The 10 schemes that can help prevent cancer

Some cancers can be prevented simply, so why not do all you can to ensure you stay healthy? A nutritionist dietitian share his insight.

Here is something to think about:about 40% of cancers in the United States. may be justavoidable. And although there are many ways you can actively tryreduce the risk of developing cancer, One of the most important approaches to fight against the disease is to make changes in how you eat, so you diet to fight against cancer.

"Avoid smoking, healthy eating, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight are the ways the most important you canreduce your risk of cancer, "saysKaren Collins, MS, RDN, a registered dietetic nutritionist specialized in nutrition for cancer prevention and heart health. "The diet has the potential to influence many stages of cancer development."

"The healthy food models can reduce DNA damage in supporting the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory defenses, influencing activation of carcinogens and disabling and DNA repair", she said with reference to a2018 report. "Beyond this, nutrients and natural compounds from plants (phytocomposs) and overall calorie balance may influence cell signaling, hormones, gene expression and immune function that regulate growth, reproduction and the destruction of cancer cells. These nutrients and compounds do not act alone but together in their eating habits and overall lifestyle choices. "

Avoiding obesity is also crucial to preventing cancer, as according toAmerican Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), Excess body fat clearly increases the risk of at least 12 different cancers. This includes postmenopausal breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, cancer of the gallbladder, kidney cancer, liver cancer, mouth, pharynx and laryngeal cancerovarian cancer, Pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer.

Collins, who is also nutritional adviser to the AICR, said thatThere is no single approach to eating when it comes to preventing cancer and to follow an anti-cancer diet. In fact, there are a lotdifferent dining styles The average person might take to help reduce the risk of cancer, based on your lifestyle and food preferences.

Here are the 10 best diets to fight against cancer she suggests.


The new American attitude (focused on a healthy plant food pattern)

new american plate

"TheNew regime of American plates involves healthy choices for the proportion of different foods on your plate and the portions you eat, "Collins said." Aiming vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans to provide two-thirds (or more) of each meal, with a -There (or less) from animal protein. this highlightsFood can provide a fiberNutrients and plant compounds that may help protect you from cancer and limit foods that increase the risk of cancer while helping you achieve and maintain healthy weight that search programs can play a major role in reduced risk of cancer. "

Collins further notes that in laboratory studies, the nutrients and compounds in these plant foods can work to change the expression of tumor suppressor genes and others, as well as to influence cell signaling pathways, inflammation and self-destruction of abnormal cells.

That said, if you want to include dairy and meat in the diet, it should not take more than a third of each meal.

"If you include red meat such as beef, lamb and pork, limit amounts to only 12 to 18 ounces a week," says Collins, noting that higher amounts may increase the risk ofcolorectal cancer. "And make sure that this is the most unprocessed red meats. Keep bacon, sausage, salami and hot dogs for occasional use only." And why is that? Well, the regular consumption of processed meats increases the risk ofcolorectal cancer.

Cancers particularly treated with the new American plate include colorectal cancer, breast cancer, mouth cancer / pharynx, esophagus cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer and cancer of the pancreas.


Mediterranean traditional regime

mediterranean diet

The traditionalMediterranean diet is a fairly popular subject in the world of regimes, especially since it has been linked toRisk lower than cancer.

"TraditionalMediterranean style power models Concentrate on whole grains, vegetables and fruits, include beans regularly and a flavor with an abundance of herbs, spices and garlic, "Collins said." Most of the fat comes from Olives, olive oil and nuts. Fish are included a few times a week, dairy portions are moderate, and red meats and candies are used in very limited quantities. "

The Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a lower risk of lung cancer in people who smoked, according to a2016 study. "This is compared to less healthy food schemes, but this shows no increased protection than other plant-centered furrow restoration models," Collins declared. "All these models would include abundance of vegetables and fruits, providing carotenoids, vitamin C and other phytocomponents that seem to help reduce the risk of lung cancer."

The only warning on Mediterranean food is the consumption of red wine, which is not necessarily an element to reduce the risk of cancer. In fact, Collins notes that everythingreduction In alcohol consumption is actually a step towardsReduce the risk of cancer.

"AGroup Analysis of 20 studies In 2015, after women aged 6 to 16 found that the increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcohol consumption was no different wine only for beer or liquor, "she says.

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Vegetarian diet lacto-ovo

ovo-lacto vegetarian diet

A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is a herbal diet in which some products of animal origin, eggs and dairy products are incorporated. So you will want to "include many plant foods like dry beans, lentils, soy foods and nuts and seeds, as they provide protein with a different range of vitamins, minerals and protective phytocompounds", Declared Collins.

"Proof of long-term observationPopulation studies Shows that lacto-ovo vegetarian regimes are always linked to the decline in cancer risk compared to meat and fish plans more than once a week, "she adds. In fact, in a great US.Study in 2013, compared to non-vegetarian regimes, vegetarian regimes in Lacto-Ovo were also linked to a lower risk of global cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, such ascolorectal cancer.


Vegan diet

vegan diet

Vegan schemes Concentrate mainly on an abundance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds and are often high in fiber. A vegan dietNOT INCLUSIVE Meat or dairy.

Collins emphasize that the manufacture of the best food choices is always important while following a vegan diet.

"People who avoid any animal-based foods, but include frequent use of candies, refined grains, sweet drinks and unhealthy choices of added greases do not show as much reduction in the risk of cancer as the following persons a vegan diet that limits these foods and include abundant vegetables, legumes (dry beans, peas, lentils and soy foods), nuts and seeds, "she says with a2019 study.

In aAmerican Study 2016Compared to non-vegetarians, men as a result of a vegan system were 35% less likely to develop prostate cancer, a 2016 study showed. But the proof is too limited to allow all conclusions on a vegan system as a specific choice to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, concludedTHIRD EXPERT REPORT OF THE AICR.

In theAdventist health study based in the United States 2In 2016, compared to non-vegetarians, women following a vegan regime showed a risk of risk of lowering breast cancer, but it is possible that the association occurs by chance or linked. to other influences, "says Collins. Once again, there is not enough evidence to allow all conclusions on a vegan system as a specific choice to reduce the risk of breast cancer, concludedTHIRD EXPERT REPORT OF THE AICR.

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pink salmon salad

A PesPararian diet is essentially a vegetarian diet that also includes fish. So those who follow a pespararian diet consume usuallyDifferent types of seafood As well as vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains and other foods concentrated on the plant.

Similar to a vegetarian diet lacto-ovo, proof of long-term observationPopulation studies Show that pescataria regimes are linked to a lower risk of overall cancer compared to diets including meat and fish more than once a week. In aMajor study of American vegetarian In 2019, pesco-vegetarians showed a particularly low risk ofcolorectal cancer, even compared to people according to other types of vegetarian regimes.

"This power model will probably have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids (type of fat found in fish), but so far, this type of fat has not been attached to reduce the risk of Cancer, so it is not clear what could explain that association, says Collins. "The limited evidence suggests a potential association between fish and the risk of lower colorectal cancer,According to AICR. "


High fiber diet

high fiber diet

High fiber diet Include many amounts of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes like dry beans, lentils, whole gourmands, nuts and seeds.

"Food fiber can provide cancer protection in many ways. Some types of fiber provide bulk and garbage waste more quickly in the digestive tract,the dilution of potential carcinogens and reducing their exposure to colon cells"Collins said. Other types of fiberto support the growth of healthy intestine microbes and are fermented by bacteria in the colon, producing substances [short chain fatty acids such as butyrate] that seem to protect the colon cells, reduce markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in human clinical trials, and Effects show on the expression of genes that could reduce development cancer. "

Fortunately, fiber-rich regimes have been specifically associated with the reduced risk of colorectal cancer. "The last report shows AICR on lower risk colorectal cancer is associated with food fibers of about 30 grams / day or more," she says, noting that the average person does not consume a lot of fiber. "The average American adult gets only 17 grams / day, so for most people Increased fiber consumption will protect and any increase will help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. »

A rich fiber diet has also been linked to a lower weight gain,Overweight and obesity By the AICR, it could therefore help reduce the risk of cancer related to adiposity. "Supporting fiber-rich regimes most likely to achieve and maintain healthy weight due to how they promote satiety (which makes it easier for limit calories without being hungry), but could also involve influences Metabolic or hormonal, "Collins said.


Veggie diet variety (a heavy diet on a variety of vegetables)

root vegetables

In other words, those who eat more vegetables have a lower risk of a wide range of cancers, a2019 study concluded.

"This protection probably reflects combined with different nutrients and compounds that they contain," Collins said. "A cancer control regime understandsAt least five portions of vegetables and fruits a dayAnd once you have this established habit, including more will help reduce the risk of even more cancer ".

According to a recent AICR report, eating more non-starchy vegetables decreases the risk of colorectal cancer because they increase the consumption of dietary fiber and other aerodigestive cancers (esophagus, mouth, pharynx and larynx, lung, lung. cancers and stomach). In addition, limited evidence suggests that non-starchy vegetables can reduce the risk of Estrogen-negative receiving breast cancer (re-) and bladder cancer, Collins explains.

Vegetables that are rich in carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zéaxanthine) like asparagus, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and more, have been associated with a Reduced risk of lung receptor and estrogen breast cancers - delegative (er-).

"Carotenoids act as antioxidants themselves and stimulate antioxidant defenses of the body, which reduces DNA free radical damage that can lead to cancer," Collins said. "Beta-carotene and lutein promote cell cell communication that helps the growth of control cells, increase carcinogenic metabolizing enzymes, and stimulate self-destruction of abnormal cells. »

The rich vitamin C Vegetables like peppers, parsley, curly cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and others have been associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer in smokers, as well as colon cancer.

"Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant. In laboratory studies, it protects the DNA from the cells trapping free radicals, andHelps renew the antioxidant capacity of vitamin E " she said with reference to a 2019 review. "In cell studies,Vitamin C of training also inhibits carcinogens and supports the immune system. "

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and have also been linked to aReducing the risk of breast cancerAlthough more research is needed.

"Cruciferous vegetables provide glucosinolate compounds that are decomposed into isothiocyanates (such as sulforaphane) and Indoles," Collins said. "In laboratory studies, these compounds decrease the inflammation that could cause cell damage leading to cancer. They also inhibit enzymes that activate carcinogenic agents and stimulate the enzymes that carcinogens deactivate. These compounds are turning on tumor suppressor genes, slow abnormal cell growth and stimulate abnormal self-destruction ".


Low glycemic load scheme

low glycemic diet

Collins explains that a low glycemic index scheme includesfiber-richFoods of the plant like whole grains, vegetables, fruits and vegetables in appropriate portions to your needs. However, limiting the quantities of refined cereals and highly transformed foods and avoiding sweets and sweet drinks is the key.

"A low glycemic load diet is the one that avoids a rapid increase in blood sugar after eating that trigger increased levels of insulin and related growth factors that can promote growth and reproduction of cancer cells," says -she. "AAn international consensus on the quality of carbohydrates in 2015 Concluded that low glycemic load plans are likely to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation markers. This is an example of the reasons why it is important to avoid grouping all foods containing carbohydrates together, and consider the type of carbohydrate and overall quality, part, and the equilibrium of food containing carbohydrates ".

She pointed out that even if people eat a low glycemic load diet, the specific food choices still matter.

"Foods that create a low-glycemic load diet tend to be high in fiber, nutrients and protective plant compounds. But similar plans in glycemic load may be very different for the protection of cancer, "said Collins. "For example, diets low in carbohydrates and whole plant foods rich in processed meats do not provide the nutrients, fiber and phytochemicals recommended to reduce the risk of cancer and can even raise risk. By including vegetables appropriate size portions of, fruits, whole grains, beans and throughout the day, your diet will be low glycemic load. low glycemic load partly explains how these foods contribute to health ".

Analysis forThird AICR Expert Report, Unfortunately, found that diets with high glycemic loadincrease the risk of endometrial cancer, So a low glycemic load is preferred.


Savvy diet drinks


Make wise choices about the beverages you drink can play an important role in reducing the risk of developing cancer. For starters, coffee (regular or decaffeinated if) reduces the risk of endometrial cancer and liver cancer,World Cancer Research Fund / American Institute for Cancer Research find.

"Human intervention trials and population studies suggest that this observation may comephytocompounds in the coffee antioxidant support and anti-inflammatory defenses against cancer and could also [be] relatedimproved insulin sensitivity and a reduction in circulating insulin levels is, "Collins.

The expert recommends to look at how youto drink coffee however, to include whipped cream, sweet flavors, or chocolate could add more calories than you realize and promote unnecessary weight gain.

In the same way,sugary drinks like soda, lemonade, iced teas and other juice should be limited when it comes to reducing the risk of cancer. "Limiting sugary drinks is one of the recommendations for cancer prevention AICR because they increase [the] risk of weight gain and unhealthy levels of body fat that are linked to cancers linked to adiposity" Collins.

Alcohol should also be avoided, or at least limited, to help reduce the risk of cancer. "The alcohol most clearly related cancers of the breast, cancer of the esophagus, colon, liver and larynx," Collins said, recalling that "any reduction in alcohol consumption is a not toReduce the risk of cancer. "



dash diet

The DASH diet is a targeted vegetable diet that includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and dairy products low in fat. Meanwhile, the regime limit processed foods high in sodium, such as red meat and processed, sugary drinks and candy.

"this regime was developed as a way for the eating habits to help prevent and control high blood pressure, and research since then has resulted in it becoming one of the recommended dietary habits to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease , "Collins.

Although there is still limited evidence,two large US prospective cohort studies, Higher DASH score was associated with alow risk colorectal cancer.

"This makes sense since this style of eating includes higher amounts of dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products (and therefore calcium)," Collins said.

And if you want to really stock up on plenty of good food for you, check out this list ofthe healthiest foods on the planet.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: diet / Food Swaps / tips
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