The # 1 type of person you will find eating at McDonald, says data

The average customer can surprise you.

McDonalds Is the face of the fast food restaurant industry. The giant fast service is one of the most widespread hamburgers channels with more than 14,000 national sites and isleading post-pandemic recovery. Last resultshave exceeded those reported in the same quarter in 2019, And its mobile application and award program, launched in July, areCurrently at the top of the industry With more than 12 million members of loyalty.

And while the popularity of the chain isRecent Collaborations of Celebrities We would think that the most common is a young clientele that lives and breathes pop culture, the new data show that McDonald's success is largely on another type of demographic factors. For more, consultHamburgers in this popular channel will soon get more expensive, Say executives.


This average customer is from the chain

woman ordering mcdonalds

According to the data communicated byInternal business communityThe average customer is the chain attending a white woman, between the ages of 41 and 56, whose average family income is greater than $ 80,000. conjugal life and probably from her in the suburbs in the southeastern part of the country.

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His order usually includes three articles

mcdonalds cashier

The customer buys on average three McDonald articles by visit and spends about $ 8.35. During the year, it visits the chain of about 44 times (almost once a week).


Most ordered foods

mcdonalds hash brown
Dwayne O. / Yelp

The average customer is most likely to buy menu classics: sausage sandwiches, rockless potatoes,Crispy chicken sandwichesand fries. No hamburgers, however.


Breakfast is a popular reason to visit the chain

mcdonalds breakfast

About half of the items ordered by an average channel of the chain come from the breakfast menu. No wonder McDonald received so much gameThe breakfast of everyday breakfast During the pandemic.

For more, consult the108 The most popular sodas classified by how toxic.

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