30 stupid arguments you have with your spouse
Stop, drop and choose your battles.

When two human beings spend all the moments of awakening together, there will be as many bad moments as good. And maybe nobody understands this better than married couples, who are forced to live, sleep and interact with each other with nowhere to run or hide. Of course, being with the love of your life can be an explosion sometimes, but from time to time, these quirks or installments of your partner will push you on the edge.
Of course, you have dropped for the better or for the worse, but that does not mean that you and your spouse must agree on everything. However, when the thrust comes to push, make empty toilet paper rolls and texting at dinnerreally Deserve a screaming match? And is itreally It's worth entering a heated argument, say, heat? In this case, we have compiled some of the most common silly arguments among the spouses, with ways to avoid joining them. And for more ways to maintain a happy relationship, do not miss these30 things you do well that will improve your wedding.
1 What to have for dinner.

"I constantly treat arguments that involve" winning ", saysLaura F. Dabney, MD,A company and a life coach. "These involve every spouse trying to change the spirit of the other instead of focusing on the problem. A classic example is when a couple is deciding where to go for dinner and we try to convince the Other that sushi is "better" while the other does a case for the Italian. It's not going anywhere, because of course we are not better than the other. The best thing to do is Focus on the problem, what is: "We are not on the same page for dinner, so now what? '"
2 The classic spat toilet seat.

If you are in a cohabitation relationship with an opposite sex member, you are intended to have this argument at least once a week (if once a day). But also embarrassing that falling in the toilet at three o'clock in the morning is to put a toilet seat down - an action that takes up to three seconds and requires a minimum of effort - is worth it to fight? Probably not. Ladies: Your best bet is to calmly recall your significant other than you use the toilet.with The seat, and that its setting back would be much obliged.
3 Which one must clean the kitchen.

Why do you keep a trace of which cleaned last? Store the house should be a common effort, not another reason to fight unnecessarily. The simple solution here is to divide the responsibilities between you and your other significant (as they should be). In this way, any argument on "which cleaned last" will not be possible. And if you want to rub the house so that you will not have to touch a sponge for weeks, use them20 tips of cleaning the house genius that will hurt you.
4 The debate "I cook, clean you". (And vice versa.)

When you spend hours away in the kitchen on a cooked meal at home, you might feel as if you have won the right to simply sit down while your other half cleans the mess. But if your spouse has never accepted this arrangement, so they might want to get the short part of the stick, leading to an unnecessary battle without purpose. Next time, you simply save with your spouse and make sure this configuration works before starting to cook - and if not, you can all cook.and Both clean, or you can simply opt for withdrawal. And before cooking, read these17 ways you use your cuisine all bad.
5 Why there is no toilet paper.

Yes, sitting on the toilet only to find that the roll of toilet paper is empty is frustrating beyond belief, but does it really justify a festival of cries quite? This might want not to replace the empty roller means they do not care about you or your needs, but it's more likely that they become too lazy to go on the cabinet to recover a new one. Replace the roller, remember your partner that they can not just suspend when you are going to make your business and go with your day. The fight is not worth it.
6 Bad directions.
Your spouse assures you that they know how to get to your parents' house, but two hours later and you are lost somewhere in the middle of the Boondocks. Your impulse could be shouting your head on how you told them to connect the address into the navigation unit, but all this will do is to shake your already frustrated. S.O. and make a bad situation worse.
For the good of health of everyone, it is better to hold your language, plug the address into the GPS and change the subject. The damage has already been realized and start to fight when your partner is already angry could lose the atmosphere for the rest of the day. And if you have trouble keeping your cool, try themThe best ways to calm your anger instantly.
7 What temperature define the thermostat to.
Well, then maybe your husband loves to keep the house in a 65 ° Fahrenheit Frigid, but that's why you have blankets. And if your wife loves him at 72 ° Fahrenheit, even in the burning screenwriter, simply sip on an ice drink and lose the shirt. If you and your spouse, you can learn how to compromise something as little as the thermostat, so how will you ever compromise on things that really matter?
8 Why there is dirt on the ground.

You follow the mud when you wear your shoes inside the house. Let them where they belong: in the home.
9 Someone watched the rest of the season.

Many couples are binding on the monitoring of their favorite television shows, so it can feel like a trusted betrayal when a person looks at an episode or two of the show without the other.
"To find out what the fight really is, you have to talk," saysTina Ticina, PhD, LMFT,an authorized psychotherapist and the author ofHow to be happy partners."Once you have discovered the specific reasons for your partner's preferences, you will discover how to solve the problems you did not know existed." Maybe your partner does not send ahead for you, but is just too eager to wait to look and do not realize how much what looks together for you - and it's really something Who justifies a skirmish?
10 Spats on the speed of walking.

Some people do just walk naturally faster, and it has nothing to do with being in a hurry or trying to overcrow someone else. If it bothers you that your partner works too fast or that it is slowly, it is more effective to tell them that ("I want to slow down so that we can actually walk and talk") to attack them for their rhythm of walking natural. Also, Gents, be counting: heels are not easy to enter.
11 Someone is late (always).

Many mute arguments continue to raise a relationship because, instead of tackling the underlying problem, spouses prefer only commercial barbs. "If a person is typically late and the other spouse is always the same way - by complaining, then it's just as responsible for the problem because they do not analyze the situation," said Dabney. If speed is a problem in your relationship, Dabney suggests sitting with your partner and propose an "other approach" - specifically, a person who does not imply the name call.
12 Football Sunday.

"Sometimes arguments are symbolic," says Tessina. An excellent example of this is the classic argument of Sunday football, when a spouse prefers to spend their free time doing what they want (like watching football) instead of compromising and finding something nice for them and their partner. In doing so, the partner without saying in the question resembles what they and their opinions fall to the direction, as if they do not involve.
If a surface argument like this has a deeper meaning, "it certainly contributes to letting your partner know what the symbolic meaning is of you," says Tessina. "These struggles are only insurmountable if you do not understand why you are talking, otherwise what you really discuss." And if you and your partner you are going to find activities that you can do together, try part ofThe 50 best link activities for married couples.
13 Where the remains went.
Your partnerknewYou spared these remains, so why were they going to go ahead and help themselves anyway? To be fair, you have perfectly the right to be bored, but at the end of the day, food is only food, and something tiny does not deserve your energy. If your partner eats your remains is a recurring problem, it could help you talk about borders and ask before eating - just as long as your approach is unexpected and does not point your fingers.
14 Someone continues to drink milk from the cardboard.
Most marital arguments are more about some underlying and non-content problems, but that? It's simple and simple. Use a cup.
15 Why there are wet towels on the bed.
You told your partner Time and how much they need to hang their wet towel after taking a shower, and yet each morning you will find their tilt towel in the sheets. Frustrating as it may be, you need only a few additional seconds to throw this towel on the rack - and if you are honest, something like this one is more preferable to a personal necessity than the need for household, so your spouse Do not deserve to be reduced for that.
16 Why there are dirty clothesall over.
Your partner who cast their clothes anywhere on the square is looking at the disordered house, but it's more than that. To you, when they leave their dirty underwear on the floor so you can look after, they send the message that your time is less valuable than theirs, and that theywait Clean you after them (even if they do not want to say).
"Make sure you and your partner understand everyone's views before you start solving the problem," says Tessina. "It does not mean that you agree with the other - just that you understand yourself." In this case, explain to your partner that, when they throw their clothes on the floor, they essentially tell you that you are his maid and that you do not like to be treated in this way.
17 The phone is always at dinner.

Electronics are the third wheel in many relationships and constant presence can feel an ignored and neglected spouse. "I saw couples fight too much time to send textos online or on the phone," says Ticina, "but the fights will not do the job. It's better to find a solution that works for only you two, ignore the needs of someone else. "And for the date of night ideas without devices, try them20 ways of Genius kill time without smartphone.
18 Spats on the length of the shower.

You have explained to your innumerable wife times she can not spend 20 minutes in the shower, and yet every morning without fail, you run late for work because of his prolonged bathroom session. But next time, instead of shouting your head on how it is irresponsible and selfish, try to make your spouse see the situation of your point of view calmly. "You should be able to put the position of your companion in your own words, and vice versa," says Tessina.
19 Classic hogginic cover.
Nobody likes a covered pork, but something that this tiny is worth bothering. And if sharing the cover is so difficult for your spouse, simply do not invest in two separate covers.Here is!An easy solution that avoids a fight at a time now and in the future.
20 Nothing to do with expenditure habits.
Finances are one of the most common questions between couples. However, most of the time, the question is not the money itself, but what it represents. "Sometimes there is no good reason why you fight on money," says Tessina. "It's not really about who depends on what is about equity or respect." While you are certainly not out of line to make you frustration when your other other expenses so much, there is no more money for invoices, if you are financially stable, your decision to get them looked up A cup of coffee instead of bringing you their own work probably comes from a deeper issue. If finances are a common struggle in your relationship, sit down with your spouse and determine what thereal The problem is. And for some tips that will help you tighten, try them20 easy ways to stop wasting money.
21 Why your partner will not leave their odious eating habits.

If you notice that you notice the odious chewing or loss of your partner, you're probably not the only one, and it's your right like a loved one to point to this bad habit. But when you do that, keep in mind that there is a fine line between mentioning something and to be injuring, and crossing this line could put your partner on the defensive and arouse a fight without meaning.
22 Your partner has forgotten to pick up more milk (again).
Your spouse knows that you tend to forget, that's why they remind you of a million times on important events in the first place. But when it happens to the point that they sent you a text month at the time during the past day to grab the milk at the store and youalways I do not remember, so they could be angry not because you forgot, but because they have the impression not to worry about making an effort to remind you.
While the fight against forgetting the event is stupid, it could help you for you to talk about why your bad memory is moving so much your spouse and what you can do at a time to avoid future conflicts. . And if you (and your relationship) suffer from the absence of absence, try them20 simple ways to improve your memory.
23 A fight on friends in front of sex.
If you accuse your spouse spending too much time with an opposite sex member, you likely to project your feeling of insecurity on them, creating a fight where we do not exist. Instead of launching charges in your partner's face, talk about your personal doubts, you will probably find that your worries exist for no valid reason. And if you are seriously worried that your partner spends too much time with someone else, read the30 subtle signs your cheat wife or the30 subtle signs Your husband cheats.
24 Someone grants all the responsibility.

If you stayed a vacation blocked and a date date every time they go up, you are more than justified to be upset about it - but unfortunately, starting a fight will not solve anything. Instead, a more constructive solution is to have a conversation about why it's not right, how does it make you feel and what your partner can do to help. Unless you like to be responsible for planning everything, planning responsibilities should move from the partner to partner and you need to make this.
25 Laws!
In the moments when your mother-in-law drives you crazy, it is important to remind you that this woman is the mother of your partner and critics on it will probably not be taken lightly. Of course, if your beautiful family you legitimately harass you harass or threatened you, so it's worth bringing you with your partner, but if you find them boring or intrusive, you may want to keep your language to avoid to create an unnecessary distance between you and your spouse.
26 Which it is turned to turn off the lights.

To invest in somelights activated by the voice, or turn off who go back every night. This does not seriously justify an argument.
27 Why they eat on your plate.
You literallydemand Your spouse if they wanted something to eat, and they said no. But nevertheless, they always reach the food and pick food on your plate as they have not eaten in days. Is it boring? Absoutely. Is it pretty serious that it turned into an argument of one hour with your S.O.? Probably not.
28 Insecurities.
Many women (and men) will compete with their other significant on how they know they are too big or too ugly. If you find yourself constantly with your spouse about whether you have won weight (and you're getting angry when they do not tell you that you have), so it might be time to look a little more deeply and to consider that the problem is not their perception, but your own. And if you have trouble yourself, try these50 ways easy to be better for yourself.
29 "You're so bad ... you have to be on your rules."

Newsflash: A woman does not have to be on her rules to get angry with you and it is offensive to suggest the opposite. By saying something like that to your wife - especially in that day and age - just look at misogysics, so do not do it.
30 Why there are empty containers in the fridge.

It is still another obstacle to the household which, everything embarrassing, does not deserve a completely blown fight. Finding empty containers in the refrigerator is absolute pain, yes, but it barely takes you at any time to recycle them. In addition, it is much easier (and less destructive) to gently recall your spouse that empty containers belong to the trash repeat enough in a magnet tone, and they are finally obliged to take! And for ways to have a relationship without argument, try them50 Questions of relationship to renit your love.
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