Half Lovato explains the emotional reason why she cut her hair

"I feel so free," the singer said in a new interview. "I feel more authentic to whom I am."

Half lovato Toshared a lot about his struggles Over the years, and it is preparing to reveal even more in a new documentary. So, in the mind of opening more and putting the past behind her, the singer recently explained the reason she made a big change to her appearance. After years of having long hair or at least on the shoulder,Lovato cut her very short hair, And according to her, the choice was much more than trying a new style.

DURING ON MONDAY 22 FEBRUARYThe Ellen Degeneres showsLovato put in detail on what motivated his dramatic hair change in November 2020. Read it to see what Lovato had to say and to learn more about his emotional documentary series. And read another surprising-style transformation, checkRicky Martin has just revealed a new shocking look.

Lovato's's new 'is yet another solution in which she seeks in the future.

Demi Lovato on Ellen 2
Theellenschow / YouTube

The current Lovato hairstyle is dark and shaved around the sides with bright pink hair on top. Asked about the look by the hostEllen DegeneresShe replied, "I feel so free. I feel more authentic to whom I am."

The 28-year-old also mentioned how she suffered from a diet disorder and the connection that had before her hair. "I also want to hide behind my hair," Lovato explained. "I have talked a lot about my past, being recovered from a diet disorder and I used to use my hair to hide behind. That would cover my body. And then when I started To do all this work on myself, I thought, what's something I want all my life that I have to give up, and that was it. "

The dramatic moment of truth is in its new documentary.

Demi Lovato documentary
Half Lovato / YouTube

A documentary about Lovato's life titledHalf Lovato: Dance with the Devil Will be published on YouTube on March 23rd. The four-part series focuses specifically on the overdose of Lovato experienced in the summer of 2018 and shows the singer and relatives of his opening of the situation.

The end ofThe trailer of the series Shows that Lovato decide to cut his short hair. On the clips of the singer "I love you" the singer who cut and shades, she said in a given voice: "I saw only my life for other people, nor their titles, nor their comments on Twitter . " She then says "byeeeeee!" And laughs as she recorded her hair eliminated.

For more on Lovato and other former child stars like her, readThe biggest stars of the Disney Canal, then and now.

The documentary will also have terrifying details of its overdose.

Demi Lovato documentary 2
Half Lovato / YouTube

In the trailer, Lovato and his friends and family explain how bad the situation was with his overdose. "I had three shots," Lovato said. "I had a heart attack. My doctors said I was five to ten other minutes." CNN reports that in a call with press in February,She also explained, "I was left with brain damage and I always strive to have any effects of that today. I do not drive a car because there are dead angles in my vision. I have been doing since for a long time a long period of reading. " She added lasting effects: "I feel like they are always there to remember what could happen if I am again in a dark place."

Miraculously, Lovato shot, and now she tells her story to her own words after being as widely reported two and a half years ago. "There were so many things I wanted to say, but I knew I had to say it just"Lovato wrote on Instagram on the Youtube series. "I'm so excited to finally share this story with you that I held in the last 2 years."

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She shares her tumultuous story to help others.

Demi Lovato pink hair
Half Lovato / Instagram

AtEllenLovato said she believes that she can be an example for others by showing her most difficult moments and the most difficult fights.

"What's great is that we live in a moment when no one is perfect. And we are not going to have models looking at people who do not make mistakes," she said . "We will learn from our models that have overcome their deepest and darkest struggles."

Lovato continued: "First, I wanted to fix the hetero record. Many stories were happening at that time who did not really know what happened. And I just wanted to tell the world, hey, it's What happened is what happened, that's how I put it back, and I hope it can also help you. "

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