The best movies about to disappear from Netflix

These beloved films will be part of Netflix in October.

Having a Netflix account is a constant reminder of the circle of life: nothing lasts forever, even on our favorite streaming service. Every month means the arrival of new movies andOld Favorites-In October, Netflix welcomes movies likePrank call,War games,Fearand the original 1974 version ofThe longest courtyard. But at the same time, every month at least some titles of the Netflix library say a goodbye farewell. You always have the time with a more view. Here are seven of the best movies that will disappear (at least for the moment) from Netflix in October. And for more great films worth reversing, check these30 beloved movies that you do not think we have 30 years.

The good the bad and the ugly (1966)

the good the bad and the ugly

If you only see one Western spaghetti, it should absolutely be this one. There is a reason why it is considered a masterpiece, and it's not fairClint Eastwood's Emblematic performance as a blondie, an era of the Gunslinger civil war on the hunt for gold buried. Which makes this movie so legendary is how it has reimagated the tropics of Westerns, such as hyper stylized rifles and long persistent width strokes interspersed with a sudden closet. No less authority thanQuentin Tarantino Called that "theThe greatest success in the history of cinema. "

Ace Ventura: Detective PET (1994)

ace ventura pet detective
Warner Bros.

It's the movie that raisedJim Carrey ofComedian television Name the movie star of Marquise. It is also probably his most funny movie, although it depends on your enthusiasm for some gags. There is not much here that is mature, but it's exactly what makes such dust. Carrey plays a pet detective hired to find a missing dolphin, which is simply like the football mascot for ... you know what, it does not matter. The plot is mostly irrelevant. What matters is the hilarious breakup and on the top of Carrey at the height of his comic game. And for more movies that will make you laugh, checkThe 50 best comedies of all time, according to critics.

Magic Mike(2012)

magic mike
Warner Bros.

If the only thing you heard about this acclaimed criticallySteven Soderbergh-Lotte film is the BUX man torus, you are missing on one of the best (and surprisingly funny) movies on the exotic dancers ever made. AsThe New York Times NotedIt's really a story about the American dream and a often scathing satire of "capitalism and his misfortunes". And of course, it's also aboutChanning Tatum's Abdos. In a way, it manages to be all the above. And while you are on Netflix, make sure to broadcastThe 50 best Netflix still show, according to critics.

The never-ending story(1984)

the neverending story
Warner Bros.

This is one of these films that can be appreciated at a few different levels. On the one hand, it's a fantastic story of a young boy who discovers a magic book while trying to escape bullies and ends up being shot in the fantastic world of history, where he helps to save the Fantasia land of extinction and friendship a Falkor "Truthdragon" fluffy named.

But if you want to dig deeper, there are many things below the surface, with some testers suggesting that there are themes on the "dangers of authoritarianism" and "Realize. "A lot of forage here for deep discussions, especially when you revisit this classic childhood in adulthood.

Insomnia in Seattle(1993)

sleepless in seattle

Vulture describedInsomnia in Seattle like a "fundamentally optimistic movie, "And we could not be more agree. Is not that exactly what we all need now - a movie full of hope? Of course,Nora Ephron's Tale of two two-star lovers - All charmingTom Hanks andMeg Ryan- Its part of melancholy moments. The character of Hanks is, after all, a widower. But even after all these years, it leaves us still filled with optimism. Never have a happy ending to feel so invifing, and sonecessary. And for more movies to pierce, they areThe 18 best romantic comedies on Netflix right now.

Thesilenceofthelambs (1991)

the silence of the lambs

Revisithorror filmsFrom the past can often be disappointing. What has already scared stupid in our youth does not always deal with adulthood. But the speaker Hannibal is a movie movie that always makes us want to hide under the blankets. He played with a sober threat byAnthony Hopkinsand his prison conversations with the FBI Agent-In-Training Starling Starling(Jodie Foster) Having more biting tension than any horror movie with a handy handle mania chasing their victims through the woods. And for more big frightening movies ever made, these areThe top 50 horror movies of all time, according to critics.

The pistol named: Files of the police team! (1988)

the naked gun
Paramount Pictures

Few people make us laugh as hard as Leslie Nielsen , especially in his role as Detective of Franc Drebin. This will probably make us ring old, but they simply do not make the slapstick like this! Are jokes sometimes moaning? Well, of course, but it's part of pleasure. Roger Ebert probably summarized the Naked pistol Experience better when he wrote: "You laugh, and then you laugh at you . "And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

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