50 amazing celebrity cameu on "Sesame Street"
Emma Stone, John Legend and Beyoncé are among the many celebrities who can tell you how to go to Sesame Street.

That does not likeRue de sesame? For 50 seasons - with the help of Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Elmo, among others - the children's PBS program served as essential lessons and has favored everyone's worship. And this includes celebrities. The series has an impressive list of Celebrity Coundos, featuring everyone old boys bands at night's night hosts apparently those who can claimSaturday Night Live on their curriculum vitae. InviteRue de sesame It looks like a real rite of passage for the Hollywood stars. And it's a thrill to see a-listers go out with the puppets that you used to think as growing listers. To see what stars have so much soft spot for Oscar the Grunt as you do, here are 50 of the best celebrity cameras onRue de sesameIn honor of the 50th anniversary of the show.
1 John Legend

John Legend had some appearances invited onRue de SesameOf course, he has, with this playful and winning attitude, but our favorite is that of 2009 when hestuck up On the piano with hoots the owl.
2 Jason Derulo

Jason Derulo Can be better known for singing the words "Jason Derulo" at the beginning of any track it appears on. That's why it's so surprising to see himDance Through an entire song with Elmo and Abby Cadabbywithout Fleuri his full name.
3 Amy Adams

TheSharp objectsStar has serious temporary braces, including two Victims of Golden Globe Wins and six academy's price nominations, but that does not mean that it is above the programming of children.Amy Adams totallynailed down His appearance of 2011 onRue de sesamewhen she defined the word "ingredient" with Elmo.
4 Jessica Alba

Over the years,Jessica Alba proved his skills by actingandinBusiness. But did you know that she also excecces to provide the "word of the day" for Elmo? TheStaris broken down The word "succulent" in an episode of 2012.

A crossing betweenDevelopment stoppedandRue de sesame? It happened! here is aClip ofVA ARNETT Play an inept magician and overconfident in a scene with Big Bird.
6 Backstreet Boys

Do you remember when groups of boys ruled the world? The suave reputations of the Backstreet boys were so strong in 2002 that they couldto singa song toRue de sesamewithout losing their status as cardiarob. Their game was seriously indestructible.
7 Sarah Jessica Parker

In a 2010 cameo that delighted the two children andSex and cityFans,Sarah Jessica Parkeraid Grover finds "big". You know, like her again, her boyfriend and her prospective husband. All parents and baby sitters surely watched the ILO.
8 Janelle Monáe

TypicalJanelle Monáe Fashion, sheshow Until the scene dressed in an elegant embarrassment and managed to do its cameo, at the 45th season, the incarnation of cool and chic. How does it do?
9 David Beckham

David Beckham and his accentmade an invited appearance in an episode duringRue de sesame'S 39th season. In this segment, Beckham tells us about the "word of the day" - and, depending on his turn largely pilori inKing Arthur: Legend of the sword, the performance here seems to be the role of a life.
10 Ryan Reynolds

Before he charm hearings with spiritual liners indead Pool,Ryan Reynoldsfall throughRue de sesameIn 2010 to play the emblematic role of theletter a " on the team".
11 Nsync

Another episode, another invited appearance of a group of boy. Back in season 31, NSYNCgraceless Rue de sesame Remind children to believe in themselves. More important again,Justin Timberlake Waited a bucket hat with a frayed rim.
12 Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffaloexposed Its range of actors by defining the word "empathy" in an episode during the 42nd season.
13 Susan Sarandon

Sure,Thelma & Louiseis a classic movie butSusan Sarandon tooplay An emblematic role inSESAME STREET ALL-STAR 25th Anniversary: Stars and Street forever!The actress gave a stellar performance like Bitsy on television of 1994 television, which focused on the character of Ronald Grump-a parody ofDonald Trump.
14 Adam Sandler

This can be surprising at some fans of the comedy star frequently, but in 2009Adam Sandlerhad A very serious scene in which he writes Elmo a song.
15 Lin-manual Miranda

Here is one for everything youHamiltonfans (so, basically everyone).Lin-manual Mirandaplay A real estate agent laughing and singer named Freddy Frapman in the 4th of 187th episode. Not surprisingly, he really tied to the little and overthrown him from the park.
16 Stephen Colbert

AsJon Stewart underlined during a little air,Stephen Colbert onceplay The pivotal role of the letter "Z" inSESAME STREET: ALL-STAR alphabet.
17 Jon Stewart

After having fun in Colbert for appearing onRue de sesameJon Stewart made an appearance himself. In 2007, the late starglue A segment of his own together, when he demonstrated what the word "practice" means.
18 Destiny child

BeforeBeyonce went solo and became one of America's most loved icons, shemade herRue de sesameStart with his colleagues members of Destiny's Child. Because it was 2002, she wore a red leather beret, which is a reason enough to watch the clip.
19 Steve Carell

Although no one had to listen to whatOfficeMichael Scott says, we recommend you to give an ear toSteve Carell message in hisRue de sesameappearance. DURING SEAS 43, CARELLjoined Elmo and Abby Cadabby to teach children to know what it means to vote. A valuable lesson indeed.
20 Anderson Cooper

The reassuring voice ofAnderson Cooper Appeared onRue de sesameback in 2007, when he played ajournalist On the NBN, an obvious CNN spray. During this bit, he gave a little strong journalism and investigated the letter "G."
21 Tracy Chapman

When you hearTracy Chapman, you probably think about the highway while covers the "fast car" choir. But she toohad A couple of musical appearances onRue de sesame, in the seasons 21 and 29. (good luck to get a "fast car" of your head for the rest of the day.)
22 Jim Carrey

Unlike a lot of celebrities on this list,Jim Carrey'sappearance onRue de sesameProbably does not come as much surprise. His ability to twist his face in scandalous expressions lends himself perfectly on children's television. He did exactly that in his 1993 cameo onRue de sesame, when hedemonstrated How to express emotions with your feet.
23 Sofia vergara

InRue de sesame42ND season,Modern familyStarSofia vergara switched The "word of the day" segment by teaching Elmo the Spanish word dance: "baime. "
24 Danny Devito

It is strange to think about the incredibly vulgar Frank ofIt's always sunny in Philadelphiabe part of the children's show, butDanny Devito actually appeared onRue de sesame back in the 80s. Heplay Vincent Van Grouch, curator of the Museum of the Recycle Bin. At the second thought, it does not sound that far from Frank.
25 Emma Stone

Before winning an Oscar for his leading role inLA THE EARTH,Emma Stone paid its contributions by delivering the "word of the day" onRue de sesame. During the 42nd season shedescribe The word "balance" in Abbyd Cadabby.
26 Jeff Goldblum

The same man who has mastered universal attractivenessguest played Like Minneapolis Johnson, a spoof on Indiana Jones, onRue de sesame Back in 1990.
27 Dixie chicks

The famous Country music trio has made theirRue de sesameStanding in 2007 when theysang A song on the letter "B." "It's honestly a pretty catchy melody, talking about volumes for their musical talent.

ZAC EFRON and his bicepsshow In an episode of 2012 to tell the children of the word "patience". With his roles inMusical, You would think they had singing and dancing - but alas.
29 Ralph Nader

In a shocking events,Ralph Nadermade an appearance inDuck, aRue de sesamespecial, with a role of singing. Yes, it's true: Zac Efron has not started singing, but Ralph Nader did.
30 Kate McKinnon

TheSNLStarloaned His joke delivery chops at the series for the challenge "Share Laughter" in 2017. The segment is healthier thanKate McKinnon Usual shiny rate, but this compensates for that with unparalleled adorability levels.
31 Donald Glover

Is there somethingDonald Glover can not do? The actor-comedian-musician-writer-directorplay LMNOP in a season 43 episode ofRue de sesame.
32 Bobby Moynihan

SNLStarBobby Moynihan has been revealed as an actor of character when hekill It's like the man of Quacke duck in episode 4 325. Ah, to be able to write "The Charkaker Duck Man" on your CV.
33 Tina Fey

OldSNLwriterTina Feyjoined Rue de sesameIn 2012 to play Captain of Libressians. It's a strong competition, of course, but from its 40 moreAction creditsThis role can be its greatest.
34 Jimmy Fallon

At this point, you would have forgotten to think thatRue de sesameAppearance is written inSNLContracts of distribution members.Jimmy Fallonbook The "word of the day" back in 2010 and, while it was only nine years ago, his beam appearance in a striped t-shirt is striking; Nowadays, it is rare to have a glimpse of not wearing costume.
35 Margaret Cho

Margaret Cho took a little time to say dirt jokes tospeak About his emotions with a great bird in an episode of 2000. Hey, we all need a change of landscape sometimes.
36 Zach Galifianakis

Anyone who looksBetween two ferns know thatZach Galifianakis is a comic genius. And as you can see in this clip from 2015, it is also very good at the co-starring with Murray Monster onRue de sesame. During his cameo, hewas in charge of defining the word "nimble".
37 Downtown Julie Brown

You may rememberDowntown Julie Brown of his days as VJ on MTV, but apparently, she also had a concert as a journalist onRue de Sesame.Shemade The honors to host the World Music Festival Worm in episode 3,448, which broadcast in 2011.
38 Jon Hamm

As he proved his appearances onSNLand in roles as varied asMad Men andBridesmaids,Jon Hamm is a man with many talents. Naturally, it is charismatic in its season 43 Cameo onRue de sesame, when hedefined The word "sculpture" with Elmo.
39 Faith Hill and Tim McGraw

One of the most loved couples of the country music scene,Crib andTim McGraw are known for their romantic duets. The song theysang on sharing in an episode of 2011 ofRue de sesameis definitely cute, even if it could be a source of embarrassment for their three girls.
40 Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick has a solid reputation on the internet, but his fans know that there is a clip of his invited appearance onRue de sesame the low? DURING SEASON 44, ANNAmade An appearance with Elmo and Abby Cadabby to demonstrate what the word "absorb" means.
41 Jonah Hill

After taking a name with his role inSuper bad,Jonah Hill Tested his call on a younger audience. During his ILO on an episode of 2008, Hillwearing A great false mustache while explained the meaning of the word "empty" in Elmo.
42 Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson was onRue de sesameIn 2008, in a scene in which hecounted from 1 to 20. As it turns out, it reallyIs Have a very particular skill set!
43 Anne Hathaway

BeforeAnne Hathaway was the best part ofOcean's 8(treat with that, hateful), shefallonRue de sesame To sing a Christmas carol with Big Bird in 2007. Of course, it's not as attractive as pulling a wife's chest - but it's something.
44 A direction

Rue de sesameClearly a soft spot for boy bands. Back in 2014, a directionremixed Their stripped song "That's what makes you beautiful" in "that's what makes you useful."
45 Lindsay Lohan

It's not a secret thatLindsay Lohan has been honored since she was a child, but even before she played next to herselfThe parent trap,shewon aRue de sesameCredit by singing with Terron Monster back in 1995. Who knew that an adorable little girl with mats would open a club in Mykonos one day?
46 Peter Dinklage

Game Of ThronesStarPeter Dinklage tried something new with his season 44 Cameo, when hesang About the Simon game says. This seems to be an activity Tyrion Lannister would have no patience for - unless 12 deep wine cups.
47 Taran Killam

The oldSNLMember of the distribution was onRue de sesamequite recently (2016) andsang A character song as a Professor Buck AWE. Honestly, he gave a murderous performance and reminded everyone that he could appraise a melody.
48 Viola Davis

In 2014, the same yearViola Davis First public wowed with its performance like Annnez Keatining onHow to get out with murder,she was worth itRue de sesamecredit. Shetook On the task of teaching Elmo what is a "fiesta". Really, 2014 was an exciting year for Davis.
49 John Leguizamo

John Leguizamo is very versatile as an actor, having appeared both a main character ofRed Mill!and a background interpreter in a Justin Bieber Musical clip . It's a sense when he was able to to give We the character of the captain of vegetable in 2008.
50 Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris play A singing shoe fairy dressed in a double beige, double-breasted cotton suit for an episode of 2008 of Rue de sesame . If you thought his turn how I Met Your Mother was legendary, you still have to see that.

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