The craziest Hollywood Fondues
Staring Alec Baldwin, Alec Baldwin and Alec Baldwin. (And some others.)

Hollywood Tantrum are nothing new. But this week, the news has emerged thatThe dead who walk executive producerFrank Darabont-Which has been dismissed from the show in 2011 and is currently pursuing the CMA on the profits of the MEGA-HIT Zombie Show - had a merger of nuclear size at the time of its dismissal that really raised the bar for angry and aggressive behavior in Tinseltown.
"Everyone, especially our filmmakers, wake up the F * & K top and be careful," he writes in an email, which has just passed to light in an unsealed deposit. "Or I'll start killing people and I'll throw bodies on the door." In another email, it explicitly insinites that a camera operator suffers from a stroke. Yikes. (You can read everythinghere.)
Of course, Darabont is not the only Hollywood headup to perfect it at work. Winning directors from Oscar to your favorite 90s stars, here are 20 times Hollywood stars became postal. And for a more hollywood cover, do not missThe 11 times Hollywood celebrities turned into superheroes of real life.
1 Michael Bay blown off stage
ThePain and Gain andThe island directorMichael Bay has been conscript to give a binding speech on a Samsung event. Unfortunately, technology does not always work (the manager could have learned that about a millionTransformersmovies he put) and the teleprinter failed. He became troubled and stormed on a scene in a breath. We could suggest that Bay memorizeThe 30 ways to relax instantly.
2 Randy Quaid has moved to Canada
Actor nominated Golden GlobeRandy QuaidFrom "I'm Ba-Aack" fame, dodged to pay a hotel bill, moved to Canada and began to spring theories of how there is a secret cult of celebrities, likeHeath Ledgerand framing the dead as accidents. Quaid was the only basic member of the originalThe day of independence Do not appear in the rest of the rest of last year.
3 Russell Crowe assaulted a hotel employee
Russel CroweTemper is almost as famous as it. But his worst transgression can come during the turning ofCindarella. Staying a hotel, he has tried several times to take a reminder to his Native Australia. The call has never worked. Angry, he stormed at the front desk and hit the clerk in a face with an office phone. Crowe was charged with crime assault.
4 Christian Bale cursed his crew
During filming forHi Terminator,Christian When embarked on an explaining declaration to the director of photography. We do not know what exactly, theBatman begins The actor grows so angry against apparently something to do with lighting - but bale is unleashed on him for nearly five minutes. Maybe the guy should learnThe best method to stay calm when you want to lose it totally.
5 David O'Russell lost it on Lily Tomlin
On the whole forI heart huckabees, directorDavid O'Russell absolutely lost on StarLily Tomlin, screaming a plethora of cursing her words when she could not have an exactly fine line. (The scene is turned into a desk; O'Russell can be seen to clean up together and launch all the papers on the office on the floor.) According to Tomlin, the two accounted for hours later.
6 Alec Baldwin left an average voicemail for his daughter
Oh, man. It isAlec Baldwin time. The first standing? The voicemail he left for his daughter. During a guard battle withKim Basinger on their daughter,Ireland Baldwin, theRock andBoss The star has left a rude voicemail for the girl, calling her a "big precarious pig" - and much worse, forgetting his age, saying, "I do not care 12 years old, 11 years old." Do not be like Baldwin.Be a cool and fun dad instead.
7 Alec Baldwin assaulted a photographer
To put it lightly, Alec Baldwin has a relationship illustrated with paparazzi. He shouted to them. He threatened them. He drew them. But the most notorious example is 2013, when Baldwin pinned the photographerPaul Adao against a car. (For the context: Baldwin's wife hadonly Given birth, and it was nothing. Among the list of other people Baldwin does not enter anything from:Our president.)
8 Alec Baldwin had a kick of an airplane
The most scandalous Alec Baldwin Meltdown, however - yes, more scandalous than inappropriate voice messages and physical aggression - is the incident of the notorious aircraft. Just before take-off, an edge agent asked Baldwin to put his phone in Baldwin. He refused. (The actor was playingWords with friends.) Then he lost his temperament, began cursing and cleaning in the toilet, slamming the door so hard that the pilots would have heard her having heard her cockpit. Baldwin was escorted from the plane. Now, maybe he would have kept his cool if sitting inThe best seat you can book on any plane.
9 Nicolas Cage dared from cops to stop him

By celebrating New Orleans,Nicolas Cage So saoule, he would have forgotten everything from where he lived. During a street argument with his wife,Alice Kim-About that "where do we live" the authorities have been called. They asked the cage to calm down. He dared to stop him. They did it.
10 Mel Gibson went on a racist rant

In 2006,Mel Gibson was shot on drunken driving. He and the arrest agent found themselves in a verbal struggle, culminating in Gibson saying: "Jewish cking, the Jews are responsible for all the wars of the world. Are you a Jew?" The officer was not. But the deputy of the sheriff was sure. Gibson was sentenced to three years of probation. Gibson is currently slowly, returning to Hollywood's good graces; Last year, he directed the Oscar-namedHACKSAW RIDGE. Who knows, maybe he followed our advice and learnedHow to apologize like an intelligent and notified man.
11 Shia Labeouf lost it on some cops
Just last weekend,Shia Labeouf, from the fame of the art of sac-tan-performance, was arrested for a public drunkard. During the arrest, he called a female office a "bitch f * cking" and informed a black officer that he "went to hell" because of the color of his skin.
12 Michael Richards crossed a point of no return
During a standing set in 2006,Michael Richards, like all the comic bands of Standup, was spotted. Instead of taking it to the stride, Richards called the audience member offensing the N-Word, who - and it's sad, what need to say - should neveralready to arrive. Richards has since played in an episode ofComedians in cars get coffee,Jerry SeinfeldThe web series of 'and ... not much else.
13 Sean Young Tim Burton
Do you rememberSean Young? It was originally launchedTim Burton's Batman Renditions. However, she broke her arm on the whole and the role was refounded. She auditioned for the role of CatWoman in movies later, but was passed forMichelle Pfeifer. (The men around the world still celebrate this casting decision.) As a retribution, young dressed in a cat costume and harassed Burton around the studio.
14 Christian Slater took a Bender too far
During the 90s,Christian SlaterIn the midst of a bizarre of heroin, cocaine and alcohol at several days, tried to hit his girlfriend in the face during a party. An unnamed man has stopped Slater-but not before theMr. Robot Star could bite the guy. Slater pleaded no assault charge taken against him.
15 Lindsay Lohan followed traces of Marilyn Monroe
There is this inevitable point in the career of each adult child star: all of a sudden, they want to beprestige. ForLindsay Lohan, the opportunity wasCanyons, a budget low film written byBret Easton Ellis and directed byPaul Schrader (ofTaxi driver to sell). The pressure turned out too much for Lohan, however, when she jumped the first day of filming, was dismissed and cried outside the schrader trailer until it was reduced. Throughout the shoot, she copied a Marilyn Monroe, often forgetting lines and blocking in his trailer for hours. For more on Lohan, discover itIts hot testing with a non-famous regular person.
16 Gene Hackman curses his director
WES ANDERSON had a clearly difficult period convincingGene Hackman starThe Royal Tenenbaums. (Anderson wrote the share of Hackman especially with the actor in the lead.) Hackman was finally ceded and took the role - but not without manufacturing. When fixing every day, it was clearly vitriolic and one day, he leaned over to call Anderson a "C * nt" - at the front of all the cast and crew. The attitude of the hard guy makes sense: after all, his work onThe French connection makes our list ofThe 20 highest octae, realistic car prosecution of all time.
17 George Lazenby would be drunk on the plateau
Each guy wants to be James Bond.George Lazenby was lucky and took the coat forOn the secret service of Her Majesty. Overall, he grew upreally Method, and show repeatedly hammered - if Saoule, in fact, that he would throw empty bottles of vodka to the crew. Lazenby refused to come back to 007 and, therefore, we hadRoger Moore Instead, somethingNobody in their good spirit can never complain about.
18 Amanda Bynes has thrown a bong a window
Amanda Bynes Throw a bong of his high-rise Manhattan apartment. (Altending. Bynes nicknamed the attix to "vase".) She was arrested by NYPD. After being reserved and released, she went to the west, then established the fire of a neighbor.
19 Jason London had a hard night in Arizona
While on the city of Scottsdale always lively, Arizona,Jason London ( Dazed & confused ) I am intoxicated, then struck a bouncer, was arrested and thrown a lot of lunches to the arrest officers. Oh, and in the walk to book, he has been wearing.
20 Michael Cera shot a Christian bullet
On the whole for Youth in revolt , Michael Cera had a strangely similar crisis to that of Christian Bale Terminator One cera is filled with his voice and his nervousness. Some reports say it was satirical and staged. But these are not founded, then we choose to hope otherwise. And can you blame a man for that?
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