Here is the secret tour of Dwayne Johnson for the fight against sadness

Yes, it involves hitting the gym.

About a week ago, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson revealed that, despite his #blessed life,He too had trouble depression in the past. And in a new interview with the extraordinary Xilla on his new movie,CarnageHe shared his current strategy to overcome the # SADS - and it's golden.

"My reaction from sadness to sadness is a kind of action," he said. "So I like going to something. For me, you'll do something, it sounds boring or cliché but that's what it's with me. I have to hit the gym. I have to do an activity Physics who can let me sweat up, and let me grind, and let me enter and so I can not think about the shit that makes me sad. And in a way, I can simply pull it out energetically. "( soundsmany like the mantra of life of Dennis Quaid, which is "to be proactive").

Sometimes, however, you just have to let the sadness just wash yourself and transmit.

"Sometimes my own form of therapy is that I can ragir in the sad a little. I put music that I know will keep the train sad go. I have to get there. So I do that."

As strange as it might be to imagine the rock sitting on its sofa, eating ice cream and crying in Adele, it sends the important message that, no matter how you are "macho", it's Healthy and important to leave your feelings instead of keeping them in bottle.

So, if you feel blue, try hitting the gym, or lighting EMO music and let the sad train walk around.

If it does not work,You may want to try antidepressants, or take a book from the other bookFamous men who spoke about the way they overcome depression.

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