Fans have the craziest theory on this new video of Britney Spears

The fans say they are concerned about the well-being of the singer after seeing new photos and videos of the star.

Britney Spears has long been the subject of fans and fascination of supports and speculation, its infamous incident at the head of shaving in 2007 to it in progressbattle on its conservation. However, it's his recent social media positions that have fans to talk for another reason:They do not think that photos and videos are actually beloved pop star, but a double body.Read more information about spears, and if you like celebrity gossip, here's50 rumors of totally absurd celebrity that some people really believe.

In a video of October 2nd, spears, wearing a face mask and sunglasses, we see walking on a jet with boyfriendSam Asghari,Turn and shake at the camera Before boarding the plane. "A little trip @samasghari and I took !!!!!! I like traveling .... when it's sure of course," she subtitled the video.

The fans were not so convinced by the clip, however. "Cover all the body and wear a mask ... .. that it thinks it's not Britney! ???" wrote a follower. Another commented: "This is just for show..ton make it look like it is not imprisoned."

A subsequent voiceVideo of the couple's holidays, in which Britney is exclusively drawn from behind or from far away while wearing the same mask and the same sunglasses, did not do much to appease the fans.

This is not the first time fans have been reluctant to believe that the woman on Spears's photos is actually. In a photo of August de Spears and AsghariWear masks on a beach bike rideSubscribers said they believed that Britney was presented by someone else during public appearances.

"I do not fall for this zooma, hidden photo of Britney. You must all leave this woman go!" wrote one of ASGHARI followers.

The battle on Spears' conservation, which is maintained by his father,Jamie Spears, seems to be the main reason for the current concern about the well-being of the star. The members of the #Freebritney movement say that the singer is held prisoner at home and that these photos and videos outside the star go out and are taken about a double of the body to maintain at least the rumors at least. Although there is little evidence to support their case, Spears is in a permanent legal battle to remove his father as a curator, a role he has filled for 12 years. According to a report of October 13 ofVariety, she already wins traction in her fight, having recentlywon the right to expand his legal team in the case in the case.

Britney is far from the only star who has been subjected to strange rumors, however. Read it to discover the theories of the conspiracy nature on your favorite celebrities. And for more of your favorite musicians,It was the hottest pop star of the year you got.

April Lavigne died and has been replaced by a double.

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Britney Spears is not the only celebrity that has been prey to the double rumors of the body. The theorists of the plot argue that the realApril Lavigne Died in 2003 and was then replaced by an actress of the viewMelissa Vandella. Although there is no proof to support this bizarre theory, there is a good reason why fans have not seen Lavigne on stage as often as for which they did: in 2018, The singer revealed toBillboard That it had been bedridden for a better two years due to Lyme disease. And for a real Surprise Britney, check these50 emblematic cinema roles that almost went to someone else.

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Solange is Beyoncé daughter.

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Photo -Flash / Shutterstock agency

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