20 parental ways is different from it was 20 years ago

Parents in the 1990s have never had to deal with Facebook!

Although the universalChild breeding rules Always apply, today's parents deal with an entirely new playground when it comes to their children. Even compared to only 20 years, things like technological advances and more and more expensive supplies have made a very different mother or father, both for the better and for the worse. Continue reading to discover some of the ways to be a parent in 2019 is very different from what he was in 1999.

You have 24/7 access to your child's report card.

A+ grades report card school

Finished the days to wait impatiently for a teacher to return a test or mathematics test. Today's youth can simply connect to an online portal and immediately check their notes. They do not even need to wait through the mailbox for a college acceptance letter - they simply get an email!

"The prestigious colleges often provide mass rejection via electronic letters to thousands of thousands of students at once," said a journalist for theWashington Post. Jeez-at least the children of 1999 had a chance to try to hide their report cards and their letters of rejection of their parents.

Your family has a group cat.

man on smartphone Life Easier

Even if you always try to understandHow to use emojis and gifs, you probably have a group cat with your family where you talk about what to eat for dinner, discuss what everyone is doing after school and send the same fun that you found on the internet (even if you Do not understand them totally). Group cats are a great way to keep everyone in the loop - and frankly, we are not sure of the stay of families in contact before.

Cyberbullying is a serious problem.

kid asking parent mom a question

Internet andsocial media have made slight concern for parents. In fact, in a 2016 study ofUniversity of Florida Atlantic, 70% of students reported having a rumor broadcast on them online.

If you think your child is being cyber, you must monitor their online business and wear harassment with school leaders. Although being cyberbully does not cause physical damage,studies have shown that it can do major damage to a child's mental health.

Your children do not spend as much time outside.

boy with toad outdated life lessons

Given how many newvideo game Consoles and smartphones there is, it is not surprising that children spend so much time playing outside because their parents did, according to a study of 2018 u.k.National trust. Today's parents spent more than eight hours a week in the open spaces, their children see only four hours of sunlight a week.

Your children are looking for instant gratification.

little girl mad upset

Twenty years ago, looking at a film involved to block and accept a movie for the family film night. Today, everyone can simply withdraw in his own room andStreamez something on Netflix. Children these days are so accustomed to getting what they want when they wish to wait for something can be a foreign concept for them.

"Families [too many] Centered on children create anxiety, exhausted parents and children titled," Family TherapistDavid Code RecountThe Guardian. "We, parents, we are today too quick to sacrifice our lives and weddings for our children. Most of us have created families centered on the child, where our children take precedence over our time, our energy and our attention. "

Your child is more likely to be in therapy.

therapist sits in chair as young boy sits on ottoman during therapy session

More children are treated for mental health issues ever before. From 1996 to 1998, 9.2% of children received outpatient treatment for mental health problems; From 2010 to 2012, this number increased by 13.3%, according to a study of 2 to 15 years published in theNew England Journal of Medicine. The authors of the speculating study that this increase in treatment concerns parents looking for more frequently for problems that the parents of the 1990s did not know.

You count on Google for everything.

woman at computer Never Say to a Teacher

Today, all you have to do is browse the search history of all parents to find all kinds of urgent questions: "If the shit of my baby is green?" "What a healthy meal of my children will really eat?" "Is my teenager smoking?" In fact, thePEW Research Center Found in 2015 that 43% of mothers and 23% of fathers are turning to parental websites for advice. Twenty years ago, they just had to understand themselves!

You are in tons of Facebook groups.

social media changes after 40

Back in the 90s, moms and dads mainly fraternized with old college friends, neighbors and the new casual comrade of the Mommy & Me class. But today, parental groups on facebook and applications such as Bumble BFF has considerably open friendship pool for parents. These new avenues allow moms and dad to exchange advice, coordinate meetings and move on the misfortunes of parenting together on a variety of platforms.

You spend a lot more money.

money saved in a jar

All About being a parent is more expensive these days. Between 2000 and 2010 only, the cost of collecting a child from birth to 18 for an intermediate-income family, two percent ($ 60,000 to $ 226,920), according to a report from theU.s. Ministry of Agriculture.

Notable increases could be attributed to rising gasoline prices, medical coverage and food. "We used to eat a lot of canned food and heavy starches", professor of economicsBryan Caplanexplained toInternal business community. "If you wanted to eat in the same way, people have eaten [a long time ago], it would cost much cheaper."

You must protect your children from the new (or explain).

newspaper on the stairs

If your child wanted to be a new junkie in the 90s, he had to get taming his hands with a newspaper or watching cable news. (In other words, they could totally avoid new "adults" involving violence, a ruin of violence, or all that is considered too mature.) Today, however, the proliferation of smartphones and tablets rendered it so that negative news is totally inevitable. Nowadays, parents must be prepared to explain major events to Twitter surprise explosions.

You postall Achievements of your children online.

save money on clothes

Today's Facebook Wall is the new refrigerator door. Yes, unfortunately, internet has become too easy for proud parents to boast every little thing that his child is doing. Of course, you are allowed to be proud and you should be! - Do not forget: the rest of the world does not need to know aboutall Suzie's art projects.

You push your children to do their homework ... online.

kid on computer doing homework

Children whogrew up in the 80s and '90 Always have no souvenirs also search through books to look for tests and write everything in hand. Today's children, on the other hand, can hardly imagine what this exhausting work would look like. Nowadays, most schools provide or require computers and homework are mainly done online.

In fact, in a 2015 study calledTake the pulse of high school experience in America, an increase of 98.5% of students reported using Internet at school and 96.5% said they needed it at home to complete their homework.

You must help you with more college tests than ever.

Upset Teen on Computer Facts That Will Make You Happy You're Not a Teen Now

Admission to college in the 1990s was certainly competitive, but internet made it even more. Experts believe that students areApply in more schools As online portals, it allows them to simply click on a button and submit an application, depending onCnn. This influx of applications leads to increased competition and reduce university acceptance rates. This means that children look at their parents even more to help them reach their chances of getting into their dream school.

You have to fight with your children the amount of screen time too.

kid on tablet, entertained, family

Although children have long been loved before the 21st century, tablets can occupy a child longer stretch much more efficiently than a television could never. Yes, it's great if your family takes advantage of a long car or airplane trip, but the researchers sound at the alarm you may want to brake overall.

According to an eye opening report inAtlantic, Too much screen time can make children more distant, more depressed, less happy and much longer. As a parent, you probably can not ban the screens of all their lives, but parenthood in 2019 involves finding a balance.

You could be a parent of solo.

single parent

The company becomes constantly open-minded and progressive - and with these changes are moving in what the traditional family looks like. In 1980, for example, only 19% of the family life arrangements concerned a single parent, according to thePEW Research Center; In 2014, this number was 26%. Similarly, seven percent of family life arrangements concerned parents coecover in 2014, a situation that did not exist 20 years ago.

You are more likely to be a home parent.

mom with daughter and dog Moms Should Never Say

Number ofParents stay at homeis back on the rise. In 1999, at the top of the women's movement at work, only 23% of mothers stayed at home. In 2014, this figure was backup to 29%, according to a report of theOffice of Labor Statistics. Researchers believe that recessions have played an important role in the rise, as figures have increased from 2000 to 2004 and 2010 to 2012.

You order a lot.

Family dinner take out

In April 2015, theUnited States of Commerce This reported that, for the first time, Americans spent more money in restaurants and bars only in grocery stores. The authors attributed this increase to several factors, including a higher percentage of mothers taking jobs outside the house. Basically, millennial parents do not have time to prepare meals or hitting the grocery store - and apps such as Camanless get too easy to get food delivered directly to your door.

You are a baby that your children more than you were babied.

bike fall

Of course, the moms and dads of the 90s were not monsters, but they certainly took more than oneNever mind parenting approach. In 2014, researchers from theInstitute of Family Studies Interviewee 100 parents and "Almost all respondents remember a childhood of almost unlimited freedom, when they could go cycling and walking through woods, streets, parks, not supervised by their parents," wrote a chief investigatorJeffrey Dill. However, the researchers found that these same parents did not want to give their children the freedom they have experienced, as they were concerned about any kidnapping of crime.

Or you can be a "free beach" parent.

Family at State Summer Fair

Data from theCenters for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) Shows that mortality rates are 49% lower for children aged 15 to 19 that they were in the early 1990s. For children aged 5 to 14, the rate also decreased by 32% . Even the missing children's reports have been down 40% since 1997.

In the light of these trends - and thanks to the rise of technology thatallows parents to monitor the movements of their childrenIt is a new parenting school called "free-range" parenting, where children are allowed, well, stray free (in reason, of course). In fact, Utah recently became the first state of doing legally that parents allow the children to "walk, run or bike to and at school, go to commercial or recreational facilities, play outside and Stay at home without supervision. " In the past, notedAtlantic, They were potential red flags for child protection services.

You are older than parents from past generations.

older mom parent and daughter out to eat

Women continue to take their time when it comes to getting pregnant and starting a family. According toCDC, the first mothers in 2000 were 24.9 on average; In 2014, this age reached 26.3. And for more ways to have a child has evolved, here's still more than the50 parental ways have changed over the last 50 years.

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Categories: Relationships
Tags: family / Parenthood
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