27 engineering tips that will keep your home in perfect condition

Storage bins are not always the intelligent solution.

Very few people really like to spend hours on hours of organization of their property (except perhaps perhapsMarie Kondo) Although nothing feels better than getting home to a well-organized house, it sometimes looks like the efforts needed to clean and clarify do not have this sense of satisfaction.

But what happens if there was a way to keep your house in order without spending hours on hours? To help you on your storage trip, we talked to the expert organizers and interior designers to get the bestHOME ORGANIZATION TIPS.

Label everything.

Labeled Organized Files {Home Organization Tips}

"A label manufacturer is the one and imperative stage for those who like to be organized," saysDeborah Ribner, an agent with Warburg Realty. "In this way, your children, your husband, a nanny, etc. know exactly where to find - and where to put winter hats, a measuring cup and the extra teeth brushes!"

Do not save anything for later.

Woman doing laundry {Home Organization Tips}

One way to make sure your house is still in perfect condition, it's following the rule "right now", saysEileen Roth, organizing the consultant and the author ofArrange for dummies. Basically, this rule dictates that all you withdraw should be put away "right now", rather than drop later. "Do not stack, drop it," says Roth. "Never start a battery and you will not have to clean it."

Do not buy things you do not need.

man with shopping bags {Home Organization Tips}

If you really want to stay organized at home, the best thing to do for yourself is "Shop with intention", declaresSarah Giller Nelson, Owner ofMinus is more organizers. "Before buying something, ask yourself," Do I really need that? '' I would always buy that if it was not on sale? "If I bring that in my house, do I have a place to store it? If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then from the gap. "

Make a checklist.

Woman being productive and writing a to-do list.

Santa knew what he was doing when he made this list and checked him twice. Having a weekly cleaning checklist in an ordinary site is a great way to remind all family members things that must be done, notesKait Schulhof,founder ofA clean bee. In addition, "keep this visible checklist will helpkeep you motivated! "

Divide cleaning tasks.

Cleaning the bathroom sink {Home Organization Tips}

House cleaning is not the only exclusive responsibility (unless you live alone, of course). Rather than relying on a person to keep each room in order, give everyone a specific room to store so that the task is less overwhelming.

"Sharing your cleaning and purging experience with people you share your space with you will not only help the process of going faster, but it can also be a fun collage experience and give everyone the opportunity to share their opinions on how your spaces could be rearranged, "explainsLior Rachmany, founder and CEO ofMoving from Dumbo.

Use only bins when it makes sense.

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The storage bins are useful for small objects, such as hats and scarves. However, interior designerTobin Roric Warning that apply too much can do worse a disorganized situation.

"Often, if you look closer, you will find that these perfectly arranged bins or baskets are essentially a series of capture sockets that hide only clutter," says Tobin. "It looks good when the company comes finished, but when you're going to look for what you need, sieving and dig through a trash becomes a frustrating business."

Clean in small doses.

Person Cleaning the House {Home Organization Tips}

"Use the time you have during the day to store smaller spaces," suggests Nelson. "Cleans the junky drawer while you wait for the coffee to be brewed. While you wait for the shower to be hot or the bathtub to fill, reflect the medicine cabinet, the drawers or the well. One day, concentrate. You on makeup; the next, expired from drugs; and another morning, dab the counter or mirror. "

Get a lazy Suzan for the refrigerator.


The condiments and sauces tend to lose all the way at the back of the fridge. That's why the professional organizerNonahs DRISKILLsuggests putting a lazy Susan out there and use it to contain all your Jarred articles. The turntable facilitates the view and access everything you need in your refrigerator.

Store blankets on a drying rack.

Drying Rack with a Towel {Home Organization Tips}

"Many owners use drying racks for their clothes after finishing the laundry, but these racks can also double as attractive coverage support," according to experts fromThe cleaning authority. "Just fold each of your fur blankets on a ladder and put it in your seating area. It keeps organized and exposed covers - a better alternative to a messy wicker basket."

Turn on a room at a time.

washing dishes Life Easier

Cleaning the entire house at a time will never overwhelm you and make you want to stop Ranger even before you start. Instead, Rachmany recommends going a room at a time. "It will make the process of insufficient cleaning and filled with small victories," he says.

Get rid of things you do not use.

Donation Concept. Woman holding a Donate Box with full of Clothes

Move the clutter around nothing makes your home no cleanser. That's why the professional organizerCynthia AlexanderAlways his clients start going through their business and deciding what they want to keep. "After the erasure of excess, it's time to see what's right and improves the life you want to live," she explains.

All manage everything, never stack.

Organized Drawer {Home Organization Tips}

Whether you organize your pants drawer or eliminate your pot covers, it is always better to drop articles, rather than stacking them. Why? "When you drop items, you can easily see each item and locate the specific one you want," explainsSusan Santoro, a professional organizer and owner ofOrganized 31. "When you stack objects, you have to fight with the battery to remove the item you want - and it never seems to be the one on the top of the battery."

Store the items closest to where you are using them.

mug hook storage hacks

Santoro also suggests storing items not far from where you are using them in order to "save time and frustration". In addition, "it also makes it more likely than you put the article where it belongs."

Designate a place for your keys.

Key Rack {Home Organization Tips}

Unless you liked to tear your house every morning in search of your missing car keys, you must invest in a hanging wall organizer where you can keep all your keys in the same place. "As long as you have a designated place, you will always know where to find your business and you will find the clutter at a space," explainsElbert Elbert, owner of the organization companyLifetime.

Use shoe organizers suspended for everything.

Shoe Organizer

The shoe organizers should not be just for shoes. AsMarty Basher, home organization expert forModular cupboards, notes, vertical storage units can also store "all things that are lost in most cupboards". Think of smaller items, such as socks, gloves, swimsuits, scarves and underwear.

Get rid of old cookbooks.

Woman Using a Cookbook in the Kitchen {Home Organization Tips}

In the Internet era, cookbooks add only the size to your kitchen. Even if you find yourself constantly using a recipe from one of theINA GARTEN. Books, you can note or take a picture to continue using the recipe. Then give the voluminous cookbook to erase a precious shelf or a counter.


Kitchen Cabinets {Home Organization Tips}

The next time you get home with a giant wallpaper and other non-perishable, remove the packaging they entered. The removal of visual footprint creates a more streamlined and stored look, "explains Elbert.

Clean immediately after cooking.

organize kitchen pantry

Always, always remember to put objects remotely once you have finished using them - and yes, it also applies to the dishes.

Although cleaning immediately after exercising energy on another activity is horrible, it will ensure that you are not stressed for the rest of the day, thinking about it that you need to do.

Label food by expiry date.

putting meat in the fridge

To save moneyAnd clean the size by labeling and organizing the food in your refrigerator by expiry date. DRISKILL suggests using the lower right drawer of your refrigerator for older items that are about to exhale and the lower left tray for new products. Just make sure to label each drawer so that your family knows what items to enter first!

Follow the rule of three.

recycle bin {Home Organization Tips}

You do not need a house full of bins and buckets; You just need three, according toLuiz Perezof5miles. And they are a basket, a recycling basket and a donation tray. "If it's worn or broken, mix it," says Perez. "If you do not need it anymore, but it's rather usable, recycling it; and make a donation or sell unused objects via local markets, such as 5 miles."

Use drawer organizers to keep the small separate items.

Drawer Organizers {Home Organization Tips}

Just because people can not see how disorganized youroffice The drawers do not mean that they are not incidents of anxiety. Instead of throwing your pencils, your pens and clamps inside your superior drawer and calling it one day, invest in some inexpensive pricesdrawer organizers It will keep everything that is neat and separated.

Sort by mail every day.

Pile of Mail on a Desk {Home Organization Tips}

"Pass the increasing mail stack and assert the organization every day," says Basher. "Mix everything you can. Use a suspended file system labeled with the necessary actions. A file for invoices to pay, documentation to sign and items must be registered and deposited. To help you reduce the amount of Paper entering your home, sign up for online billing wherever you can. "

Store toys in a basket.

Toys in Basket

Do not let yourchild toys Take the house. Basher recommends rather to buy a basket specifically for storing animals and plush game. "This storage solution is easy to move and allows your child to easily lift the chopper cover and joining the interior to access a toy. The basket cover is also a good way to keep toys out of sight When they are not used, "he notes.

Store as with like.


With stationary stored in a drawer and stamps stored in another, it's easy to lose the track of what you have, then buy things you do not need. That's why you should always organize things according to their function. Stationary, for example, should be stored with desktop supplies and packaging paper and candles should be stored in a place with all your lighters, diffusers and other odorous objects.

Listen to music while cleaning.

Playing music on the radio boosting make people happy realizing it

The organization of the house does not have to feel tedious! Instead of looking at the task with fear, you can launch your favorite songs and address the assignment as if it were a dance party. With your favorite playlist at full volume, you will not even notice that you do a chore.

Organize with a friend.

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You can not always trust you to decide which items in your closet you have to keep and you should donate. Someone you can trust, however, is a friend. Your Pals will not be afraid to tell you when it's time to say goodbye to these jeans that do not match for years or that the dress you have not worn since before having children. With their help, you will easily be able to win your closet and make room for the items you need.

Do not arrange too much.

Shelves in Closet {Home Organization Tips}

"There is such a thing that over-organization," says Basher. "Trying to organize by color, then subcategory by activity, for example, will probably lead you to spend hours understand where to place your clothes after bleaching or dry cleaning, lose the effectiveness of the organization your closet in the first place. " And if you have difficulties with a storage space for your clothes, read it onWhat to do when you are completely out of the closet space.

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