The first laboratory meat on the planet will be served here

Chicken nuggets grown on the laboratory will be sold in a restaurant for the first time.

The short history ofMeat To be produced in a human consumption laboratory (otherwise known as "clean" or "cultivated" or "culture") meat as follows: In 2013, researchers from a Dutch Institute in London announced that they had successfully announced the first global beef of LabrobieBurger the use of billions of cow cells. The artificial hamburger cost more than $ 300,000 to produce at the time, according to theBBC.

Then, in 2018, the meat of Memphis of the American company, who had made his own ground beef in a laboratory, at a price of a quarter of a book at $ 600, according toThe American Scientist. The mass production of meat without animals seemed to be just a dream of pipe, but companies started to appear in the hot pursuit of the creation of fish, shrimp and even chicken.

Fast forward to today and laboratory-grown chicken nuggets have been officially approved to be sold in a restaurant in Singapore and a little above the premium chicken price,according toReuters. Singapore is the first country to approve the start-up to San Francisco, just eat, Inc. and its new brandGood meat, sell his laboratory chicken to customers. (Just eat tooJust an egg, a herbal egg product, which is currently sold in the United States), chicken bites are made from cells from a non-GMO live chicken biopsy, which has been grown in Bioreactors and fed nutrients that grow cells in a final chicken-shaped product in a few weeks. Depending on the good meat, no animals need to be shot in the process and the cultivated chicken is nutritional identical to conventional chicken. The company indicates that the cost of production is also down, which will make the chicken nuggets cheaper to guests.

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This development is part of the revolution that could change the future of meat and how we do it forever. As we have seen, the request forAlternatives of meat is higher than ever - evenMcDonalds has entered theBurger wars based on plants. All these recent advances in the field mean people who avoid eating meat or turn to herbal alternatives for health, environment and / or ethical purposes can now enjoy a version without sacrificing their values. Compared to meat made of animals, apreliminary study Discovered that the meat grown on the laboratory emits about 78 to 96% less greenhouse gas emissions, uses 99% less land and 82-96% less water.

"I think the approval is one of the most significant milestones in the food industry in the last handful of decades," recently said Josh Tetrick's CEO.The Guardian. "It's an open door and it's up to us and up to us and other companies to take this opportunity. My hope does this lead to a world in the next handful of years when the majority Meat does not need to kill one animal or tearing a single tree. "

Of course, there are still future challenges before the world comes completely with conventional meat and is 100% based on plants or laboratory. And one of the main concerns about laboratory meat is taste. "Is it different? Of course," says Tetrick. "Our hope goes through transparent communication with consumers, what it is and how it compares to conventional meat, we are able to win. But it's not a guarantee."

In the meantime, here is hereways to reduce the amount of meat you're eating right now, and even moremeat substitutes to consider.

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Categories: Restaurants
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