30 easy ways to stop eating so much sugar

Slash Your lollipop consumption with the help of our hacks easy to reduce sugar!

"Eat less sugar." This can be a short and sweet suggestion (pun) but when it comes to how to stop eating sugar added, the reality is not so simple.

TheThe main dietary guidelines from the USDA added sugar limits published, recommending that we eliminate the sugar and keep our consumption of things toNo more than 10% of calories General. This is equal to 200 calories or50 grams of added sugar per day for those who follow a diet of 2000 calories. Putting things in perspective, the average American eats between73 grams and77 grams of added sugar per day!

Even if you are not the sleeves of crackers or cans of Fanta, there are still opportunities for you to stop eating so much sugar. In reality,added sugar is often hidden in places you least expect-Such bread as a "healthy" snack bar your "healthy" and your post-workout smoothie - and perhaps only reason you can not get itflat belly You worked on.

The good news is that it is 100% possible to reduce! To help you do this (and complain about tooth decay, diabetes andHypertension), We've compiled a list of easy ways to stop eating sugar - without sacrificing delicious of all your favorite foods.


Understand the difference between "naturally occurring sugar" and "added sugar".

Honey in bowl next to bowl of sugar packets
Miki Kitazawa / Beldshshsh

Before you panic and throw all that is sweet in your kitchen, take a moment to understand the official recommendation of sugar andDifference between added sugar and natural sugar.

  • Sucre natural occurring: Fruits, vegetables and dairy products have simple natural sugar that should not worry too much. Since fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients slowing digestion, such as fiber and healthy fats, your body does not process sugar as quickly as it would be a cookie or a twix bar. In other words, the sugar in apples and peppers will not contribute to weight gain and diabetes as a soda.
  • Added Sugar: TheFDA Defines "added sugars" like all sugars that are added during food processing. This includes sugar syrups, honey and fruit or vegetable juice concentrates.

To remind you, the official recommendation is to reduceadded sugars, Not all the sugar.From January 2020The Nutrition Facts panel will have a column dedicated to added sugars, which will facilitate the detection.The foods are high in added sugar.

Since some manufacturers will have until January 2021 to add the line "added sugar", make sure you know how to calculate the added sugar by yourself. The natural sugars and added sugars are grouped together under "sugar". This is especially confusing when you buy things like a flavored yogurt, which contain both types of sweet things. So when in doubt, read the ingredients list.

RELATED: Easy guideReducing sugar is finally here.


Learn and recognize all the different names for sugar.

types of sugar blended together

Now that you know what ingredients look, do not stop there. There are over 56 different names for added sugars include:

  • cane sugar
  • dried cane syrup
  • Cane juice dried
  • Concentrated fruit juices
  • Fructose-rich corn syrup
  • treacle
  • agave
  • my dear
  • brown rice syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • cassonade
  • sucrose, glucose, fructose, dextrose, maltose or any word ending in "-On"

Ingredients are listed in descending order by weight. Thus, the nearest sweet ingredients are at the beginning of the list, the more this sweetener is used in food.

If several forms of sugars appear on the label, think twice to do a regular addition to your diet. Sometimes manufacturers use several forms of sugar on the label to prevent a single source to appear near the beginning of the ingredient list. In this case, check the Nutrition Facts panel of the to see how the sugar is in the food item.

To know exactly how much added sugar, look at a similar version and unconverted product you are interested to buy and see how they differ. For example, if a plain portiongroatsA 1 gram of sugar and a flavored version has 16 grams, it is prudent to assume that you would consume 15 grams of added sugar. With regard to sweets and candies, suppose everything is the added variety.


Stop drinking sweet sweet drinks.

Say no to soda

According toNational health institutes, the fourth source of calories in the American diet comes froma soda, which is also thelargest contributor of added sugar. "A 12 ounce can of the dew of the mountain provides 52 grams of sugar, which is more than one day, says food expert and author of7 days old flat belly tea, Kelly Choi. "Fosse the sweet water and keep your taste buds satisfied with unsweetened teas or water infused fresh fruit. This simple exchange can help you lose more than ten pounds in one year!"


Do not count on artificially sweet drinks like replacements.

Woman drinking diet coke
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

Although turning to artificial sweeteners can look like moving on the move when cutting the real stuff, do not be fooled! Splenda, sweet n 'weak, dieta soda And candy without sugar are not better than the real deal. What is worse, research, including a report inYale Journal of Biology and Medicine and a separateAmerican Journal of Public Health The study both found an association between false sugars and weight gain - not a loss.


Buy "unsweetened" versions of food.

Almond milk

That you buy complex,Alternatives of milk, walnut butter or canned fruit, look for an unsweetened variety. Making products with "added added" and "unsweetened" labels Your BFFS will help you significantly reduce sugar and calories during a year.


Store fresh fruit.

Plate of fruit - apple slices tangerines blackberries - and bowls of strawberries bananas

So, what should you buy instead of all these sweet snacks? The candies of nature, of course, are naturally free of all added sugars. In reality,Dietitens say What to eat fresh fruit is one of the healthiest ways to satisfy a sweet desire. To make sure your fruity nosh gives you fully and satisfied, associate it with proteins andhealthy fats, such as nuts or nut butter (which diges slowly), keep you longer longer. Examples of fruit snack associations include:

  • Frambots and low uniform yogurt
  • Banana and peanut butter on whole grain toast
  • Cheddar cheese of apple and low grease
  • Mandarin and cashew nuts

Beware of dried fruits.

dried fruit nuts in wooden bowl

Although we had never met with raw fruit, we did not like, dried and canned fruits are completely different stories. Food manufacturers often add sugar, juice concentrates, vegetable oil and syrups to extend the shelf life of their fruit and improve flavor. Head of these guilty to cut the sugar and stay slim!


Shop on a full belly.

woman fruit shopping in grocery store

This is true what they say: outside the house, in the mouth. Seems pretty simple - until you really be in the grocery store. To make sure you will be constrained to stop eating sugar, spend a little snack before leaving the house.Expertise Say that when we bought hunger, we are much more likely to lose sight of our dietary goals and load you on eats in unhealthy jerseys and sugar.


Chew the seeds of fennel

Fennel seeds

You can not shake these post-dinner dessert envelopes?Carolyn brown, MS, RD of food products on the West Side of Manhattan recommends chewing fennel seeds to take the edge. Why? They are naturally soft but do not contain any sugars, they will help your cravings without balding your belly. And, as a bonus, the fennel seeds are known toStop Belly Bloat and act asRemoval of the appetite, giving you a double dose of benefits from the belly trim.


Cancel sugar samples with tea.

Red tea

The next time you have trouble ignoring the attack on the sweet tooth, do you make a tea at the cup of Cupa. Tahs with mint, ginger, cinnamon and cellar will all help you retain these aspirations by striking that "Sweet Spot" without sugar overload, explains Brown. And with so many varieties, it is difficult to get bored. If you need to teach you, just add a honey teaspoon (measure it to make sure you do not do it too much), which is a little healthier for you than the right sugar orsweeteners.


Consume smaller portions of high sugar foods.

Chocolate and orange

Take a bag of M & MS or a afternoon snack chocolate bar? Finish your day with a bowl of ice cream? If you want to reduce sugar, you can start by cutting your portions in half. By halfway eliminating your regular portions and save the remains for tomorrow, you will cut 50% of your added sugar intake of these foods. Subsidize your plate with something fresh and healthy, like nuts, fruits, steel cut oats or one of our tastesHigh protein snacks. You will get a smaller increase in sugar, without sacrificing the sweet taste you want.


Have a tasty breakfast.

Avocado toast egg spinach tomato
Katja Grasinger / Desclash

Get this: Having a sweet breakfast will prepare you for the whole day of long sugar desires, says Brown. Yes, it means sayonicara to your sweet coffee and sweet cereals. Sorry! Although it may seem very awful, it should not be. Sprinkle cinnamon in your coffee or sweeten a low sugar cereal with slices of fruit. Better yet, opt for a salty morning meal: whipping a veggie omelet or oatmeal with pepper to earth, cheddar, sparkling and an egg on the dish instead of fruits and honey. These satisfactory meals will help you stay on the road to a low sugar success!


Buy united flavors and sugar naturally with fruits.

Woman eating breakfast yogurt

Of course, this loud-flavored lime yogurt lime has air, but it is also filled with sugar and excess calories. Instead, buy a plainGreek yogurt And savor fruits and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. In addition to its paradisiacal scent, studies show that cinnamon can help control sugar in the blood and stimulate metabolism, making it a win-win for yourflat belly Goals.


Buy dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate
Charisse Kenion / BELGSHSH

Chocoholic? Reach dark chocolate instead of milk, which has almost twice the sugar content. The dark chocolate also has four times more iron and belly filling fibers than its lean counterpart.


Use Compossuce when cooking.

Banana bread on black background
Eat this, not that!

If homemade bakery products are your food kryptonite, we get it. Hot and sticky cookies are hard to say no and even more difficult to stop eating once you started. The goods of the merchandise are simply exchanging sugar for an unsweetened apple compote can save you hundreds of calories! While a cup of white tricks has more than 770 calories, the same amount of apple compote has about 100. Depending on the size of your cookies that could easily save you between 20 and 80 calories. While we do not approve to eat excess cookies, if your sweets have been healthy in care, eat one or two very probably probably do not do too much damage at your waist.

Note: If you exchange sugar for Appleauce, a 1: 1 ratio works well; But for each side cup, you use, reduce the amount of liquid in your 1/4 cup recipe.


Sauce Marinara Swap for fresh tomatoes.

Diced tomato

It is really not necessary to add sugar to tomato sauce because well, the fruit is naturally soft. But that does not stop food manufacturers to load their cans on the edge of the trick. From the purchased storetomato sauceWe are often done with things like dehydrated tomatoes and cheap oils, they rely on the soft thing to amplify the flavor. Your better bet? Switch to an option without added sugar such as ragu sugar No sugar added to tomato basil or combine fresh tomatoes chopped with olive oil and spices (we love garlic and basil) in a border for Create a straight fast pastry cup on your hob.


Try a coffee of Nitro Cold Brew.

Nitro cold brew coffee

Move on a cold bush, a new Java of the day has arrived - and it can just help youlosing weight. This is called Brew-or Nitro Brew nitrogen for a short - and live on Barista counters for an intention of a gear similar to a beer faucet. The KEG, filled with cold brewery coffee, is attached to a pressure tap that infuses the brewery with nitrogen gas, which makes the coffee bubble, which gives it a creamy and chocolate taste that has been described as being Similar to chocolate milk. The summit foam also adds a nice texture and seems to help cut through the naturally bitter taste of coffee. And as it is naturally rich, you will probably be able to drink it without sugar. For those of you without a nitro faucet to your local coffee stain, opt for a lighter roast. The lightest beans, the less bitter infusion.


Swap Ketchup for Salsa.

Huevos rancheros

Two tablespoons of Ketchup have just over 7 grams of sugar, while the same portion of Salsa is only 1.4 grams, according to the USDA. Fortunately, hamburgers and eggs have a taste just as tasty, regardless of the option you use. If your goal is to learn to stop eating sugar, go with it.


Beware of the snack bar.

Cut sugar granola bar

Unless you train for a marathon, thatbar Castled in your bag may not be your best snack option. The PowerBar performance energy bar, for example, has 26 grams of sweet lollipop, while the Balance Bar of Uber-Popular Cabah Butter 17 grams - plus one-third of the recommended consumption. Instead, opt for one of theBest Low Sugar Protein Bars.


Buy natural peanut butter.

Creamy peanut butter in jar

ConventionalPeanut Butter Spreads depend on sugar and cross-cutting greases to give them a playground. To cut the sugar and reinforce the health factor of your meal, stick with a natural variety made from walnuts and a little salt .


Coffee flavor with ingredients in addition to sugar.

Mug of coffee and ground cinnamon sprinkled on top with two cinnamon sticks

Use cocoa and vanilla powder in unsweetened latte or coffee instead of table sugar. You will save 15 calories and 4 grams of sugar for each package you keep out of your cup.


Check out when the grocery stores shopping.

Empty cash desk with terminal in supermarket

Your obsession with some of Reese's and M & M sugar sources in your diet? The use of grocery automatic order kiosks can help you keep these objects out of your shopping cart so you can stop eating sugar. On aStudy by IHL Consulting GroupPulse purchases have hardened 32.1% for women and 16.7% for men - when they were those who clored their items and slip their credit card. Although all impulse purchases are not bad for your belly, a height of 80% of candy purchases are not planned. Enabling your routine can help you reduce sugar from your diet and you are your ticket for the strongest.


Make alterations when ordering in restaurants.

Starbucks banana espresso smoothie
Courtesy of flickr

Do not be afraid to make special requests in the restaurants - ask for your Smoothie without agave or make the sailor of your chicken on the side. This simple request can climb hundreds of calories of your meal and prevent the excess of sugar from your mouth. If possible, scanSugar account of restaurant dishes Online before dinner and if the number of sugar seems on the upper side, see how your server can change your order.


Get rid of sweet cereals.

Froot loops

SameSales-probes cerealsare packed with sugar. The Kellogg Cracklin Bran de Kellogg has for example 19 grams in a cup! It's more than what you will find in a bag of Bretzel M & M! The next time you hit the supermarket, look for a box with less than 6 grams of sugar per serving that provides a high fiber dose. Some of our tastesHealthy cereals Include the fiber a cereal of original original (0 g sugar, 28 g of fiber) and the size of the shredded wheat spoon of the wheat spoon 'n bran (0 g sugar, 7 g of fiber) . Add a natural sweetness and flavor to your bowl by pouring fresh berries or unsweetened coconut groans for ahealthy breakfast!


Dors more.

Woman sleeping in bed

No, it's not your imagination; The less you sneez, the more snacks and the sweet meals have become, has found aUC Berkeley Study. Lack of sleep has also been demonstrated to increase the appetite. It is therefore all around the bad news to relax on the ZZZ. Even turning 30 minutes earlier can make the difference. So put your jambies and crawl under the covers earlier than later to stop eating sugar - it's also one ofThings to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight.


Buy a low sugar dessert.

vanilla bean ice cream in white dish with spoon

Is the ice cream your diet? It is not obliged to be. There are tons ofLow sugar desserts In the freezer section to satisfy your sweet tooth while simultaneously flattening your belly. Swap Out Haagen Dazs Butter Pecan (1/2 cup, 300 calories, 17 g sugar) or your favorite rabbit Blue Bunny Party Premium (1/2 cup, 140 calories, 16 g sugar) for a mini-ice cream snickers (90 calories, 8 g sugar) or Scoop of Arctic Zero cookie Dough Chip (1/2 cup, 75 calories, 8 g sugar).


Choose a low sugar bread.

Bread basket

Whitebread Can be comforting because it reminds you of your youth, but it is also a sneaky source of sweet stuff. In fact, every slice of wonder of classic white bread passes two grams of sugar. This means that if you have a slice of toast with your breakfast and a sandwich for lunch, you get 6 grams-or 13% of the day of your bread drawer. Cut the sugar and flatten your belly, go toEzekiel sprouted whole grain bread, a variety of zero sugar that we love.


Make your own vinaigrette.

Salad dressing

When food manufacturers are distinguishablevinaigrettes They replace it with sugar and salt. The result? A size of expansion of the size of the salad which does not have the healthy fats you need to absorb the vital vitamins of thesuperfeument In your bowl. Keep calories and sugar by checking with two tablespoons of an olive oil-based vinaigrette, such as classic vinaigrette of classic balsam olive oil, and be sure to avoid clearing from Varieties that use honey, sugar, soy oils or concentrated fruit vegetables. They do not make your body of favors. Or better yet, make a weak sugar dressing yourself!


Opt for simple oats.

rolled cut oats being measured

To stop eating sugar, jump the pockets of flavored oats - many sugar and chemical bombs in a misleading package - and use kitchen staples such as fruit, nutmeg, cinnamon, extract Vanilla and a pumpkin pie to add flavor to your bowl.


Top foods with fruits rather than syrups.

whole grain plant based pancake stack
Carlene Thomas / Eat this, not that!

Crêpes and syrup are certainly a dynamic duet, but if you want to stop eating as much sugar, you will need to separate both. Now it does not mean you have to eat bland pancakes. Top your flapjacks with fresh fruit for a good touch of sweetness. You can also make pancakes with ricotta cheese and lemon zest for a new catch on the breakfast clip.

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