20 children's films that certainly traumatize your children
Unfortunately, cartoon characters are no less frightening.

Ask any adult to name the film that terrified first as a child and that the chances do not want to mention the R-appinable ranked horror movie they are fled or a violent thriller they n 'should have never been allowed to watch. The most commonly traumatic movies are the clean (so-called) brilliant and adapted to families that are apparent for them. It is true, it is gain G or Pg-noted that sometimes leave them in cold sweat and too much too stifled to fall asleep without any light in their onled room. It's really a momentum if the kids would have less nightmares after seeingApocalypse now only one visualization ofWather Down.
Here are 20 targeted films in younger audiences that are really traumatic, not just for kids, but also adults. For more information on children entertainment, lighten the atmosphere with these20 most funny jokes of children's films.
1 Down (1978)
For a movie on the bunnies,Down Of course, has a lot of blood and gore.THIS FINAL BATTLE Between the wound and the furious dog, it's like another thing from a Tarantino movie. Here is what the G-noted films looked like in the 70s; You never knew when an adorable rabbit was going to have his throat torn by an attacker. And for more information about things that go bump in the night, check these15 most haunted places in America.
2 Fancy (1940)
The most memorable feature of Mickey Mouse is psychedelic but especially harmless, with the exception of this scene whereSatan makes an appearance. The good news is that it only summons demons from the underground world for an old fashioned Hoeedown. But even if, they are seriously frightening demons. For more family content, see these20 most funny jokes of children's books.
3 Gremlin (1984)
This film is not on the list due to special macabre effects, like when the Gremlin guide strip melts, its body dissolving while it foams with mouth. It was rather bad, but it's not the most traumatic part ofGremlin. This supposed comedy-horror film ruined generations of children when he revealed, without any spoiler alert, thatSanta Claus does not exist! No, you are not a bad parent for letting your impressionable child look at this horrible movie. For more being the best parent, check these40 parental breeding hacks of an incredible child.
4 Willy Wonka and Chocolaterie (1971)
Is it the comforting story of a poor child who inherits a chocolate company or a terrifying tale of a serial killer who allows them to obtain children in his factory and systemic murders all except the one of them? Have you ever wondered what happened to these children after their "accidents", when they were sucked into pipes or whims of the size of blueberries?
Wonka did not seem everything about if they lived or died. When Veruca salt fell on a garbage chute andin the incinerator, Wonka notices that the furnace only works every other day, "then they have a good sporty chance." Yikes! And for more umbrella movies, see these37 films that each man over 40 should be able to quote.
5 Coralin (2009)
What could possibly be terrifying about a girl who discovers a parallel world where a doll that looks like her mother wants to kidnap and sew buttons on her eyes? Uh, how aboutall? And it's only the first thirty minutes.
The rest of the film concerns coraline nightmare attempts to follow your eyes - Yes,the eyes-Do his ghost friends in the other world. We have to ask how is not a movie David Lynch? For strange (but hilarious) films, check these30 most funny movies of all time.
6 Bambi (1942)
Two words: dead mom. How many children have learned about the death to look at this movie and to be recalled, "It's true, the person you love most and depend on everything that could be removed from youat any moment"And for a pleasure mom who will hit you in feeling, here's30 things only moms with girls know.
7 Who wants Roger Rabbit's skin?(1988)
It is the character of Doom of Christopher Lloyd who makes this movie something that will require years of therapy in the line. That it is murdered a powerless and innocentanthropomorphic shoe or shout with a very realistic pain while beingsteel,Who wants Roger Rabbit's skin? is not a movie for weak heart. For more strangely placed zingers, check these30 hilarious jokes found in non-comedy movies.
8 All dogs go to paradise (1989)
Do not be confused by the title. Sure,more Dogs go to paradise. But this animated functionality also reminds children that some dogs, maybe evenyour dog couldgo overWhere there will be terrorized by a giant lava dragon. Tight sleep, children!
9 The Lion King(1994)
It is not enough for Mufasa to be killed by rucking gnous, as part of a conspirating murder of sinister, leaving Simba when he exactly father needs a father the most. It's this heartbreaking scene where Simba lies next to his dead father and cradlesoversized paw of his father. It is a serious existential terror for a film about lions talk.
10 stuck (1941)
If there is one thing that every child wants to know when to watch a disney animation movie, he is: "If the main character was to consume a malavised number of psychotropic substances, what kind of terrifying hallucinations would he have ? Oh, wait, no, we wanted to say "one thing every child does not want to know. »
But everything, Disney gave us the answer anyway instuck, With a really disturbing sequence involvingDance of pink elephants with empty sockets for the eyes. Nice to meet you, mental images that will haunt forever my dreams! To learn more about terrifying dreams, see these30 the strangest things you do in your sleep.
11 Something bad this way comes(1983)
Disney taught us to wait for the death of parents from time to time in their films, but something so brutal and useless as a decapitation, well, that we are always taken by surprise. And yet, he arrived in this horror movie of the 80s, where the hero of the child Will Halloway is watching guillotines. It's a great reminder to children all over the world: "Here's something you do not have it yet, you should realize being afraid. »
12 Dark Crystal (1982)
We have come to wait for a thing from Jim Henson's movies, and it's delicious and comforting puppet shows. We certainly are not expecting dystopic stories of the planets and condemned a sinister reminder of mortality. But that's what we had withDark Crystal, The story of a ruthless and BeakedExotic species called SKEKSIS, Who are like theMuppet Show"S But Gonzo more nightmare inducing, and the beasts a little less horrible trying to stop them.
13 The never-ending story (1984)
If you are going to kill a beloved character in a movie, and this character is a horse, and that the movie happens to be destined for children, maybe you do not do this death sceneslow and agonizing as possible.
When Atreyu's horse wells in oblivion of the swamps of sadness, you just want it to be over. Cornhe continues and so on, And cries of children, with a very convincing anxiety: "I will not leave! Do not give up !, "And the legitimately terrified horse eyes (probably because it was a real horse and did not trust quite being submerged in black go.)
14 The adventures of Mark Twain (1985)
Any movie about Mark Twain Claymation must include one thing and this thing is ... Creatures of the puddy .Demonic with a tragedy mask for a faceexplaining the futility of the modern man And how easy it is for him to destroy human life. Wait What? We were actually enough to wait for Tom Sawyer's delicious smoking strokes, but of course, the demon who reminds us that we are going to die too.
15 Pinocchio (1940)
If children do not already have a little apprehension of the outside world, they will be after seeingPinocchio. The wooden boy finds Pleasure Island, a paradise supposed without rules or responsibilities, at least until your pain andviolent donkey transformation.
"Boys that you had your pleasure," a figure screams with new donkey. "Now pay for that! Pinocchio looks with horror as a single man takes his new equine form, and his cries turn into a birror without words. An important lesson for children that if you ever flee mom and dad, there is a 50-50 chance, you will become the slave ass mine of someone. To learn more about lying game, see these15 ways Genius links like a spy.
16 Back to Oz (1985)
Just what everyone has not asked, a sequence ofThe Wizard of Oz. But on his credit,Back to Ozmanages to be more captivating than his predecessor.The Wizard of Oz Flying the monkeys and melting witches, but the Disney Suite had a factless of Emerald City and an oz now governed by vigil rollers called wheelers. And do not forget the witch whocollects the disembodied heads.
17 The fox and the hunting dog (nineteen eighty one)
The film poster makes believe that this will be a typical mini-animation flicking about an improbable friendship. And he starts this way, with a fox baby adopted named tod friendship with a dog dog named copper. They grow up to realize that they are supposed to be deadly enemies, locked up in a daily lifestruggle for death for survival. But everything will be fine at the end, is not it? They will realize that they can ignore their societal roles and love each other despite their differences?Nope! The only happy end here is that old friends do not really die mutually.
18 The witches (1990)
Another film of children fun on children kidnapped by perverse adults. Do people who make these films convince that all children want to flee at home and is their job to make sure they are too scared to leave home?
The film featuring Anjelica Huston as a witch whose full-time work consists of capturing innocent children, has a lot of traumatic moments, but the one who is still with us is theMouse transformation scene. Apparently, when the witchcraft is used to transform a child into a mouse, it implies a lot of convulsion and steam coming out of the mouth. Nobody needs to see that. Anybody.
19 E.T. The extraterrestrial (1982)
The movie finally has a happy end, but for a while, things are really serious. The scene where e.t. The matrices are graphic and frightening, and tears after 7 years, Drew Barrymore does not act. Director Steven Spielberg convinced him that E.T. was real, so she was pretty sure she watched the actual death of an adorable stranger. But the real tear-jerker is when EliottSeat next to the corpse From his candid Alien who died and said to him, "I can not feel anything anymore. You went everywhere else now. I will believe in you all my life." I'm not crying,you are beautiful tears!
20 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
A musical comedy on a magic car on the Dick Van Dyke? No way that will ruin someone's childhood. But then we areintroduced to the receiver, a manic troll companion who brings children with free candies and ice cream - no, seriously - and then captures in a cage. For tunes more diverse musically, consult these40 most hilarious song titles.
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