The CDC says it's the first signs of dementia you need to know

Can your loss of memory be something serious? These indicators mean that you should see a doctor.

Whileto get old Can sometimes say that we think our mind slows down a bit, it is important to distinguish between normal memory loss and something that justifies a more serious investigation. OrdinaryChanges in the brain This might mean that we sometimes do trivial things, but irritating similar to lost car keys, difficult to think about the right word immediately or forget the name of someone, for example. But these shifts are not a special cause of concern. However, disease control and prevention control centers (CDC) notes thatThere are 10 signs of early warning You should be on the lookout for this may indicate that your loss of memory could be dementia.

Those who have one or more of the following symptoms on the CDC checklist should talk to a doctor and look for treatment, says the agency. Early diagnosis helps bothDementia management and planning for the future. Read it to see the list of cdc early warning signs you need to know.

Loss of memory that disrupts your daily life

A senior woman sits at a table in front of a coffee while holding her head with a distressed look on her face

If you are nominations or events, often repeat, or if you need sticky notes or phone callbacks to keep the basics of your daily life in order, the CDC says it's a sign that you should see your MD.

Jeffrey Keller, PhD, founder and director of the Institute of Research and Prevention of Dementia, told the American Heart Association (AHA) that most of us experience someMemory memory as we get older. However, if you areCan not trace Your steps or keep information, which indicates a more important problem.

RELATED:This could be one of the first signs you have dementia, experts say they are saying.

Challenges with planning and finance

Man in his 50s working remotely, using mobile phone, communication, connections, technology

A dieThe first signs of dementia May appear in your spending habits, the CDC says.

"It is not uncommon at all for us to hear that one of the first signs that families become aware of the person of a personFinancial transactions, "Beth Kallmyervice-president of care and support for the Alzheimer Association, saidThe New York Times. Some people with early dementia could make significant purchases they forget until they get the bill, while others could absorb payments.

Difficulty completing familiar tasks

Woman holding hand in hair and looking away while standing against the window with apron on
Elen11 / iStock

The CDC warns people to be looking for sudden problems "with cooking, driving places, using a mobile phone or shopping."

TheAlzheimer's association advises that while having "difficulty driving in a familiar place, organize a grocery list or remember the rules of a favorite game" could be signs of dementia, you should not move immediately at the worst conclusion if Some tasks are delicate you are aged. "You may need help to use microwave settings or to record a TV show" are what they describe as "a typical change of age" and are not a cause for concern.

RELATED:Do this when driving can be an early sign of dementia, the study says.

Confusion with time or place

confused older white man pointing at calendar

According to the CDC, "having trouble understanding an event that is going on later, or the loss of track of dates" is one of the classic warning signs of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). "The truthThe problem with advertising is the perception of time, "Lisa P. Gwther, MSW, LCSW, co-author ofThe Alzheimer's Plan of Action: a Family Guide, told CBS News. "Five minutes may seem five hours for a person with an ad. A husband can therefore think that his wife has disappeared for hours, even weeks, even if it has just been a few minutes, or he could tell his little- sons he did not see him in five years, even if he just saw them yesterday. "

Problem with visual or spacial judgment

A Coffee Spill on the Table The Struggle is Real Slang Terms

If you can not balance or judge from the distance, find yourself at home, or if you are considering drinks or you drop articles more often than usual, the CDC says they are all red flags of dementia . The condition causesNerve cell of death and loss of fabricThroughout the brain - and possibly, as the perfect condition, the brain is greatly reduced, which prevents your usual daily functions.

RELATED:It makes you 6 times more likely to develop dementia, the study says.

Difficulty finding words or repeating themselves

female health concerns after 40

Having trouble holding conversations or fighting to find a word in your mind are other signs of early note dementia. As a specific example, the CDC says calling a watch "This thing on your wrist that tells the time" can be an indicator that something is wrong.

The Alzheimer Association adds that people with illness can stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to continue or repeat themselves. "

Misguided things and lose the ability to trace your steps

wallet and car keys on table
Shutterstock / Simon J Beer

If you suddenly place car keys in the washer or dryer, there may be something wrong that needs special attention.

Similarly, people with dementia can accumulate things or hide them in usual places. However, theThe Alzheimer's society of the U.K. Stresses that there may be some logical to this behavior, which may seem strange from an outsider. "The hiding place and the strike can be an attempt at the person to have some control of their situation," he suggests. "The person can also feel paranoid or have illusions and believe that their business will be stolen, they could try to hide or protect them."

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Decrease or bad judgment

older man looking at laptop in home office
Shutterstock / CLS Digital Arts

Become ascamBy paying less attention to your personal hygiene or forgetting to take care of a pet are all signs of warning that a person's judgment decreases, another dementia indicator. An academic study of 2019 published in theAnnals of internal medicine precisely considered as if it were likely to fall for a scam could be used as aPredictor of dementia. The researchers concluded that "the low awareness of the elderly scams is a hosting of unwanted cognitive results and is associated with the pathology of Alzheimer's disease in the brain".

Become removed from work or social activities


"Do not want to go to the church or other activities that you usually do, not to be able to follow football matches or follow what happens" are all listed by the CDC as possible early signs of dementia .

The experts of the Social Institute for Excellence of the U.K. warn that it is not as simple as the condition that triggers this behavior physically either. "Aperson with dementia can become withdrawn Due to a loss of abilities caused by dementia. For example, if verbal communication becomes too much fight, a person can abandon the attempt to communicate, "they write. But they add that" a person with dementia is much more likely to withdraw because they feel isolated. Or bored, "stressing that depression can also be a problem.

Changes in mood and personality

wife comforting upset husband

The CDC warns that "easily annoying in common situations or be fearful or suspect" is another sign of dementia. Johnson & JohnsonGuide to symptoms of dementia Note that while becoming easily agitated or fearful, may be indicators of the disease ", alternatively, a person with dementia can show less emotion than his use before."

RELATED:40 habits to reduce your risk of dementia after 40.

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