27 signs that you are a "free spirit"

Although a real "free spirit" would never pay attention to the fact.

We tend to think of a free spirit as savage andadventurous No one whose fascination in the world is matched only by their flake often frustrating. However, real free spirits are a mass of contradictions-extrovert that like their only once, with no hope that bounce back from the partner and people who, by all accounts, usually defy the definition.

"Free spirits are often people who do not like to live with rules. They walk to their own drum where they take them," said the psychotherapist.Karen R. Koenig, LCSW, M.ED. "They do not like to be related to the commitments or expectations of others for them. They prefer not to plan, but trust as a result of their instinct. Some may be irresponsible, but it's not always the case. They are often creative. They are often creative. Good for people who are more regulated and inhibited to be around them, giving them a chance to relax. "If it looks like you, read it to discover extra panels that You are a free spirit in the heart.

You easily lose a trace of time.

a free spirit raising her arms to the sky

You could have aWatch your wristBut you often see that minutes of hour hours at an alarming rate. While losing a trace of time with such a frequency could be painful to others, it simply means that you commit yourself perfectly with the task and allowing you to lose you in the moment.

You are often caught the reverie.

a free spirit look at her laptop and gazing out the window

All this time spent looking at the window is not wasted for you - you use it to plan your next adventure, taking into account the philosophical implications of an excellent book you just read, or imagine how to make a part of Your long term goals. Better yet, research actually suggests that reverie is more productive than many people bring it out - according to a study conducted at theGeorgia Institute of Technology, reverie is considerably correlated to have a strong intelligence.

You are Claustrophobe.

woman annoyed mad

You can not feel confined when you enter an elevator, but yourclaustrophobia is always too real - although metaphorical. When you stay in a place too long or you spend too much time with the same people, you get itching to expand your horizons and discover new people and places.

Long-term commitments are not your style.


Of course, you had long-term relationships,Long sterrets in jobsAnd apartments you have stayed for years at a time, but it's just doing things that things have worked that way. Most of the time, the same signature a long-term mobile phone contract always gives you chills.

Take the long way at home is worth time for you.

a free spirit walking his dog

Monotony and routine are not in your vocabulary. Even if it means you have to leave the job a few minutes earlier or end up going home after dusk, enjoy a landscape change invigorating you and well worth the extra time spent.

The personal work-life balance is not negotiable.

a free spirit working outside

You have never been the kind of person who voluntarily passes from 12-hour days to the office, even if you enjoy your job and enjoy your job, you always remember that you are working to live, not the opposite. The good news? Take the reins when it comes toWork-life balance is the long-term intelligent movement: the search published in theJournal of theoretical social psychology reveals that people who work hard stress jobs with little work-life balance die earlier than their more equal counterparts.

You value your experiences on objects.

road trip hobbies

You know that a new shiny car in your driveway will make you happy for a little while, but the memories of an extraordinary trip, a good meal with friends, or just a cinema night with your favorite people with whom the possession of the possession of fantasy every time. And it seems like you are on something researchers toThe University of Cornell and theCalifornia University Saved that people enjoy significantly greater happiness when they spend their money on experiences, rather than material goods.

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While making a single concrete decision, can make others feel comfortable, it means you miss you. Even if you simply order a menu in your favorite restaurant, you know that pick a single dish means that you can not dry dozens of others - and you find yourself a little sluggish every time.

You like to party, but not as much as your "time time".

Woman Traveling airbnb

Although many suppose that free spirits are all of life with others, a real free spirit knows that the person's society is as good as theirs. Although you can be mainly extroverted in nature, you also need a little solo time to lose you in your thoughts and plan your next adventure.

Learning is the great passion of your life.

a free spirit Smiling and Reading Poems

Some people spend a lifeStudy one language, book, or philosophy. And while you admire their dedication, you want to learn everything you can about the world. Read a book or article on a subject is great, but you like the fact that there are so many others to learn. Jumping from one field of study to another is used to energize only when you realize that there is a vast information iceberg below the surface you always get to explore.

You are not a lonely, but not a person of people either.

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Others love to be around you, but you are afraid of the question: "Are you a person-person?" In reality, you do not really label yourself (even and especially as a "free spirit") and see your personality as something that can not be easily categorized. While you know the opportunity to meet new people and train new relationships, you also value your "me time".

You do not let others' opinions affect your self.

a free spirit dressed insanely well and clutching a stylish purse

Of course, some people do not really understand yourpurpose. However, you are not particularly worried about bringing them at your side of the fence. Even though it seems unconventional to others, you are content with the way you live your life and you do not leave someone else's opinion down.

The end of the night is always a bummer for you.

people partying at the end of the night

They say that all the good things end, but you give anything so that it is not universally true. You are known to extend a party in the early hours of the morning or spend all night with deep discussions with your friends, even if you know that means you're going to hang sleep.

You are fiercely independent.

woman working out Being Single in your thirties

It is not so much that you always understand social norms, but you are proud of your fierce independence. You know that the walk to the rhythm of your own drum will not always win your friends, but you are content to steal solo if that means you can stay true to your convictions.

You do not see roadblocks, you see opportunities.

Man excited to find car in parking lot

You have always been a good problem solver and the problems do not intimate you easily. You know that as it feels like you have come to a dead end that you do not find any way to find your way, when problems rush into the head, you know the opportunity to address them.

You find ways to laugh pretty much everything that throws you.

dad laughing a dad jokes

Just because you are a free spirit does not mean that there is nothing in the world who kill you. That said, you are an expert at lemonade lemons. These moments when the world seems to be conspired against you is nothing more than opportunities to change courses for brighter horizons.

You think the disturbing is a waste of time.

man relaxing Facts About Millennials

Some people could see you as negligent, but what they just do not understand is that worry does not make sense for you. Your nature solving nature means that you are eager to repair what's wrong and move on instead of increasing what you could have done differently.

Every new person is a potential friend for you.

friends sitting on curb

No matter where you go, you always take new friends. And even if you may find yourself in one another with a frequency, you dedicated to staying in touch with people who mean the most for you, no matter where you are . In fact, you still have kindergarten friends you talk every day.

You have too much trouble to count.

a free spirit playing guitar

Yourhobby Are what healthy people keeps you. In your quest to learn everything you can on the world, you have been diving on the high seas, learning to play in Didgeridoo and study the art of French cuisine. But you also know that spending too much time on a single pursuit will take you to the end of the nut, so you find yourself more often in a master territory of no-none.

You are a chef born.

never say this at work

Adhering to the advice and ideas of other peoples, it's like trying to install a square through a circular hole. You are a chef born and you like to be able to teach other people, even if you think that their happiness is just as important as their mastery of any subject.

You fall in love easily.

no time for love

Friendships are not the only type of relationship you come from. Find yourself wrapped in a tourbillon romance occurs more often than you could admit. And you know that having a main partner does not always guarantee happiness. In fact, science supports your relationship-style researchers at theUniversity of California, Berkeley, found that polyamorous relations tend to promote more personal growth and communication than monogamiles.

You have great relationships with your ex.

attractive couple making pizza at home

While you do not always stay in relationships for a long time, you know that you do not get out that someone does not mean you can not be friends. In fact, many of your exès are always entrusted in you years after the end of your romantic relationship.

You are not competitive.

a free spirit playing tennis

Being a star in your field has never been a goal on your part. Instead, as a free spirit, you enjoy the experience of your work and strive to do your best, but you feel happy for people who go beyond you.

You do not live in the past.

older woman smiling

You are a product of everything you have seen, learned and feel before. You are who you are because of where you have been, and you rarely look at past experiences, no matter how dark or trauma, they could have appeared at the time of negativity.

You live intentionally.

a free spirit dancing in the club

Just because you are a free spirit does not mean that you are unable to live an intentional life. In fact, living intentionally is a major priority for you, even if your lifestyle of your Fly-By-The-Seat-Seat-Seat-Seat-Seat-Seat-Seat-Seat does not always make this type for others. And when things do not go as planned, you take the "Bob Ross mentality" and celebrate "Happy Accidents".

You are grounded.


Not in, as the meaning of the childhood of the term. Being a free spirit does not always mean rolling the wind, wherever it can be able to take you. You have a clear vision in mind, but see many ways to get there. Although it is not always obvious for others, you have concrete goals, even if your methods to achieve them may seem unconventional.

Your relationships are the most important thing for you.

friends chatting Embarrassing Things

You live for inspiration and nothing inspires you more than giving and receiving love. You end up invigorated by a call on the phone with your parents, recharged by a match night with friends and can even be inspired by a tapiting conversation in a bar with a stranger. For you, the connections you make in life, no matter who are always your absolute priority.

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