat and milk are your best bets.

Sugar and saturated grease

Then Moskovitz says to watch sugar and saturated fat content. "Any packed product you buy must have less than eight grams of sugar per serving and no more than three grams of saturated fat," she suggests. The majority of these healthySnacks with low sugar Adapt to the law.


If you buybread Or a cereal product "aim at least four grams of fiber per serving and make sure that the first listed ingredient is 100% whole wheat or whole grain", note Moskovitz.

Categories: Groceries
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