The photos of the Bob Ross Exhibit in Virginia will brighten your day

"We could all use a little more Bob Ross in our lives."

On Sunday, September 15, the Franklin Park Arts Center in Purcellville, Virginia, hosted the opening reception forHappy accidents: an exhibition of original paints Bob Ross.

At the exhibition, Ross fans are able to see 24 of his exposed paintings, as well as read some of the comforting words he was so known.

"The paintings we chose were all of the year of 1993 of its PBS seriesThe joy of painting"Franklin Park Arts Center General ManagerElizabeth Bracey RecountBetter life. "They are a great retrospective of his style and the subjects. We also took a quote from each show where he made the painting."

Ross once estimated that he producedMore than 30,000 paintings During his career. And most of what remains of his collection belongs toBob Ross Inc., which is directed byJoan Kowalski, the daughter of the former Ross partner,Annette Kowalski.

According to Bracey, Ross's works are kept in a secret, undisclosed place, and most have never been considered by the public, which makes the exhibition all the more exciting. Who does not want to see some of the so-called "happy accidents" of Ross in person?

Bracey said she and Kowalski gathered on an art committee and at the time, Koawlski was considering hosting an exhibition Ross in another gallery. "But that fell through, so I said," Well, we have a gallery, "said Bracey

Now the exhibition is exhausted by its race, which ends on October 15th. But these lucky assistants posed photos on social media, where they are shared from afar. "The line was out of the door and the hill in the car park when we arrived an hour before opening:"wrote An Imgur user, who went upon receipt of the opening night. "People had hunted at least two states I met."

My friend has an art show. It's fashionable.

"We told people to come and we will stay open until 10 am night if we owe," Bracey said. "We are trying to understand a way to addMore tickets Because the Bob Ross way is to say "yes!" Do not turn off people. "

He took a lot of work to handle the crowd, since the gallery can only approximately 75 people at a time, but they want many people to see the exhibition as possible while now the intimacy Ross would have liked .

"We want everyone to really havepositive experience, "Bracey said." It makes no sense in presenting an exhibition Bob Ross if people will feel angry. "

So far, however, Bracey said the answer was "overwhelming" in the positive direction. "People have had an emotional reaction as strong at work, and they have the most wonderful stories oftimes When they looked at him, "she said.

"He really wanted to be known as a teacher," Bracey said. "He liked to paint, but what he really liked wasinspiring Other people to paint and express their creativity. One of my favorite quotes from him is: "There is an artist inside everyone." "

Credits Bracey Ross with the manufacture of the world of art more accessible and his personal personal response about him comes from his years as a drill sergeant inAlaska. "When he left the service, he said," I never want to scream at people, "she noted.

AsMr. Rogers, Bob Ross is unique in the sense that his popularity has resisted the test of time, that Bracey attributes to the way Ross who soothing continues to be in ourTime more and more chaotic.

"There are so many business to our lives and external stimulation, it's almost likemeditation To be calmed by his soothing tones and his really positive approach to things, "she said." We could all use a little more Bob Ross in our lives. "

And if you are looking for even more positivity, checkColorado Dad becomes viral for his hilarious jokes dad on the sign of the community center.

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