Dr. Fauci has just warned this "tragedy"

"Hospitals become outdated is really a tragedy."

With the variant of Delta basically be a "new virus", in the terms of experts, cases and hospitalizations increases, with non-vaccinated people in danger and that unvaccinated persons can also carry the virus, and in some case falling sick. What do you need to know about boosters and howCOVIDspreads?Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Officer of the President and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases appeared on MSNBCTHE REID OUTwith Reid joy. Read 6 essential quotes from him - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss thesenSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Dr. Fauci said hospitals are outdated and it's a tragedy

Man is lying on bed amidst essential workers.

"Well,vaccines Preventing infected, prevent your hospital, "said Dr. Fauci, who added that there are" monoclonal antibodies or treatment after being infected. They are very good, but I prefer not to be infected and to have to be treated for that. What happens in the hospitals that become outdated is really a tragedy. We here in the United States have the tools to prevent it. What you see is fully predictable if you do not get people vaccinated and yet, entirely avoiding by the vaccine. We have to do a better job of reaching people, getting messages of confidence, convince people why it's so important for his own health, for their family and That the community is vaccinated. We should never be in a position where people belonging to an ICU are treated in a corridor, in a gurney. It's just unacceptable. "


Dr. Fauci said that masks work, period

woman in a hospital waiting room - wearing face mask

"You treat with a well-known virus to transmit by droplets and aerosol. Masks today in August of 2021, it is well known multiple studies, that the masks are beneficial," said Dr. Fauci. "They are not perfect, but they will a lot to prevent the transmission and acquisition of Covid-19 or Sars-Cov-2. And that is why the CDC recommends them in several circumstances."


Dr. Fauci said there is a reason why ironing shots become before vaccines for children under 12 years old.

covid-19 vaccine

Reid asked if Fauci was uncomfortable by the fact that adult callback shots arrive before children under 12, even get their first. "This is not the case," says Fauci, "because we have to finish clinical trials to show that in children, it is safe and induced the type of answer you would predict would be protected. We already know clinical trials. Who in adults like you, that the vaccine, depending on the vaccine, which you will get - moderna or a Pfizer or J & J-is safe and very effective. So, I think it's really apples and oranges there -Bas. We should not be one against the other - we still go through safety as well as the immunogenicity study; the other, we know how it works in adults. "

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Mr. Fauci said that's why those who received J & J will not have boosters yet

Syringe Injection placed against Johnson and Johnson logo

"It's a synchronization problem," said Dr. Faisci on vaccine boosters for J & J vaccine. "A large part of the Johnson administration took place in March and later, while the MRNAS have started in January. In order to obtain permission from an additional boost, you must obtain the authorization of the FDA. And we believe we have time, the Wiggle hall, do this before people Who received J & J will be at their eighth month. Whereas the people who had it in January, the mRNA vaccines, they are ready to do it now in the middle of the second, the third week in September. This is the reason for the difference - nothing that prejudicated against J and J, just a question of timing. "

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Dr. Fauci said that anyone who is not vaccinated simply have to be vaccinated

Woman in medical face mask getting Covid-19 vaccine at the hospital

"The most important thing we need is to get about 90 million people eligible for vaccination in this country and have not been vaccinated," said Dr. Faisci. "And we do everything we can with messages of trust, with awareness, with the very, very easy and accessible for them to be vaccinated. So, that will not interfere or unlike the question of the booster. "

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Mr. Fauci declared internationally, he committed to help

People in protective suits and masks delivering vaccine of coronavirus.

"With regard to the international: we, in the United States, are extremely sensitive to the need for vaccines for developing countries, but you can do joy. And in fact, the United States already has already promised or given more vaccines to the developing world than all other combined countries, including a half, one billion doses, of which 200 million will be before the end of this year, 300 million as we enter In 2022 and already given about 115 million doses at about 80 countries. We therefore feel a very strong commitment to the developing world, low- and middle-income countries, but we believe that we can do both. We can take care of our own people simultaneously to make a major dose contribution to the developing world. "No matter where you live, vaccinate as soon as possible and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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