17 fun animals stories that will clarify your day

Only your furry friends can make you laugh this hard.

We love our pets for a lot of reasons. They give us cuddling. They are adorable. They keep us active. But perhaps most importantly, it's the best actors in the world. To help you put a smile on your face today, we discovered the stories of the funniest pets, a "cough" snake, a cat that accidentally stuck in a stack of tape. And for incredibly adorable pet tales, discoverThe 30 most adorable animal stories of 2018.

Renovation disaster

cat funny pet stories

Cats love to squirm their bodies in all kinds of unfathomable places. And for aUser redditThis meant an air duct. "We were in the middle of our house and came out of the city for the weekend. We went back and I could not find the cat. I realized that I had left a ladder counted against a wall just below From an air duct and saw brands of claws around the open conduit, "he writes.

"I suppose instantly that I would fake a dead cat from the wall and I succumbed to my failure, trying to understand how to explain to my wife and three years that I stupidly directed our beloved cat at his Destin. About at that time, he pushes the head of driving and mites me, wanting to help him out. "

Cajed red caught

Golden retriever funny pet stories

You can not blame a dog to try - and certainly not when they seem super cute. "My important important and I tried to teach our dog to do less messy in our house - specifically, not to shoot the roll paper", wrote the reddit userRingofstones. "We were not sure we were doing a lead head before one day when we returned home to find that while we were outside, about two feet of hygienic paper had been rushed ... and then rolled in somehow surprised. All I can imagine that she plays with her fortunately, we hear at the door, thinking, 'oh, shit!' And try to repair his disorder. It was really impressive. "

Just kitten around

grey kitten funny pet stories

The kittens and puppies are in play - it's just their nature. And apparently, then plays pranks on their brothers and sisters. "My biggest female cat (nine to 10 pounds) likes to sit on the side of the complete bath inside the shower curtain", wrote the reddit userLoner_in_az.

"My little tiny female cat (four pounds) passes from the other side of the house, slides around the corner in the bathroom, pushes the big woman in the bathtub through the shower curtain and takes off as a return shot on the other side of the house. She never knew what struck her. "

Walk on water

Dog in water funny pet stories
Image via obstacles / atanis teodossibiez

"I had a dog that liked licking the ice built in the freezer every time we opened the door", "User RedditPound wrote. "I struck his tongue regularly. Always returned for more." But it's not even the hilarious part.

"The first time we took him into a lake, he was so excited that he had just run without knowing what it was." Oh, the water! "Okay, not progressive. Do not stop running in the middle. We thought he was starting to swim. Or at least Float. Nevertheless, do not understand how he had not done. But he sank it On the bottom of this lake and he has just disappeared underwater. My father had to go and wear it outside. "

Snake silence

snake funny pet stories

When you have a pet and you hear a scary noise at night, you suppose it's only like them. Unfortunately, reddit userSunshinenorcas missed the memo about it. "[One night], I watchedThesilenceofthelambs With a friend and sent it, then get out all my lights and went to bed in the dark, "wrote the retribector.

"So I'm in bed, in the dark, alone in my room ... and I hear a cough. I asked myself in my bed that asked me what the noise was and if there was a serial killer In my room. I was about written as my imagination passes nuts. And then I heard the cough again. And it was when I sat down and I threw my light. And it was not was certainly not a serial killer. It was my python balloon trying to integrate into his skin it could no longer welcome his wider circumference. The "cough" was she scooting it, trying to adapt to all. same. "

A sticky situation

cat jokes

Have you ever bought a dear toy and they always choose to play with a paper bag instead? That's what happened with the reddit useretoan0shrdluu Cat, but with adhesive tape. "My cat discovered once a ribbon ribbon ribbon in a kitchen cabinet. I do not know how he succeeds, but we walked in the door to find that he had actually carried pork in the middle of the ground. A Big chat big gray fur spoinant in giant tufts between sticky and sticky tape tape tapes he had been able to wind everything on himself, crimped his cock at two places, "wrote the retribector.

"We felt horrible laugh, but it was such a ridiculous scene that we were still cracking, even cutting the tape and checking for his tail was not broken. (He was a little traumatized and temporarily looked like a Dr. Jeekyll's case and Mr. Hyde with many random bald spots, but otherwise perfectly well). "

Ay, Chihuahua!

chihuahua dog funny pet stories

"When I was younger, we had a Chihuahua who weighed four pounds soak wet. One day, the family was sitting in the living room looking at a movie," said the user redditFirexcracker. "The sister has thrown a tilting chair hunt, the dog just walked beyond, and the dog went to fly on the room like a barrel ball. It was like another thing of a cartoon that I do not have will never forget. "

Fall for you

Farm cat funny pet stories

Usually, when a cat hurts to do something once, he will give you and never do this thing again. But that was not the case for the reddit userAsharet childhood chat. "I had a farm cat when I was a teenager who liked climbing and sitting on the roof. The problem was, he used to ride for a belly friction every time he saw a person . So, it was a painful event. Stroll near the house and ask him to roll right away from the roof. You would think after the first three times he would have learned, but no. He had a long Life despite himself. "

Oh snow you do not have

Cat in snow funny pet stories

Here is another cat that did not learn from his mistakes. One day, after having seven or eight inches of snow, my cat decided to be a brave adventurer and get out of the door, "said Reddit UserNettrustMyresarch. "She knows she is absolutelyhated snow, but always that. ... She is exhausted, jumps in the snow and disappears. I sit there letting him learn his lesson. I hear a muffled cry shout like her very,very Slowly raises her head at the top of the snow. His mouth remains wide open ... and [she] continues to watch me do this miaou until I come looking for her. "

The owner of Kitty wrote that she did the same exactly an hour later. Too good.

A very punctual puppy

Dog and owner funny pet stories

When user redditOPKC changed his afternoon routine once, his dog wasnotto see her. "My dog, libby, goes with me to pick up my school children and she knows exactly what time we leave. Children had an activity after school, so I needed to pick them up one hour later that usually. When we did not go at the normal time, she began to complain to me. Then bark. Then she pushed my shoe with her paw, hard, so he stole in the tunes and struck me . She launched the shoe! "Libby rings like aReal Dogwife from New Jersey.

Egg on your face

Cat at Easter funny pet stories

While some cats like to play with stuffed mice, catnips and jingle bullets, the reddit userXenothaulusThe cat likes Easter eggs. "My cat likes to play with plastic Easter eggs. She chooses one half in her mouth and trot with her, yowling all the time, with the egg working as an amplifier. One year, we had the kids these big eggs ... and finally, she found one and tried to play with her in the same way. "

Unfortunately for this cat, it did not work. "When she picked up, she turned to her face and covered her eyes. She panicked and started running, blaming in the skirting heaters and anything else. It was hysteric! She finally dropped and stood there. And then she] picked up the egg and did it again. And again. And again. "When will they learn?

Collision of kindness

Golden retriever on walk funny pet stories

For Spike and Charlie, even a simple walk out can be difficult, according to their owner, reddit userAccount1943. "We had two gold recovery puppies of the same reach (Spike and Charlie). As they grew up, we had one of those leashes that allow you to walk two dogs on the same chain," said their owner. "[Cut them on arrival] Far from me and run at full speed when they went on opposite sides of a tree. I felt bad for them, but it was so funny to see them all a whip and clashing with each other. "

Green with envy

Cat by bathtub funny pet stories

Curiosity got the best user redditEnnmung Cat-and he dropped covered with painting. "Once, I was doing a photoshoot and I'm covered with green body painting," he wrote. "My cat was watching me to wash it in the bathtub, then too curious and too close and fell into the bathtub, which, at that time, was full of aqueous green painting. He turned around, S ' is completely tempered and dyed a very vibrant green, and I had to call the veterinarian to see how important it was to try to wash it. "

An error you can not erase

parakeet funny pet stories

We all talk to our pets sometimes. But while we suppose they listen, at least dogs and cats can not say anything. This is not the case with a parakeet though. "I had a parakeet when I was growing up," wrote the reddit userJabberhakke. "My mother played a lot of the piano and has often made this specific error in a song she frequently played, and as soon as she had committed the error, she would come back to a measure or two and correct it. The parakeet was Finally learned to whistle this melody - but he whistle with the error / correction that she usually did. "

Can not handle it

kitten in litter box funny pet stories
Shutterstock / Ysbrand Cosijn

Litter boxes are not as intuitive as possible. "My roommate has a cat that can not poop in the box of litter. The cat is right next to the box ... and coca on the floor," reddit userFree-k wrote. "To solve the problem ... My roommate had this box of litter with a cat flap. Chat does not realize that it is supposed to go inside, but jumps instead on the box and cockets. Thing East, the coca spoon was on the litter box and the cat completely caca on the handle. I'm still not sure it was a stupid or shiny animal. "

Paste the landing

cat funny pet stories

Maybe more than any other animal, cats are incredibly confident in their athletic capabilities, sometimes, a fault. Exhibition A: Sherman. "I have a black Persian cat of 20 pounds named Sherman", wrote the reddit userExtrastanman. "It comes in the room and I can say that he wants to jump on the window window to look outside. I sit on the couch who is against the wall and perpendicular to the window.

"Now, he could have easily jump up to the ground threshold, but in his lazy little spirit, he decided to jump on the couch and the window. The only problem is that I sit on the couch and in his line of Trajectory. ... In his attempt to jump on my knees, he will miss his foot, manages to scrape my leg and ends with the planting of the face in the wall. "

A hail of a dog

Dog outside in the rain funny pet stories

Most dogs would absolutely do everything to avoid hail, but not reddit the userChoirboy17The puppy. "The first month I had my dog, Howie, we had a fairly bad storm of hail," wrote the owner of Howie.

"As soon as it began, I went out to call it. ... He ran for the entirety of the hail storm that tries to dodge the hail, without listening to my command to come inside. He comes to run for 10 minutes and shouted from time to time when a hip caught it the right way. Even after it was finished, it would not come inside. I did not know if you do not have to laugh or cry . "And for ancient animals plus hilarious caught on the camera, check these 30 funny pictures of animals that will clarify your day .

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Tags: animals / Funny / humor / Pets
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