This viral video of a chat rolling his eyes will make your day

It's Pic Chat.

If you likecats, your favorite quality of them is probably the fact that they are super imperceptors and do not care about what someone thinks. You never reallypossess a cat; You have just lived in their homes and serve them conscientiously to their dinner.

Which is probably why this short video of a cat rolling eyes to his human goes viral and lovely cat owners everywhere.

In the video, the user Twitter@ThisSntSerena Yells "No" at his cat, Tiramisu, to stop eating herb. In response, Tiramisu gives him an undeniable look of "seriously? You think you can tell me what to do?" Before shooting a worthy eye.

Tiramisu is a queen and she knows it (even without tail).

Ocular video video received more than 2 million views and 61,000 reweets since it was published at the end of July, andcat lovers are really related to that.

If your cat does not regularly return your orders, are they even a cat?

After all, a recent study revealed that, unlike popular belief,Cats know their own namesThey just do not come when you call them because they do not care.

Some relevant social media users also comment on Tiramisu was right to ride her eyes because herbal consumption helps to facilitate chat digestion.

Certified veterinarianDr. Wailani Sung to crushVeststreet That's probably true, even if the cat then throws. Just an extra proof that Tiramisu knows the best!

And for more advice, checkThese are the foods you should never feed your cat.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / News / Pets
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