20 free car games for kids to help spend time
How to keep the whole family entertained on long trips of the road.

The travel season is just around the corner. It's time to start thinking about how to keep the kids entertained in the car or the plane because the miles pass. Of course, you do not want to double your travel budget just to provide activities for them, so it's important to have someFree car games for children In your back pocket. The good news? It's really easy to transform the journey time in playing time. There are tons ofFun things to do With your family while you are on the road that does not cost a single penny.
We gathered 20 of the best car games for children and we included something for each age. Check them before you manage and direct your next adventure!
1 Sign of road signs hunting

On a long trip by car, you will see a lot of signaling panels. Although it's notthisexciting to watch them fly, you can easily set up aSign of road signs hunting. Tripsavvy.com has a free printable and full of colors that you can download, or you can draw yours.
2 20 questions

Thisclassic game is one of our favorite car games for children. A person chooses an article, then everyone tries to guess it than to use only "yes" or "no" questions. Things can get off the track quickly enough in this stupid car game!
3 License plate game

There are many ways to play this one. The basic goal? Look at least one license plate of each of the 50 states that the pass of miles. You can even print a country map and children will color them by identifying each state. If you really need something impromptu, simply indicate each state on paper, and then check it as you go.
4 Car search

This is one of the best free car games for children under five, who are often the hardest to stay entertained. Take pencils and draw circles on a piece of paper using different colors. Then ask your children to look for cars that match each of these colors. For the youngest set, you can distribute stickers or other low prices every time they match a color successfully. Obtained school children? Make more difficult by adding colors like brown, rust and olive green.
5 You are leaving in road trip

This game, popular among elementary school children, is basically a memory game. There are many different variations, but the important thing is that they are easy and fun. The gist of the game is that the first person says something that starts with "A," like "I go on a trip on a road and I will make an apple." Then the next player must say that they will pack an apple and something that starts with a "B"; The next player says these two things and something that starts with "C" and so on until someone forgets and the game begins.
6 Do you prefer?

Bring your stomach with the table because the crude factor is high on this car game for children. Here, everyone can throw a"Do you like" question ", as "would you prefer to be too big or too short?" And everyone must answer. Trust us if you will not be long before you find yourself choosing between eating boogers or eating garbage.
7 I hope

On your next trip on the road, store the iPads and try this classic buster boredom. Children as young as two can join the pleasure as long as you keep it simple. Although there is a board game of the same name, all you need for the original version of this fun car game for kids is your own eyes.
8 In turn, write a story one line at a time

An excellent option for older children, this car game has every person writes two lines of a story. Then you fold the paper, hide the first line but keeping the second line visible. The paper is transmitted to the next person, which uses the visible line to build their own two-line story. The story continues to build, then Hilarity follows that the final result is read aloud.
9 Truckspotting

You will probably see semi-truck fleets on your trip. Catch this printable on the national post and bring it for aFree truck This will keep them busy as you arrive at your destination.
10 Fast Food Bingo

What is a thing about any child can recognize, whether they can read or not? Fast food seals! That's why this car game for kids is ideal for any age: it's aPrintable free Available from the 3 boys and a dog's blog, and it is full of colorful and recognizable logos that your children can spot hoping to go bingo.
11 Orthographer

Forget the national scrippsOrthographer; Organize your own family on your next trip on the road. Come with appropriate words of quality level on the fly or plan in advance and prepare a list for everyone. Make even more fun includingstupid wordslike Bombastic, Flooey and ectoplasm.
12 Connections

The best car games for children are the ones who bring them to think as they entertain. Here, a person says a word, then the next person must propose something that connects to the first word in one way or another (for example, "monkey" and "banana"). The next person must then think of something that connects to the second word, and so on. The game ends when no connection can be made (which is fundamentally never).
13 Three words

People have told stories since the start of time, so we have included several variants on the art of narration of our list. For this one, the first player calls three things, then the next player must offer a story that includes the three. It is guaranteed to be wacky, slit laterally.

Mad Libs are a very fun way to spend time on a trip by car and it's a kinking to do yours. Just offer a funny short story and let several words. Ask the players to fill the whites with their own words choices, and then read it for a good laugh.
15 Travel on the road Find

The goal, as in a game of bingo or "i spy", is simply to find one of all on the list. We love this car game because you can customize everything. Head for dessert? Your children can check a cactus or tumbleweed. But if it is the big city that is signing, a skyscraper, an ambulance and a fountain could be good objects to look for. Anyway, this game is sure to keep your children busy when they practice their detective skills.
16 Car brand bingo

Ford. Chevy. Honda. If you are traveling on the road, there is a good chance that you spend tons of these types of cars. Inject fun when your kids watch the window by creating your own car brand bingo game. But do not too easy: include less known manufacturers, such as Maserati, Saab or Renault.
17 Executioner

If you have readers very early in your car, Hangman is the ideal car game for them. By using simple words and three letters such as the car, the cat and the card, you can engage your little in a fierce Hanvlan competition that will make them laugh in no time. It's a great way to perfect their reading skills while moving time and fun. We will call it a victory!
18 Battle of DIY

For older children, a battleship match could be just the ticket. Draw a basic board or use thisexcellent printable From the MyPartyGames.com website to get a duel started.
19 Two truths and a lie

There is a good chance that you already know how to play this secular game! Often used as an ice breaker, it also makes a good car game for kids, especially if you are looking for something that does not require any piece of paper or game. And who knows - you might simply learn something about Your children you have not already known.
20 Tic-tac-toe

No list of the best free car games for kids would be complete without this classic! This game can be played anywhere, on anything, by children just about any age. You can pack This printable Tic-Tac-Toe , or your children can simply pull their own.

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