20 secrets your babysitter does not tell you

If you say that you will be at home at 11 am at home at 11 pm

More ... than80% of American families have at least one employed parent, making childcare a non-negotiable for most of the74.2 million children in America. However, while professional child care are critical to many working families, many parents know little about what goes on behind the scenes with men and women who watch their children every day.

Want to know what your babysitter really think of your outrageous rules or assumed these holiday fun family? Read it, and you might just think twice before discharging again the nanny of your child. And when you want to have fun with the whole family, book one ofThe 5 best trips to take with children!

They will not bargain with you

Woman and money, Bad Dating Marriage Tips

Do not try to joke with your babysitter or feign ignorance regarding the amount that you should pay. "When it comes time to pay me, people are always trying to tell me that I told another number that I did," said Katie, a nanny in New York nound. However, she warns against trying to lowball a nanny that you already said their costs. "I'm not thirteen and trying to go to the cinema film. I have to put food on the table," she said. If you need to reduce your expenses, start with the52 easy ways to be smarter with money in 2018 instead of.

They are not your captivity

hilarious words

It is one thing to protect your children. It's another to force their babysitter to stay in one room all day, as many parents ask. "I have not been allowed to leave during my 10-hour shift and I could not leave the master suite all day," recalls Katie a particularly harrowing job experience. "If the baby needed a bottle, I could not even go in the kitchen." And when you want to mount your parentaling game, start with the20 ways of being a mother (a lot) best mother.

Parents surprising claims about the eating habits of their children

Mother and Daughter Eating Ice Cream Valentine's Day

Of course, it is of utmost importance to ensure that your children's babysitter know any allergies they may have. However, Katie says that food fears are unfounded in reality are often an important part of the work.

"A couple would keep anything with nuts in the House because they were worried their children are developing an allergy, but do not get tested," says Katie. And when you want to do every healthier meals, first add the50 best foods for your brain your meal plan!

They are not your therapist

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It is tempting to unload luggage on someone in your home every day. However, this does not mean that you should treat your babysitter for your child as your therapist. "People I have babysat for some time that say," Can you believe my husband? "And spill the intimate details of their relationship," said Katie, who warned against transforming your professional relationship in a constant dishwashing session. Oh and talk therapists? Here20 Secrets Your therapist does not tell you.

Just because your child misbehaves does not mean you are a bad parent

Your children may look like angels with the babysitter and demons when you are around, but it's probably not your fault. Katie said that children behave very differently with their primary caregivers and nannies and recommends that parents not to fight if their child seems to have a major change of personality when he returned to their guardians.

They see your private stuff

propose, laundry

If you want to keep your relationship with your professional babysitter for your child, do your best to store a bit before coming. Katie admits that many of his leave employers Risky objects from view, although she cautions against parents do. When you have a nanny, your home is a place of work, so treat it as such. And for more information about the inner life of your child, know the40 Children of lies say parents always fall.

Shouting is an unfortunate constant

ground kid

People tend to get their frustrations out of the person they see most often, which, in many cases, is the babysitter. "A family I have worked for me" said Katie, who says many employers will not think twice before shouting at their nanny in front of the children. And when you want to kiss a calmer and more centered life, start with the30 easy ways to combat stress.

The line between nanny and assistant is always fuzzy

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While many babysitters do not bother a household, it's important to clarify that you expect you to waited for before recruiting someone. Katie says to work for a family that first insisted that other domestic tasks were not part of his work, only to ask him to constantly run races for them unrelated to the care of their Children. Fortunately, when you want to take your professional life at the next level, the40 Best Ways to Restart Your Career Can you get out of this work less than ideal quickly.

Their weekends do not belong to you

bad puns

The expectation that your babysitter has nothing to do the weekend is a common, according to Katie. However, if you want your baby-sitter to be on call for the weekends, you should expect to pay more or find another nanny whose only job is pinching on Saturdays and Sundays.

Be late is a big problem

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Just because you are willing to pay your baby-sitter for overtime does not mean that it is never appropriate to let them suspend. If you go out for the evening and you promise to be back at a certain time, make sure you are back or, at the very least, let your baby-street know that you will be late. "People will say that they will be back at 11 years old and come back to 1 without notice," says Katie. "It's a constant."

They know when you cheat

weird laws

Do you want to keep your secret pillar? This could be more difficult than you think if you have a regular nanny. "There have been a lot of times that employers are like" Oh, you're already here, "surprised to see me when they entertain a" friend ". Or sometimes you have just catching a woman who walks in which n ' Is definitely not the mother of children, "says Katie.

They have a very good image of your finances

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While you may not share your bank statements with your babysitter, are the odds or has a good idea of ​​the amount you pull, according to Katie. In addition to the fights, many couples will have in front of their infants on cash flows, Katie says it is difficult to conceal your expenses to someone who sees every package and shopping bag that crosses your home.

Interviews can be brutal

Shaking hands mortgage payment

Job interviews are quite difficult as that, but for many Nanny jobs, they are particularly difficult. Katie says some parents will bring the whole family to interview potential nannies or forcing them to answer questions virtually unanswered. "[A family] continued to interrupt at what frequency I should feed the baby, then correct me with their own answers," she says.

You should really clean before arriving

Husband doing dishes

While most houses with children have some sort of clutter in them, waiting for your baby-sitter to work in an unsafe environment either both raw and unfair. "There were cases in which I was uncomfortable of workplaces because people keep their homes so disordered", admits Katie.

A little food will not be unknown

hilarious words

The babysitters often work longer than average with few breaks, so having food they can eat is always appreciated. "It really fears when they have nothing there so you can eat," says Katie, who also recommends giving your nanny space in the refrigerator for his own snacks, if you do not provide them with you -same.

Trust is the key

commonly misspelled words

If you let someone look at your child, it's important for you to trust them to do it effectively. Katie remembers an employer who would not let her use a baby monitor, asking him rather to stay in the same room all the time that their child was asleep. Another employer would not leave his children outside the house for more than 20 minutes. If you want to keep a good relationship with your nanny, try to show them a little confidence.

People have wild ideas about the well-being of their children

baby sitting in car, looking chill.

Unless you have a health problem, it is unlikely that your children will become permanently damaged before going out in a layer. Katie says that a couple based on NYC would not let her take her child outside when he was less than 65 degrees, which made him almost impossible to make them an adequate exercise during the day.

They can not control the screens of the world

Parents, children, race, talking to children about race

It is difficult to unreasonable to ask your baby-sitter not to immerse your children in front of a TV all day. It is quite unreasonable to ask them to make sure your child does not see any screens at all when they come out, however. If you want your child to have a completely screen-free life, it will probably say that your baby-sitter can not take them to restaurants, shops or guest houses. And less than real multi-tasking multi-tasks, chances can not dictate the rules of use of the screen in the rest of the world.

These holidays are not just the pleasure for them

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While getting to see a new city or country can be exciting, do not expect your vacation to feel like one for your nanny, too. If you want your nanny to travel with you, you should definitely expect you to pay not only for their transportation, accommodation and food, but for the time they spend with you, too, Katie said. If they work, they earn a salary.

A little kindness makes all the difference

50 compliments

At the end of the day, a little goodness goes a long way when it comes to making your babysitter feel welcome and respected. Pay in time, choose your children in time, and make sure "please" and "Thank you" people take care of your family, after all. And when you want to bring your family together, start withThe best way to raise itself healthy kids!

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: kids
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