17 things your parents told you it was really valuable lessons of life
Even if you are an adult, you should follow these parents' life lessons.

Are parents reallyknow? If you asked the majority of children, they would probably tell you no. And we do not blame them - it can be easy to feel this way when you are just a child and adults seem to be unreasonable bosses with requests that do not make sense. But guess what? These people who have raised you were wiser than ever made. Here are 17 pieces of wisdom that you have heard grow that were really valuable life lessons of your parents.
1 "You will feel better if you clean your room."

Every child is sure that cleaning their room is going to do theirparents happier. Alas, it turns out that adults were on something after all.A 2018 clorox survey I found that people who like to clean up their homes were 25% happier than those who resigned to live in chaos. In fact, for every extra hour cleaning hour that you do a week, your happiness increases up to 53%.
2 "It's good for you to try you sometimes."

Nothing makes a child (and sometimes an adult) more beautiful than having nothing to do. If you thought your parents were cruel to let you go into this boredom, science does not agree. A 2011 study presented at theAnnual Conference of the British Psychological Society Has shown that boredom can really be a huge motivator to make positive changes. "Boredom requires people to different and determined activities", researcherWijnand Van Tilburg RecountThe Guardian. "As a result, they turn to more difficult and meaningful activities, turning to what they perceive to be really significant in life."
3 "Dressing to succeed."

As a rule, children do not care about fantasy clothes. They want to be comfortable and a tight suit jacket or a formal dress allows them to feel trapped. But every time your parents tried to put you in a tie or a pair of pants, they really made you a favor. A 2015 study published in the journalPsychological Social Sciences and Personality Loked the connection between formal clothing and cognitive capabilities. When the participants were dressed in an official corporate holding, as opposed to a pair of sweatpants and flip flops, they did better with test questions involving abstract thought. (Do not worry, you can always put on pajamas to relax.)
4 "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

It turns out, not being rude is just as much for you than for those around you. For a 2011 study published in thePersonality Journal and Social PsychologyThe researchers have examined more closely with students who have only beautiful things to say about their peers. Compared to those who were quick to look for mistakes in others, these students reported have fewer depression, better test results and notes, and more satisfaction of their lives overall.
5 "Be patient."

Children have a lot of virtues, but patience is not one of them. Whether waiting for a car trip is finished ("Are we still there?") Or count on days until Christmas, children have a delayed gratification problem. But insistence of your parents as you learn to be patient was not a way to lock yourself. Waiting, even if you are obliged to do so, teaches you in fact the value of patience, according to a 2013 study from theUniversity of Chicago. When you do not get exactly what you want when you want, you get an appreciation for the things you want.
6 "You can do what your mind dictates."

It looks like a motivational aphorism that only one parent would believe, but there is more than a kernel of true wisdom here. Visualize success as a way to reach your goals is actually a real thing, saved by science. In 2012, a study published in theDiary of strength and packaging found, force coaches are able to lift ridiculous amounts of weight not only by practice, but also byimagination themselves do it first. Once the idea is in your head, you are halfway to reach your goal.
7 "You do not have to follow the crowd."

You have probably heard this classic line at least once during your childhood: "If all your friends jumped from a bridge, would you jaze too?" Your parents were trying to discourage you from doing something dangerous because of peer pressure, but it's good advice for any age. As a psychologistStephanie A. Sarkis explained inPsychology today, "When you are in a crowd, you are more likely to behave, because others do, even if it's against your own personal belief system." So keep in mind this metaphorical bridge!
8 "You should not jump into a relationship so fast."

And here, you thought your parents simply did not want you to be with youanybody. It was not on a specific friend or a specific girlfriend they did not like; Your parents do not intrinsically understand this patience, especially when it comes to love, it's a good thing. At 2013Study of the University of Toronto found that being too fast to jump in a relationship means that you are probably going to hierarchizehaving a partner on thequalityyour partner.
9 "Recover."

As a child, your parents were probably determined to make sure you still have an appropriate posture. What was the point, otherwise than wanting that it looks like you went to the military school? Well, a 2009 study published in theEuropean newspaper of social psychology found evidence that people who sat directly on their chairs, with their backs erect and pushing their coffers, were always more confident in their own ideas and opinions than people who took a "dubious posture", in which they have Afflicted with a curved return.
10 "A hard work buys talent every time."

In other words, do not give up something simply because you are not good at right away. Great things do not happen without much blood, sweat and tears. Or, as some parents like to say, "a little grease with elbow". You know who accepted with them? One of the most famous scientists of all time,Albert Einstein. Even he realized that no one is born a genius. "It's not that I'm so smart,"said once. "It's just that I stay problems longer." It's something to remember at any age.
11 "Your headphones will ruin your audience."

Growing up, you could not listen to your music at the themedum-breaking decibels without your parents roaring you, insisting that your headphones were doing more damage to your ears than you realize. It should not be surprising that they were right (still), as a 2010 study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL is abundantly clear. Your helmet and your atria can cause major hearing loss. The atria in particular areparticularly dangerous, as we tend to increase the volume to block the background noise.
12 "Put clean underwear."

What is the parents and the state of your underwear? You could never leave the house like a child without them asking: "Do you wear clean underwear?" You could not understand why they were so worried, but it turns out, they had a good reason to hunt. According to a 2017Good study of the Housekeeping Institute, even clean underwear can contain up to 10,000Living bacteria. And it's before it's on our body for more than 12 hours. If there is an element of clothes that must be washed regularly - and that means no "it's pretty good for a day more" excuses - these are your underwear.
13 "Eat your vegetables."

You are probably wondering why your parents insist that you eat your Broccoli or Brussels sprouts. It just seemed cruel and unusual, right? In fact, they had the right idea. A 2014 study published in theBritish medical newspaper I found that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Whenever you complained about a salad, your mother insisted me finally, she probably added years to your life.
14 "Wash your hands-well."

If you thought your parents went to the sea when they made you wash your hands as if you prepare for surgery, think again. At 2013Study of the Michigan State University Removed closer to handwashing behaviors in public toilets and found that only 5% of people were laid long enough to kill germs that may cause an infection. One in three did not even use soap. The next time you wash your hands, ask yourself, "Do I get rid of long enough to satisfy my parents?"
15 "Do not forget to say" please "and 'thank you.'"

The constant reminders of your parents must be polite might have irritated you, but they certainly directed you in the right direction. A 2014 study ofNorth Carolina University I noticed that good manners can help strengthen your existing relationships and create new friends, it is known as the theory of gratitude "found to recall". So, remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" does not consist in following a strict social protocol Miss Mannes: it could really deepen your friendships.
16 "Go to bed."

No child does not submit to bedtime. To be obliged to go to sleep before you are ready as a punishment. Well, there are abundant evidence that our parents were on the right track. Studies have found that going to bed early helps usovercome negativity,stress, to behealthier andmore attractiveand generallyreach more success .
17 "You will understand when you are older."

Did he not feel a little condescending when your parents told you that? What is age to do with understanding the world? As it turns out a little. A 2016 study published in the magazine I-perception found that age brings wisdom well, "at least when it comes to knowing that things are not always as they appear." It's an important reminder even for fully adult adults: you do not know everything. Things that seem mystical today could concentrate slowly and make more sense as you get older and earn more experience.

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