30 Most Funny Awards Acceptance of Punchline Word

Mr. Big Bald Spot on the side of your head finally gets his due.

There is something that migrates to watch your favorite celebrity - a person you have seen to deliver a dialogue with an impeccable timing on the countless screen-comes through a speech of acceptance of emotional rewards-show in front of millions of people. And although it's sometimes painful to look (see: Winona Ryder), it's a total happiness when he delivers a perfectly timed zinger.

With the Oscars who are hiding at the corner of the street, we have seized this opportunity to compile these 30 most intelligent speeches and the most fun ofRewards show, comedians and non-comedians. So, read it for a truly hilarious trip down awards-show Memory Lane.

Ferrell is going drops - his price.

Will Ferrell Mark Twain Award Funniest Award Speech Acceptance Punchlines

While accepting its price Mark Twain Comedy in 2011, actor and comedianVA FERRELL fall and literallybursts his price. EEK. It could have been a really embarrassing moment for Ferrell. Good thing that the actor has made the mission of his life to transform embarrassing moments intohilarious lucids.

Punchline: [Immediately after dropping the price] "As I look at this beautiful bust of Mark Twain, I remembered how humiliated I am, I have to receive such an honor and how I was much to take a very special care."

Adam Sandler thanked his professor "Ms. Renderer."

Adam Sandler Funniest Awards Speech Acceptance Punchlines

Adam Sandler has already thanked enough people in his life. Whilethis Acceptance speech at the prices of people of the people in 2012, Sandler wanted to thank the teachers of the school class who shaped his young life. He devoted his price to, among others, Ms. Rotten Hosele, Mr. Big Bald Spot on the side of your head and even really old lady with the bad wig died halfway from the second year. It owes you so much.

Punchline: "Although I may not remember all your names, teachers, I remember you, because you are forever in my heart. I thank you so much, with the beautiful courtyy teacher with the strange glasses of Kindergarten."

Tina Fey calls Alec Baldwin.

Tina Fey, inspiring quotes Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Whileaccepting The Mark Twain Prize for American humor in 2010,Tiny fey killed him with one of the most famous funny speeches to date. It is also important to note that theRock Star was only the third woman receiving this price, which she happily high to gently recall the crowd how far the women had not participated yet in the industry. The best part of the speech came when fey thankedAlec Baldwin.

Punchline:"I want to thank Alec Baldwin fornot coming tonight. I already have a reputation as a lunatic liberal media. I do not need this guy who follows me. "

Steve Carell's wife writes her acceptance speech.

Steve Carell Funniest Awards Speech Acceptance Punchlines

Steve Carell would like to thank his wife.Several times. Yes, Carell's wife has put a paper pen for his acceptance speech after winning the best actor in a series of the music TV series or comedy forOffice In 2008. It turns out that Carell is reallyreallyRecognizing for all the sacrifices that his wife did his career in comedy. It is particularly grateful for the exhausting hours of work that his wife has crossed their beautiful children.

Punchline: "[I want to thank Nancy, my precious woman, who put his career taking into account mine."

Cuba Gooding Jr. would like to literally thank everyone.

Cuba Gooding Jr. Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Ah, dreaded Oscars music that reminds you that yes, dear winner, you should not thank a guy at the corner that complimented your shirt once.Cuba Gooding Jr.While accepting its price for the best support player in 1997, did not consider this brevity rule. When the group started playing, it startedshouting Even more names to heaven, declaring his love for each of them. His passion and overwhelming excitement were truly endearing, even if the group did not know that the group did not believe that it was up to its cries.

Punchline:"We are here! I love you! We'll continue!" [The volume of music increases; Gooding Jr. shows no sign of stop.]

John Lennon mocks Simon and Garfunkel.

Art Garfunkel, Paul Simon, John Lennon Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

PoorGarfunkel art. It is so tired of being the backup dancer and never the Britney. This particular night at the 1975 Grammys seemed to be quite strange.John Lennon andPaul Simon casuallyannounced the winner and Art Garfunkel trampled to receive the price forRecord of the year, fromOlivia Newton-John.

Punchline: "So, who is the rodo?" Zing!

Robin Williams imitte George Bush.

Robin Williams Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Yeah. It happened - and it washilarious. His funny speech charming the crowd with a bad impersonation ofGeorge Bush's Foreign tour Gambilla in Japan while accepting its Golden Globe Award for the best actor in an animated image in 1992.

Punchline:"Some Sakes! I did not know."

Emma Thompson Jane Austen Fan Friction.

Emma Thompson Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Emma Thompson was so excited about his role in Jane Austen'sMeaning and sensitivity,that she wrote her own fan fiction toreadWhen accepting its Golden Globe Award in 1996. Thompson sang the praises of Thompson Sung Austen while wondering in high voice how the author would feel during an event such as this one. It was with this investigation that Thompson took him on herself to enter the shoes of Austen with a short fiction clip, to read aloud at the rewards fair. We are pretty sure that Jane Austen would have been a total boss.

Punchline: "It happened to me to ask me how [austen] would react to an evening like this. [to beatThat's what I came. "

Jim Carrey is dancing for the man.

Jim Carrey Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Jim Carrey not onlyarrival On stage with a cigarette by hand (it was the 90s), we also struggled to recognize the actor while accepting his MTV price for the best male performance forThe Truman show. Its long head of hair, a thick beard and dark sunglasses hide little to hide the level of strange carrey brought to the scene with him that night, shortly afterOscar.

Punchline: "After the so-called Oscar race this year, I realized that the dance for the man is simply not there."

Adrien Brody embraces Halle Berry.

Adrien Brody Halle Berry Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

After winning the best price in Oscars in 2003, Brodywandering on the stage and in the surprised arms ofHalle Berry. As it turns out, one of the most amusing speeches in the history of Oscars did not need to involve any dialogue.

Punchline: "Woah."

Bill Murray would like to thank anyone.

Bill Murray Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Bill Murray is usually no good. He did not cherish this responsibility while receiving the price of the best actor in a comedy forLost in the translation. He did not jump a beat duringrefusing To thank someone. We feel, invoice.

Punchline:"There are so many people trying to take a credit for that, I can not know where to start."

Julia Louis-Dreyfus thank youParks and leisureto throw.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Amy Poehler Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Amy Poehler appear In this funny "gaffe" acceptance speech. While accepting an EMMY award for its role inVeep, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is acknowledged a piece of crumpled paper by Poehler. After Louis-Dreyfus begins reading his acceptance speech, thanking theParks and leisureCast, we start realizing that she does not leave her own word - she reads Pohler. If only they gave rewards for the best acceptance sketch.

Punchline:"I would like to thank NBC [notVeep'snetwork], my boys archie and capable [Not the children of Louis-Dreyfus] ... "

Merritt Wever must go.

Merritt Wever Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Only a few seconds after accepting his emmected to the best support role inNurse jackie,Merritt Wever The short and soft guard and at the point. She is gladlythanked Everyone for the price, then rushed next to the scene with a quick farewell and sharp hilariously. Okay, then maybe we have a new hero. Did you hear that, Cuba believing Jr.? Short and sweet.

Punchline: "I must go, goodbye!"

Amy Pohler gets the shoulder rub bono.

Amy Poehler Bono Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

It's a title that seems to be appropriate only for someone like goofy that Amy Poherler. Among the other hilarious women of the radiant audience comedy while their names were called, Amy Pohler was too busytransaction with other important issues.

Punchline: [As caps of the camera, Poehler is sitting on Bono's knees, getting a back rubbing]

Anna Kendrick takes them straight.

Anna Kendrick Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Anna Kendrick has never been great at little speech. After accepting its price for Best Soundtrack at the American Music Awards 2015, Kendrick had aFew words of choice (Jokingly, of course) for producers of the soundtrack.

Punchline:"You did not make me kill three times. You are a small ruthless group of sociopaths and I admire that."

Ellen Degeneres gives a gift to the public.

Ellen DeGeneres Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

If this price existed, it would surely go to the comedic EmpressEllen Degeneres. We love Ellen because sheaccept The humanitarian award of his people from his people with the perfect amount of humility and spirit that causes every member of the public to smile with a ear to the ear and plugs one of his more memorable and fun speeches with a perfect gift.

Punchline: "Tonight, I want to make you happy, so I brought a naked torso photo ofChris Hemsworth to share."

Taylor Swift returns to Kanye West.

Taylor Swift Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

It was a long time to come for the Princess Pop. It was even more on the podium like Taylor waited with anxiety the impulsinKanye West explosion. She used her gramtyacceptance speech At OH-SO-SO-Obviously, take a Jab to a certain reward show - interrupt the rapper.

Punchline: "There will be people along the way to try to go beyond your success or take credit for your achievements or your reputation." To burn…

Julia Roberts forgets the name of "driver".

Julia Roberts Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

It was a moment in time forJulia RobertWhen someone should have shake his shoulders and reminded him gently to "use his words". She forgot some someaccepting An Oscar for his supporting role inMagnolias steel.

Punchline: "Sir, you do a great job and you do a great job with this stick, but why do not you sit down because I may never be there anymore."

Meryl Streep has "stressed fatigue".

Meryl Streep Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Meryl Streep is tired. The strain of the reward season does not hit anyone almost as hard as if it is narrow. His "stressed fatigue" is apparent as shescarcely manages Accept the Golden Globes Award - Thank you for having to give so much acceptance speech in such a short time.

Punchline:"You will have to forgive me. I lost my voice."

Gwyneth Paltrow Cries - a lot.

Gwyneth Paltrow Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Gwyneth Paltrow Too much feelings, and nowhere to go then when she names each person who helped him along the way. It accepts its Oscar for the best actress in 1999 in the middle of agust tears and snots. Although it is not precisely the punchline she had hoped, it all welcomed us that Oscar music ends the annoying Sobfest.

Punchline: [For Meryl Streep] "I do not feel very deserving about that in your presence."

Patton Oswalt appears in Spandex.

Patton Oswalt Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

In a pre-recorded video,Patton Oswalt-Who is not impossible to do at Cringe Humor Awards 2006, delivered this funnyspeech In full swing Silver Spandex.

Punchline:"Just before making my last fantasy dance Silver Boy Fantasy to visit Saudi businessmen here in Los Angeles."

Sacha Baron Cohen and Will Ferrell

Sacha Baron Cohen Will Ferrell Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Just another day in the comedy Frat House.Sacha Baron Cohen And Va Ferrellpopular Their victory for the best kiss in the 2007 MTV rewards by recreating their famous Lip-LeuxTalladega Nights in action live.

Punchline: [Pure physical comedy.]

The Russell brand sends a pre-recorded video.

Russell Brand Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

During a pre-registered acceptance speech for the best TV interpreter in a non-actor role in the 2007 broadcasting prices,Russell brand admits with casualness to call in his funny speech.

Punchline:"There is no real reason for you to focus."

Kathy Griffin actively produced Jesus.

Kathy Griffin Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Unlike all other stars,Kathy Griffin Must not have its success in its belief in God.

Punchline: "If it was up to him,CESAR MILLAN would be here with his dog [Dang]. "

Matthew McConaughey is fine.

Matthew McConaughey Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

We honestly hope that the actor pronounces this famous line in each of hisAcceptance speech go forward. He accepted the Oscar for the best actor with such grace and wisdom until hepronounced His famous line.

Punchline: "Okay, okay, okay."

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon lose their minds.

Ben Affleck Matt Damon Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

In 1997,Hunting goodwill wonBen Affleck andMatt Damon Oscars for the best original scenario. Young actors then looked like an adorable disorder like Affleckscream His mercy, while Damon stood next to his wild smiling side, like a few children really excited to recreation.

Punchline: Affleck: "I know we forget someone." Damon: "The one we forget, thank you!"

Jennifer Lawrence can not even do it at the scene.

Jennifer Lawrence Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines
YouTube / Academy Prize

We can not talk about the most important acceptance speeches without mentioning this famoustrip heard around the world.Jennifer Lawrence had barely made the scene to accept his best acting Oscar before she falls literally on herself with a glea, proving that she is just the girl next - which is also a very talented actress with One of the most famous funny speeches of all time.

Punchline: "You come from you still standing because you feel bad that I fell."

Robert de Niro thanks the makeup team.

Robert De Niro Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

Unlike others on the list, it seemed likeRobert de Niro I did not really know who to thank for his best actor of 1981 Oscar. Hethanked Almost every department of its price, including the makeup team on the whole. It is clear that no one in this film has suffered from Fomo that night.

Punchline: "I forgot my lines so that the director wrote them for me."

Angelina Jolie rises his success.

Angelina Jolie brother Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

While accepting the Golden Globe for the best supporting actress in 2000, Angelina Joliecredence The Hollywood Foreign Press Association forhis success.

Punchline: "You are so nice with me. They must pay you."

Roberto Benigni does not speak English.

Roberto Benigni Funniest Awards Acceptance Speech Punchlines

It was not even seconds after accepting his Oscar for the best actor asRoberto Benigni realized that he did not know enough English words to adequately transmit his assessment. Our favorite part is when itcapture America in perhaps themost honest way any alien can.

Punchline: "Grazi, America, land of many things."

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