17 things you think being romantic but in fact are not
In fact, they can be just downright scary

Unlike popular belief, romance is not dead. It's just less dramatic that he was used to being. After all, in 2019, you are much more likely to see someone who transmitting their "I love you" to his SO by simply making the linen - or get up early to prepare breakfast, shouting roofs or the Pour into an iambic pentameter.
But that does not mean that there are not many people who always really believe that hiring a plane to write "I love you, Beth!" In the sky is a very good idea. (Spoiler: This is not the case.) With that in mind, here are all the "romantic" gestures that we have decided are really empty, too impatient or outright frightening. So read it and avoid them at all costs! And for new proof that all romance is not dead, check these40 former relationship counseling that always applies today
1. Surprising your S.O. at his home
In the Romcoms of the 1990s, men never hesitate to sit spontaneously at someone's apartment to apologize for some misdeeds related to the relationship or to win someone's affection. But let's face it: in real life, showing the residence of someone without warning isGreat invasive.
If you want to see someone, it is much more polite to send them first and organize a place and an hour mutually convenient. If you have just introduced you flooded, you will look desperate at best scary at worst. (And yes, it goes for both genders.)
2. Landking outside the room with a boombox
Everyone fell in love withJohn Cusack inCameron Crowe1989 movieSay anything. After all, it contains the world scene in which the shots of CusackPeter GabrielIn your eyes "on a boombox while holding silently outside the window of the beloved bedroom. (In fact, this film should have been calledDo nothing and let Peter Gabriel speak.)
But unless you pull this waterfall as a kind of ironic inner joke, we will exhort you to refer to the previous tip. (Also, where did you even find a boombox?)
3. Do in the rain
In the movies, it looks really romantic. But, in real life, it's cold, it's wet, and you will probably get sick. In addition, peeling wet jeans is a nightmare and a real mood killer once you come back inside. There is a reason why we have umbrellas.
4. Throw pebbles to his window for his attention
Captain von Trapp did not appreciate him when Rolf did it inThe sound of musicAnd no longer, anyone in modern society. You have a phone. Use it.
5. Risk your life to ask someone to go out
InNotebook, Noah (Ryan Gosling) Convince Allie (Rachel McAdams) Go out with him as a ferris wheel takes place with one arm. It stands out as super-sweet in the movie - mainly because you know, it is Ryan Gosling - but, in real life, this kind of behavior is dangerous, a little psycho and on the point of intimidation.
6. Write "I love you" in the sky
Exhibition a) according toSkywriting service at the national level, the average cost of this gesture is $ 8,500. Exhibit B) It lasts only five to ten minutes. If the other person feels in the same way as you do, trust us: your message will likely land (no word game intended) even better when ordering verbally in person.
7. Buy a person a star
We are all vanished when Landon (Shane West) "bought and named" a star after Jamie (Mandy Moore) In the drama of 2002A walk to remember. But it's because his character wasreally in astronomy, and it was apersonalized Gift that shows that he understands and knows what would make her happy.
But claim for a moment that your S.o. is totally in distant galaxies. Despite what you read on the Internet, youcan not Legally buy and appoint a star. (Oh, and she will know that you would have filed your idea of proposing a Mandy Moore movie from Mandy-Aughts.)
8. Proposal of the Eiffel Tower
We all knewTom Cruise 'm marriageKatie Holmes was sentenced when it was revealed thatHe had jumped the questionOn the Eiffel Tower. Yes, Paris is the city of love as well as lights, and it is a magical destination overflowing with romance. But the clichés are clichés and fall to a knee at the top of the Eiffel Tower is perhaps the least creative thing a partner can do.
Unless it holds a particular meaning to your relationship (that is, you have met or first exchanged of the love of love traded on this subject), appear the question on this Parisian reference point left also Original.
9. Wash with his hair
Meryl Streep andRobert Redford makes someone's hair shampoo seem so devastating romantic in their emblematic scene in the 1985 movieApart from Africa.But if you want to see a more precise representation of this experience, see theSex and city Episode when Steve washes Miranda's hair during her honeymoon in season six. His grimace says everything.
Trust me: you feel like a very coarsely neat dog. Past.
10. Send a drink to someone
Netflix'sThe obsession of the mountain house addressed this perfectly When one of the characters responds to be sent a drink by a stranger by sending him the strangest aperitif of the menu anyone never commands.
Do not forget that it is not very romantic to assume that if a woman is alone in a bar, she waits only to be wrapped in the attention of men or eager to consume a free alcohol. It could be there for Buffalo wings.
11. Suggest via Jumpron
The largest public for marriage proposals is also terribly non-romantic. Seriously, think about it: your beloved is sitting circled 65,000 people screaming people doing beer and watching men sweaty. In addition, you seriously put your S.o. on the spot here. If you want your partner to really enjoy the moment - and look in your eyes and understand what you ask for them - it's better not to do it with 130,000 eyepieces radiating yourself at theexactly the same time. Make an unforgettable experience, not a little body.
12. Surprising someone with a pet
HavingA pet is one of the great joys of lifeBut it is also a massive responsibility that you do not want to ring someone with until you know they are ready. Although you see this as a token of your commitment to the other, he could watch it and panic on the requests he is prepared (and you know, veterinary bills). Unless you have already discussed a pet, we will urge you to avoid this surprise because you risk doing too much risk of putting pressure.
13. Propose a hot air balloon
In theory, it's a very good idea and ultra-romantic. But our advice is totally practical: all it takes is a burst of wind to see that the ring disappears from the earth and never be reviewed. Talk about a bummer. The same goes for rowing, bridges and waterfalls.
Sharing the joys of nature with your beloved is a wonderful thing. Just do not make your coming out.
14. Publication of Lovey-Dovey's photos on Instagram
When you are in love, you want to shout roofs and social media seem to be an excellent platform on which to do that. But set up endless photos of the two of you kissing causes people wonder why you are so desperate to have everyone see you as perfect couple. If you are really happy with each other, you should not need 300 tastes on Instagram to feel good about your relationship.
15. Enter a fight on his behalf
There are many movies - the most remarkable of which it may beBRIDGET JONES JOURNAL-In that a man proves both his manhood and his love for someone by hitting an unconscious competitor. It may always be a fantasy for some people, but the reality is dark, andAs a culture, we move away from the kind of toxic masculinity that this famous.
It's not like it's not hot on a scalable level when your S.O. Is willing to protect yourself from the danger and it is always nice to know that someone has your back and is ready to defend yourself. But unless your partner is in a real physical danger, this movement is more about proving you the amount of a "man" that you are than showing someone how much you care.
16. A dear holiday surprise
If you do that, you'd better make sure that you cleaned it with your boss of S.o. and you are absolutely sure, they are not pressing this week. Otherwise, it's a bit like surprising to their apartment with a long speech, although it looks romantic, the message it really sends is that you do not have a lot of understanding or respect for their time .
17. Have a torrid link
Movies likeThe English patient Make it seems that business is sexy, glamorous and endless ending. (The heart wants what he wants, no? Even when it is forbidden?) But the reality of infidelity is much closer to that of a horror movie than a sweeping romance in Africa in the second World War. For more this,Read the agonization of this woman personal account of the consequences of infidelity.
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